E. and G. Underwood 27:1:113
Eagle Breast (squaw of) 29:1:53
Eagle Creek Canyon 29:2:169
Eagle Head 17:1:29, 36; 41:1:60-61; 47:2:226 (see also Arapaho)
Eagle Nest Stage Station 18:2:128
Eagle Oil Company 34:1:15
Eagle Pharmacy photo 53:2:66-69
Eagle Rock Ferry (see FERRIES: Snake River Ferry)
Eagle Rock, Idaho 23:1:89
Eagle’s Nest Gap 37:1:94, 96
Eagle’s Nest Stage Station 49:2:281-283
Eagle’s Nest Stage Station by Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hudson photo 37:1:92, 94-96; 39:1:127
Earl, Adam 42:1:59
Earl, O. H. 22:2:65, 70, 72
Earl of Dunraven (see Dunraven)
Earl, Sylvester H. 21:2/3:125
Earle, G. W. (Doctor) 64:3/4:8, 37
Earle, Mary Bent 24:1:27, 30, 36-37, 40-41, 45
Earle, Willie 24:1:27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 45
early births in Wyoming 10:2:91
early buildings in Cheyenne 1:3:15
early day ranchers in Wyoming Territory 10:2:94
early day school teaching 2:4:66
early day street scene in Kemmerer, Wyoming photo 47:1:34
Early Cheyenne Homes by Laramie County Historical Society, review 34:2:253-254
Early Days and Indian Ways by Madge Hardin Walters, review 28:2:224-225
Early Days in Jackson Hole by Virginia Huidekoper, review 51:2:74-75
Early Days in the West by T. H. McGee 1:4:13-16
Early Days in Wyoming Territory by Mrs. Cyrus Beard 10:2:90-94
Early Days Life Traced by Collection of Mother and Daughter 12:4:328 (see also Dobbins Collection)
Early Experiences of a Mail Carrier by A. L. Brock 11:1:5-8
Early Exploration of Cheyenne Pass by Robert J. Whitaker 47:2:221-233
Early Explorers by George H. Cross 1:2:4-6
Early History of Carbon County by John C. Friend 15:3:280-286
Early History of Cheyenne "Frontier Days" Show by Robert D. Hanesworth 12:3:199-211
Early History of Fort Fetterman by Charles Ritter 32:2:220-224
Early History of Fremont County by H. G. Nickerson 2:1:1-13
Early History of the Telephone in Wyoming by John E. Gnam 30:2:145-151
Early Mail and Freight Route in Western Big Horn Basin by David J. Wasden 49:2:266-270
Early Pioneer of Wyoming by Clarence Holden 1:1:7-8; 1:2:5-6
Early Prehistoric Period by L. C. Steege 33:1:104-105; 33:2:215
Early Prehistoric Period Sandia Points by L. C. Steege 31:1:101-104; 31:2:227
Early Theaters, Cheyenne Wyoming, 1867-1882 by Campton Bell 25:1:3-21
Early, William 32:1:8
Earl’s and McDonald’s Grocery 26:2:162
Earnest, Boney 15:3:286; 19:1:51, 53; 29:2:184 (see also Ernest, Boney)
Earnest, Frank 15:3:286; 16:2:93; 20:1:59; 29:2:184
Earnest, M. B. 44:2:165
Earp, Josephine Sarah Marcus (see I Married Wyatt Earp. The Recollections of Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp)
Earp, Wyatt 65:4:75; 66:1&2:69; 66:3:86 (see also I Married Wyatt Earp. The Recollections of Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp; Wyatt Earp video review)
East, A. B. 39:2:178
East End Miners’ Delight 44:1:148
East Fork River 60:2:3
East Gallatin 14:4:288, 293
East, James 44:2:194
East Side Road by Adrian Reynolds 50:2:339-341
Eastern Illinois College 66:3:31
Eastern Records of Early Wyoming Newspapers by Douglas C. McMurtrie 15:3:271-278
Eastfork Creek 22:2:30, 36
Eastham, J. V. 62:3:134
Eastland, George W. 23:1:32
Eastman (Judge) 32:1:118
Eastman, Charles A. (Doctor) photo 13:3:186 (see also Sacajawea, Supplement B)
Eastman, George 19:2:143; 26:1:30
Eastman, M. L. 20:2:170
Eastman, Marcus 21:2/3:136
Easton 23:2:28
Easton, Ed F. 47:2:172
Easton, Karen M. (see review of Passion for Freedom: The Life of Sharlot Hall)
Eastwood, Clint 65:4:75; 66:45:76-77
Eastwood, Tex 1:1:7-8 (see also Pioneer of Wyoming)
Eaters of white tailed deer (see Tsugudika)
Eaton, Albert 39:2:171
Eaton, Alden 22:2:42; 45:1:16
Eaton, Benjamin Harrison (see Written in Water: The Life of Benjamin Harrison Eaton)
Eaton, Bill 22:2:42
Eaton, Ed 54:2:70
Eaton, Edna Norris 58:1:45
Eaton, George 16:2:94
Eaton, George O. (Lieutenant) 50:1:153
Eaton, H. W. 15:1:32
Eaton, Herbert (see Overland Trail. To California in 1852)
Eaton, Howard 22:2:42; 45:1:16, 19, 24
Eaton, Patsy 22:2:42
Eaton, William 22:2:42
Eaton, Willis 45:1:16
Eben Swift’s Army Service on the Plains by Paul L. Hedren 50:1:141-155
Eberhart, Perry (see Fourteeners. Colorado’s Great Mountains)
Eberstadt, Edward and Son 27:2:227
Eby, C. M. 64:2:55
E. C. Waters animal pens: 66:4:53; boat company 66:4:53
Eccles, David 59:1:21
Echley, Colorado 50:1:68-70, 78, 80
Echo 35:2:137
Echo Canyon 26:2:183
Echo Park Dam 50:2:286-289, 291
Echo Park Dam: An Old Problem of Federalism by Mark W. T. Harvey map 55:2:9-13, photo 14, 15-18
Echo, Utah 60:1:10-12, 15
eclipse of moon (1906) 26:1:15
Ecoffey and Company 17:1:56
Ecoffey and Cuny Ranch (see Ecoffey and Company; RANCHES: Ecoffey; RANCHES: hog; RANCHES: Six Mile; RANCHES: Three Mile; Three Mile Ranch)
Ecoffey, Frank 3:2:147
Ecoffey, Jules E. 12:2:148; 18:2:13; 26:1:94; 27:2:188; 31:1:87 (see also Coffeel; Ecoffey and Company; RANCHES: Ecoffey; RANCHES: hog; RANCHES:Six Mile; RANCHES:Three Mile; Three Mile Ranch)
Economic History and Settlement of Converse County, Wyoming Bibliography by John LeeRoy Waller 6:3:273-283; 6:4:291-319; 7:1:329-340
Economic Warfare on the Northern Plains by Tony McGinnis 44:1:57-71
Eddington, Jack (Mrs.) 27:2:238-240
Eddy 44:1:32, 35
Eddy, John (Doctor) 57:1:14, 16
Eddy, Sherman 57:2:11
Edelbrock, Joe (see Joe Edelbrock and Sons)
Edelweiss Hotel 64:2:57
Edens, Jean (Lieutenant) 18:1:34
Edens, Walter 51:2:80 (see also review of Dreams to Dust: A Diary of the California Gold Rush; Wyoming Fort Libraries-The March of Intellect; review of Letters of Mari Sandoz)
Edgar, Robert "Bob" 38:1:117; 49:2:263, 273, 283; 51:1:111; 60:2:45, 47, 53
Edgemont (see Glimpses into Edgemont’s Past)
Edgemont, South Dakota 65:4:26
Edgerton, Keith (see review of Last Best Place: A Montana Anthology; review of No Step Backward: Women and Family on the Rocky Mountain Mountain Frontier, Helena, Montana, 1865-1900)
Edgerton, Mary (see Governor’s Wife on the Mining Frontier. The Letters of Mary Edgerton from Montana, 1863-1865)
Edison, the Electric Light and the Eclipse by Philip J. Roberts 53:1:54-62
Edison, Thomas Alva 6:1&2:229; 33:2:191; 53:1:54-62 (see also Thomas Alva Edison Foundation)
Editor’s Notes by Mark Junge 65:2/3:2; 66:1&2:4-5; 66:3:2; 66:4:2
editors (see newspaper editors)
Edmunds, Frank B. 15:3:283
Edmonds, H. D. 19:2:136
Edmunds, Newton 49:1:69-69, 80-80; 55:1:39
Edmunds, R. David (see American Indian Leaders: Studies in Diversity)
Edmundson 47:2:161, 189
Edmundson, Lee 22:2:38
Edmund’s Commission 63:2:61-62
education 54:2:10-19 (see also John Wesley Hoyt)
Education and the American Indian by Margaret Connel Szasz, review 50:1:187-188
Education for Head or Hand? Land Grant Universities of Utah and Wyoming by D. Teddy Diggs 58:2:30-45
Edward Kent Post No. 53, American Legion 39:2:259
Edward Kern and American Expansion by Robert V. Hine, review 34:2:252-253
Edwards, Alice 38:1:78
Edwards, Clarence R. (Brigadier General) 18:1:56
Edwards, Elsa Spear 4:4:406-408; 5:2:79; 5:2&3:121-122; 9:2:698; 10:3:144; 12:4:332; 14:2:98,126 (see also Fifteen Day Fight on Tongue River)
Edwards, Glen R. 28:1:62; 35:2:201-202; 43:2:271 (see also LaPrele Stage Station)
Edwards, Harry Stillwell 46:2:253-262
Edwards, James 61:2:21-24, photo 25, 26-32, photo 33, 34-39 (see also Y’all Call Me Nigger Jim Now, but Someday You’ll Call Me Mr. James Edwards: Black Success on the Plains of the Equality State)
Edwards, Lethel 61:2:21, 23, photo 24, 25, 27, 29-30, 32-33, 35-39
Edwards, Paul M. 41:2:178 (see also Analysis of Scottish Population; review of American West: A Reorientation; review of Chronical of a Congressional Journey. The Doolittle Committee in the Southwest, 1865; review of Old Forts of the Far West; review of Peopling the High Plains. Wyoming’s European Heritage; review of Red Cloud and the Sioux Problem; review of Red Man’s Religion)
Edwards, Sally A. (Mrs.) 23:1:104
Edwards, W. F. 33:2:151
Edwards, William B. "Billy" 38:1:78, 82
Edwards, William C. (see review of Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain States)
Edwin J. Smalley by Alice M. Shields 13:1:58-72
Edwin, William 64:2:45
E. E. G. (see GRAVES: relocation of pioneer burials)
E .E. Hunt and Smith 15:3:282
Eells 42:2:192
Eells, Myra 40:1:35; 42:2:191-192, 197, 202, 211-212, 216; 43:2:228
Eels, Cushing 22:2:52
Eels, Myra 22:2:52
Egan (Captain) 32:2:223; 38:1:88
Egan, Howard 21:2/3:119
Egan, James (Captain) 40:2:182; 41:1:96
Egan, Teddy (Captain) 44:2:163
Egbert (Major) 39:2:260
Egbert, H. C. (Major) 38:1:61, 67; 45:2:163
Egbert, Wyoming 60:1:24-25
Egeria, Colorado 16:2:95-96, 98, 109
Eggan, Fred (see Social Anthropology of North American Tribes)
Eggenhofer, Nick 38:1:106, 117 (see also Wagons, Mules and Men)
Egippetche 39:2:254-25 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Ehernberger, James L. "Jim" 27:2:227, 240 (see also Colorado and Southern: Northern Division; review of End of Track; Sherman Hill; review of Grenville M. Dodge; review of Photographers of the Frontier West; review of We took The Train; Smoke Over the Divide; Smoke Across the Prairie; Smoke Down the Canyons)
Ehrlich, D. A. 22:1:89
Eibling, Harold H. 49:2:234
Eichler, Carl (Reverend) 39:2:258
Eight Seconds, video review 66:1&2:68, 70
Eighteen Fifty Overland Diary of the Dr. Warren Hough 46:2:207-216
Eighteen Fifty-nine (1859) Overland Journal of Naturalist George Suckley by Richard G. Beidleman 28:1:68-79
Eighteen Fifty-two (1852) On the Oregon Trail by Mae Urbanek 34:1:52-59
Eighteenth Amendment (to the U.S. Constitution) 64:2:56; 66:4:12
Eighteenth Infantry (see MILITARY)
Eighth Circuit Court 53:2:5-8
Eighty-Third Congress 66:3:56, 62
Eilfelder, H. A. 13:1:77
Eine Jagd in Wyoming 66:1&2:2
Einstein, Lewis 66:4:39
Eisenhower Administration 66:3:58
Eisenhower Congress 66:3:56
Eisenhower, Dwight David (General; President) 45:2:179, 186, 195, 200, 214-216; 55:1:14; 66:3:56
Eisenstadt, Alfred 66:4:7
Eizer (Private) 16:2:110-111
E. J. Sawyer photo 66:4:12 (see also Yancey, Uncle John)
EK brand
EK Mountain 28:1:37; 55:1:25
EK Mountain Post Office 29:1:171, photo 172, 173-174
EK Ranch (see Plunkett of the EK, Irish Notes on the Wyoming Cattle Industry in the 1880s; RANCHES)
Ekdall, A. B. (Doctor) 22:2:109; 25:1:95; 27:2:227
Ekdall, Albert 1:3:19
Ekdall, Emmett C. 23:2:48
Eklund, Bertha B. 11:4:299
Eklund, Dick 37:1:75, 99; 38:1:85, 102; 39:1:109, 128; 40:1:107-108, 122
Eklund, R. A. photo 30:2:196
Eklund, Richard 31:2:226
Ekstrom, Laura Allyn 25:1:95-97; 25:2:211, 214; 27:2:227 (see also Mystery and Romance of Wyoming; Where the Paintbrush Grows)
El Dorado (see Ghost Town El Dorado)
El Paso, Texas 17:1:8; 22:1:79 (see also Dallas Stoudenmire, El Paso Marshal)
Elazar, Daniel (see Cities of the Prairie Revisited: The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier)
Elbrader, Frank 37:1:113
Elder, Bert 19:1:47
Elder Creek 23:2:23
Elder, T. H. 27:2:227
Eldorado 21:2/3:113
Eldorado Creek 22:1:77
Eldred, F. C. (Reverend) 35:2:143
Eldridge, Della 33:2:190
Election of 1892 66:3:34-25
elections 22:1:44
electric lights 18:1:30, 62
electric railway projects (see Wyoming’s Electric Railway Projects)
Elephant Buttes 44:2:284
Eleventh Infantry (see MILITARY)
Eleventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry (see MILITARY)
Eleventh Ohio Cavalry (see MILITARY)
Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry (see MILITARY)
Elias, Claude 24:1:5
Eliot, Charles W. 58:2:33
Elizabeth Bacon Custer and the Making of a Myth by Leckie, Shirley A., review 66:1&2:59
Elizabeth Town 27:1:40
elk (see Commission of the Conservation of the Elk of Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Jackson Hole elk herd photo)
elk sales 23:2:51
Elk Commission 50:2:249
Elk Eater 33:1:29
Elk Mountain 3:1:83; 24:1:38-39; 30:2:138; 32:1:113; 33:1:82, 87, 93, 95-97; 34:1:13; 44:2:143, 147, 153, 163; 65:2/3:4 (see also Pole Camp and Home of John Sublett at Elk Mountain, Carbon County)
Elk Mountain Post Office 15:1:62; 21:1:11; 33:1:98 (see also Medicine Bow Stage Station, Now Elk Mountain Post Office)
Elk Mountain school 21:1:24
Elk Mountain Stage Station 33:1:96, 98 (see also FORTS AND CAMPS: Fort Halleck)
Elk Mountain Ute 26:2:168, 176; 27:1:86-87; 27:2:220; 30:1:77 (see also Ute)
Elk Mountain, Wyoming 54:2:13
Elk River (see Yellowstone River)
Elk River, Wyoming 16:1:89, 94, 96, 108; 29:2:141
Elkhead Creek 16:2:92
Elkhorn Company 42:1:64
Elkhorn Creek 30:2:153, 155, 159
Elkhorn River 65:2/3:12
Elkhorn Stamp Mill 40:2:237
Elkhorn Wagon Train Encounter by Margaret Mitchell Wilson 42:2:263-265
Elkhorn, Wyoming 28:1:50-51
Elkins, Henry Arthur 48:1:92
Elks Club (see Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks)
Elks Juvenile Band 43:1:100-101
Elks Lodge 26:1:32
Ell Seven (L7) Ranches by Herbert O. Brayer 15:1:5-37 (see also RANCHES)
Ella Watson: Rustler or Homesteader by Sharon Leigh 64:3/4:49-56
Ellen Hereford Washakie of the Shoshones by Mary Lou Pence 22:2:3-11
Ellenger, Benjamin 13:1:75
Elliot 16:2:90 (see also Elliott)
Elliot, D. H. 40:1:85
Elliot, Harriet 32:1:8
Elliot, Joe 45:2:143-172, photo 174; 65:4:30 (see also Joe Elliott’s Story)
Elliot, Joel (Major) 36:2:176
Elliott 47:2:185-187 (see also Elliot)
Elliott, Henry S. 12:3:177-178; 15:1:42; photo 37:1:4, 5; 35:2:132, 142; 37:2:187
Elliott, Henry Wood 34:2:179; 48:1:91
Elliott, Joseph A. 57:2:17
Elliott, Joseph R. 26:1:35
Elliott, Vern 26:2:134
Elliott, Washington Lafayette (First Lieutenant) 38:1:5, 11, 42
Ellis, Bob 17:1:71, 75
Ellis, Cathy (see review of Discovering Wyoming; review of Wyoming: Courage in a Lonesome Land)
Ellis, Charles (Mrs.) 2:2:39; 3:1:109; 6:4:324; 7:2:369-378; 7:3:443; 15:1:50-62 (see also Carbon; History of Carbon; Life of Oscar Collister, Wyoming Pioneer; Medicine Bow, Wyoming)
Ellis, Earl H. 27:2:227
Ellis, Elmer 20:1:17
Ellis, Everett L. 31:2:248 (see also To Take A Scalp)
Ellis, J. R. 53:2:20
Ellis, John 19:1:31
Ellis, Josh 24:2:83, 85
Ellis, Mollie (Mrs.) 32:2:56
Ellis, Richard N. (see review of Hostiles and Horse Soldiers: Indian Battles and Campaigns in the West ; review of Indian Dances of North America; review of Phil Sheridan Album; General Pope and U.S. Indian Policy)
Ellison, Robert S. 2:2:39; 3:3:191; 7:2:404; 9:3:763; 23:2:58; 28:2:175, 188; 50:1:23-27, 30, 40-41, 45
Ellswich, W. L. 26:1:10, 15, 24
Ellsworth (Indian interpreter) 29:2:198
Ellsworth (Lieutenant) 34:2:154
Ellsworth, Edmund 21:2/3:133, 135, 138, 142; 29:2:179; 31:1:13-14; 32:1:52
Ellsworth, Ora 24:1:26, 29-30, 32, 34, 36, 42
Ellsworth, Ralph (Doctor) 54:1:33
Ellsworth, S. George (see Dear Ellen. Two Mormon Women and Their Letters)
Ellsworth, W. E. 33:2:149
Elmore, Mike 15:1:65; 27:2:227
Elrod, Lily (Miss) 23:1:55
Elsom, Dottie 66:1&2:5
Elston, Allan Vaughn (see Gun Law at Laramie; Sagebrush Serenade; Treasure Coach from Deadwood; Marked Men; Wyoming Bubble; Wyoming Manhunt)
Elston, Charles "Charley" 39:2:196-197, 207-208, 216; 51:2:39
Elswell, Alcott Farrar photo 38:2:142, 143-172 (see also Alcott Farrar Elwell, His Diary, Wyoming 1908, As Camp Cook, United States Geodetic Survey, Roosevelt Lignite Conservation)
Elwell, R. Farrington 48:1:95
Elwood, George S. 16:1:160
Elwood, Ike 45:2:258
Emancipation Proclamation 66:3:54
Embar Cattle Company 51:1:118
Emblem Bench 24:2:88
Emblem, Wyoming 53:2:15
Emerald Pool 65:1:42
Emergency Work Act 56:1:13 (see also CCC)
Emerson, Elaine 31:2:226
Emerson, Frank 27:1:21; (Mr. and Mrs.) 31:2:226
Emerson, Frank C. (Governor) 49:2:200-201, 203; 50:1:30; 50:2:324, 328; photo 61:1:5; photo 7:4:448; 12:4:267-269; 44:2:246
Emerson, Pat (Private) 64:3/4:3, 39
Emerson, Paul W. (Doctor) 20:1:93; 20:2:179; 24:2:119; 26:2:213, 216; 27:2:227, 239; 30:2:225; 33:2:218
Emerson, Tom 16:2:137
Emery, A. S. (Colonel) 13:4:358
Emery, Elmer 39:2:259
Emery, George B. (Governor of Utah) 60:1:3
Emery, Maude M. 3:2:150; 5:4:164; 10:1:14-15
Emery, Raymond C. 21:2/3:181
Emery, Roe 54:2:71
Emge, Joe 47:2:172; 52:2:48-49, 53, 56
Emigh, Wyoming 29:2:159
emigrant train 5:2&3:107; 23:2:11
Emigrant 18:1:5
Emigrant Canyon (Utah) 22:2:9
Emigrant Gap 29:1:79
Emigrant Gulch 36:2:220; 40:2:277-278
Emigrant Hill 32:1:110-111, 117
Emigrant Springs 22:2:57; 23:1:61; 30:2:209-211
Emigrant Trail 27:2:163 (see Oregon Trail; Overland Stage Trail-Trek No. 1, Trek No. 11 of the Emigrant Trail Treks; Overland Stage Trail-Trek No. 2, Trek No. 12 of the Emigrant Trail Treks; Overland Stage Trail-Trek No. 3, Trek No. 13 of the Emigrant Trail Treks)
Emigrant Trail Trek No. 9 by Maurine Carley 31:2:213-226, map 214
Emigrant Trail Trek No. 10, Part I compiled by Maurine Carley 32:1:103, maps 104-105, 106-123; Part II map 32:2:218, 219-232
emigrants 21:2/3:132-134; 23:2:11; 24:1:28, 31, 33-36, 38, 40, 44; 26:2:70, 142, 154-155, 162-163, 167-170, 169, 187, 189; 28:1:83-84, 86, 90-94; 28:2:193-194; 31:2:221 (see also Emigrant’s Guide to California)
Emigrants Wash Tub 27:2:190-194
Emigrant’s Guide 21:2/3:120; 31:1:7, 13
Emigrant’s Guide to California by Joseph E. Ware 11:2:123
emigration (1849-1851) 22:2:51; 28:2:191; 30:1:5-31; 30:2:145-189
emigration routes 22:2:51
Emmons, David M. (see Garden in the Grasslands; Moreton Frewen and the Populist Revolt; review of Far Southwest, 1846-1912. A Territorial History; review of Splendid Pauper. The Story of Moreton Frewen)
Emmons, S. F. 47:2:232
Emmons, Samuel F. 34:2:185
Emory (General) 44:2:217
Empey (see RANCHES)
Empey, Adam 21:2/3:118
Empey, Ida Terry (Mrs.) 21:2/3:119, 121
Empey, Margaret Steenbergh 21:2/3:118
Empey, William A. photo 21:2/3:110, 111-167 (see also Journal of William A. Empey)
Empire, Colorado 16:1:78
Empire Road, Wyoming 16:2:89
Employment Security Commission 48:2:211-212
Empress Theatre 26:2:109
Encampment, Wyoming 15:1:13; 19:1:53; 19:2:11, 122; 29:2:158; 30:2:146, 150; 56:1:35-36
End of American Exceptionalism: Frontier Anxiety from the Old West to the New Deal by David M. Wrobel, review 66:3:71-72
End of the Long Horn Trail by A. P. "Ott" Black, review 52:1:69
End of Track by James H. Kyner, review 32:2:260-261
Enderley 39:1:116
Enders (Reverend) 31:1:44
Endicott, William C. (Secretary of War) 44:2:202; 59:2:18-19
Endlich, F. M. 34:2:182-183; 44:1:38, 49, 50
Enfinger, Joe 16:1:31
Engdahl, Carl 19:1:47
Engebretson, Earl 38:1:100
Engell, Peter F. (Private) 39:1:125
England 65:4:47; 66:3:16, 19, 21
England, J. A. 37:1:69
Englehard, William M. 56:1:36
Engleking, Gus 48:2:182
Englemann, Henry 17:1:24, 54; 59:2:39, 41
Englert, Kenneth E. 27:2:227
English (see Victorian Englishman’s View of the West)
English, Harry (Mrs.) 50:1:30
English, T. C. (Brevette Lieutenant) 36:2:183
Enochs, Jim 35:2:132
Enola Gay 66:4:6
Enos, James E. "Jim" 21:2/3:187-189; 40:2:195
Enterline 24:2:89-90
Entitled to Power: Farm Women and Technology, 1913-1963 by Katherine Jellison 66:4:65
Entrepreneurs of the Old West by David Dary, review 61:1:55-56
Entrikan (Mrs.) 65:1:18-19
Entrikan 65:1:19
environment (see Land Use, Environment and Social Change: The Shaping of Island County, Washington; Reflections on Environmental History and Wyoming)
environmental history (see Reflections on Environmental History and Wyoming)
environmental protection (see Federal Land, Western Anger: The Sagebrush Rebellion and Environmental Politics)
Environmental Spokesman: Olaus J. Murie and a Democratic Defense of Wilderness by Gregory D. Kendrick 50:2:213-302
Enyon, John L. 44:2:242, 246
EPCOT Center (Florida) 66:4:33
epidemiology (see MILITARY: Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality of the Army)
Episcopal Church 34:1:30; (Laramie) 34:2:231; (Cheyenne) 39:1:29; (Rawlins) 39:1:72; 43:1:5-52 (see also Shoshone Indian Episcopalian Mission)
Episcopal Sunday School 65:2/3:17-20, 22
Episcopalian Club 43:1:20
Epperson 65:2/3:22
Epperson, C.G. 56:1:61
Epperson, C.T. 19:1:30
Epperson, Lucretia Lawson 65:2/3:17-20, 22
Epsicopal Church (see FIRSTS: Episcopal clergy in Cheyenne)
Epworth League 65:1:33
equal suffrage 22:1:59-60 (see also suffrage; woman’s suffrage)
Equality State (Wyoming) 66:1&2:6; 66:3:13
Era of Violence by Ted Bohlen and Tom Tisdale 65:4:32
Erb, Louise B. (see Wagon Trails and Folk Tales: Sulphur Springs Station, 1862-1979)
Erdoes, Richard (see Saloons of the Old West)
Eric and Erick (see Glines, Herrick)
Ericcson, H. C. (Colonel) photo 5:4:148
Erickson, Boyd "OK" 57:2:16
Erickson, E. 3:4:231
Erickson, Katie Kinnear (Mrs.) 27:2:227
Erie, Colorado 25:2:192
Erland, Widow 40:2:270-271
Erlanson, Charles B. (see In the West-In My West)
Ermatinger, Francis 17:2:93
Ernest, Boney 32:2:236; 33:2:198; 44:2:269
Ernest L. Ives (Mrs.) Collection 66:3:34-35
Ersenberger, George 25:2:194-195
Ervay, Jake 15:1:69
Erwin, Marie H. 11:2:123; maps 11:4:281-292; 12:2:162; 18:2:131-132; 21:2/3:191, 193 (see also Cheyenne Indian Portraits Painted by George Catlin; Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality of the Army of the United States, 1819-1860; Maps of Early Wyoming Tell a Fascinating Story; Trader’s License Granted to General William H. Ashley)
Escalante (Father-priest; Friar) 15:3:226-227; 33:2:161
Escolas, Edmond L. (Doctor) 35:2:244 (see also review of Politics and Grass: The Administration of Grazing on the Public Domain; Rise of Workmen’s Compensation in Wyoming; Wyoming’s Pioneer Life Insurance Company)
Eshelman, Edwin F. (Reverend) 24:2:110-111
Eskridge, E.W. 16:2:94, 102-103, 123
Esmay, R. L. (General; Adjutant General of Wyoming) 21:2/3:219, 236; 24:1:2-4, 13; 27:2:164; 28:2:167; 29:1:67; 29:2:177; 30:1:37; 45:1:73
Esperson, Peter 40:1:70
Espy, Day (Mrs.) 27:2:227
Espy, Neal (Mrs.) 38:2:202
Espy, Winifred 37:2:241
Essert, Margaret 39:2:259
Essert, William J. 39:2:259
Estergreen, M. Morgan (see Kit Carson, A Portrait in Courage)
Estes, Charles 16:1:31
Esther Morris Monument (see HISTORICAL MARKERS: Morris, Esther)
Eston, Emily C. 10:1:43
E. T. Fisher Company 65:4:58
Etbauer, Dan photo 65:4:19
ethnicity (see Chinese Emigrants in Southwest Wyoming, 1868-1885; Other Germans in Wyoming)
Ethnicity in Wyoming by Carl V. Hallberg 63:4:136-139
ethnohistory (see Annotated Bibliography of Northern Plains Ethnohistory)
Etulain, Richard W. 41:2:282-283; 64:3/4:60 (see also Conversations with Wallace Stegner on Western History and Literature; review of Cousin Jacks: The Cornish in America; Writing Western History: Essays on Major Western Historians)
Eubank (Mrs.) 12:2:144; 27:1:11; 41:2:214
Eubanks, Eugene (Brigadier General) 64:3/4:14, 44
Eucre 65:1:9 (see also Sledge)
Eugenie (Empress) 22:1:13-14
Eureka College (Illinois) 66:3:31
Eurgens (Mrs.) 34:1:89
Europe 66:1&2:35, 49; 66:3:11, 19, 39; 66:4:45
European heritage (see peopling the High Plains. Wyoming’s European Heritage)
Eustis Lake 37:2:218-219
Eustis, William 15:3:270
euthanasia 66:3:20
Evans (Captain) 21:2/3:185
Evans (Major) 16:2:137
Evans 23:1:83-96
Evans, Andrew Wallace (Major) 38:1:26-27, 29, 42, 46-47
Evans, Ben 26:1:64
Evans, Burrelle W. 31:2:164; 32:1:61
Evans, Colorado 23:1:14; 65:1:18
Evans, D. P. (Mrs.) 5:4:164; 6:1&2:241
Evans, D. W. 10:3:144; 11:1:66
Evans, Edith 46:1:117
Evans, Elva (see review of Country Railroad Station in America)
Evans, Fred 45:2:146
Evans, Haas 19:1:26
Evans, Hartman K. 23:1:76-96, maps 82, 86, 92 (see also Sheep Trailing from Oregon to Wyoming)
Evans, Healy 19:1:26
Evans, J. A. 60:1:5
Evans, James 39:1:6; 47:2:229; 59:2:18
Evans, James A. (Colonel) 18:1:7; 60:1:5
Evans, Jim 19:2:107, 109
Evans, John E. (Governor) 41:1:47-48, 55; 41:2:211-212; 46:1:7, 12, 21 (see also Frontier Capitalist: The Life of John Evans)
Evans, Lewis (Captain) 33:1:95
Evans, Lloyd R. (see review of Custer: The Life of General George Armstrong Custer; review of Fort Phil Kearny-An American Saga)
Evans, Luther H. 45:1:70, 73, 75, 79-80, 82-83
Evans, Luther K. 49:2:183
Evans, Mary Ruth 15:1:7
Evans, Richard 23:2:58
Evans, Robert 23:2:63
Evans, W. H. (Major) (see Fort Laramie)
Evans, W. H. (Mrs.) 9:3:752-754
Evans-Jackson Livestock Company 54:2:68
Evanston, Illinois 66:1&2:75
Evanston Age 9:3:741; 33:2:151-152; 35:1:97
Evanston Examiner 33:2:152
Evanston Land Office 10:1:39
Evanston News 33:2:152
Evanston Register 33:2:152
Evanston, Wyoming 16:1:11, 24; 19:1:26-27; 22:2:30, 41, 64-65, 69; 24:1:25-26; 30:2:146; 33:2:137; 34:1:90; 35:1:31; 35:2:180; 42:2:239; 44:1:93, 99; 56:1:56, 58; 59:2:17-20, 22-23; photos 60:1:37; 65:4:32, 42; 66:3:33 (see also FIRSTS: tree planted in Evanston; Levancia Bent’s Diary of a Sheep Drive, Evanston, Wyoming, to Kearney, Nebraska)
Evarts, Hal G. 42:2:177; 65:4:18
Eveling, Curtis (Mrs.) 54:2:23
Evens, William 26:1:51, 63
Events of the Year 1865 Pertaining to Johnson County by T. J. Gatchell 27:2:142-158
Everets, F. D. 31:2:170
Everett, Dick (see Dick, Everett)
Everett, Ernest T. (Reverend) 24:2:88
Everett General Hospital (Washington) 66:1&2:75
Everett, James 22:2:22
Evergreen School 54:2:17
Everman, Michael (see review of West of Hell’s Fringe: Crime, Criminals, and the Federal Peace Officer in Oklahoma Territory, 1889-1907)
Evers 35:2:184
Evershell (Private) 16:2:106
Everts, Truman C. 15:2:108, 112-114
Every Man’s Country 19:2:75
Evolution of the Cow-Puncher by Owen Wister 65:4:3, 14
Ewers, John C. 44:1:64-65 (see also Horse in Blackfoot Culture with Comparative Material from Other Western Tribes; O-Kee-Pa. A Religious Ceremony and Other Customs of the Mandans)
Ewert, A. L. T. (Reverend) 65:1:29
Ewig, Rick 55:1:64; 58:2:61; 64:2:71; 64:3/4:4; 66:3:71-72 (see also Behind the Capitol Scenes: The Letters of John A. Feick; McCarthy Era Politics: The Ordeal of Senator Lester Hunt; review of Coxey’s Army: An American Odyssey; review of End of American Exceptionalism: Frontier Anxiety from the Old West to the New Deal; review of Kings of the Hill: Power and Personality in the House of Representatives; review of Saga of Tom Horn: The Story of a Cattlemen’s War; review of What Should We Tell our Children About Vietnam?; Wyoming’s Truss Bridges; Wyoming Women as Jurors)
Ewing Canyon by Michael Chadey 50:2:343-344
Ewing, Jesse 31:1:62; 50:2:343-344, 346
Ewing, Joseph M. (Reverend) 38:2:175
Ewing, Thomas 25:2:145, 150
Excelsior Geyser 65:1:36, 42
Excerpt from the Journal of E. Willard Smith, 1839-1840 by J. Nielson Barry 15:3:287-297
excursion tickets 24:1:41
execution (see capital punishment)
Expedition against the Mormons 16:1:41-42
Expedition Island 50:2:338
Expedition Island National Historic Site 43:1:113,116; 45:2:251
Expedition of President Chester A. Arthur to Yellowstone National Park in 1883 by Jack Ellis Haynes 14:1:31-38
Expeditions of John Charles Fremont. Volume I. Travels from 1838-1844 and Map Portfolio edited by Donald Jackson and Mary Lee Spence, review 43:12:138-140
Expeditions of John Charles Fremont. Vol. II: The Bear Flag Revolt and Court-Martial edited by Mary Lee Spence and Donald Jackson, review 46:1:147-148
Expense Account of Fort Fetterman, Wyoming, 23 December 1875 1:3:18
Experiment Station 64:1:11-14, 18-19
Exploration of Verendrye and His Sons by Warren Upham 17:2:144-146 (see also Verendrye, Jean)
Explorations by Henry’s Men 17:2:91
explorers (see Early Explorers; reports of early explorers)
Exploring the Northern Plains by Lloyd McFarling, review 27:2:241
Exploring the Yellowstone with Hayden, 1872 edited by Herbert Oliver Brayer 14:4:253-298
Express Messengers of the Overland Mail 5:2:62-64; 5:2&3:101-102
Expressly Portraits photo 65:4:47
Extension Service Club 54:2:25
Extract from Journal of Appleton Harmon, 1847 21:2/3:136-138
Exum, Glen 44:2:261-262
Eyewitness at Wounded Knee by Richard E. Jensen and R. Eli Paul 64:3/4:59-60
Eyewitness Reports of the Wagon Box Fight compiled by Walter N. Bate 41:2:193-201
Eyler, Ida 43:1:65-66
Eyler, Wid 43:1:65-66
Eyon, Jack 42:2:155
Ezra Meeker-Pioneer. A Bibliographical Guide by Frank L. Green, review 41:2:288