Welcome to the Wyoming Historical Society's Speakers List! 

This resource showcases individuals passionate about sharing Wyoming's rich history through presentations. Whatever you're planning, you'll find a diverse range of speakers here.

Explore the alphabetical list below to discover presentations that bring Wyoming’s history to life!

Boycott, William Frederick

Wyoming History and the Oregon Trail

William is available in person.
Contact him here: wfboycott@hotmail.com; 307-349-7197

Bruner, Sylvia

The Flyboys of Bomber Mountain, Cattle Wars and more

Sylvia is the director of the Jim Gatchell Museum in Buffalo. She is a former member of the Society’s Executive Committee and the current president of the Johnson County Historical Society.

Sylvia is available in person and on zoom.
Contact her here: director@jimgatchell.com 307-684-9331

Ewig, Rick

Wyoming Topics

Wyoming’s Depression Years; The War history Committee; Only a Maniac; Bribery and Corruption in Cheyenne; Quest for statehood, plus more. Rick is a retired historian and a very sought-after speaker.

Rick is available in person and on zoom.
Contact him here: rewig@uwyo.edu

Fabian, Linda

Wyoming History in Art and Wyoming State Capitol

Wyoming History in Art features the original art works of the late artist David Paulley commissioned by the Society in 1989 to celebrate the state’s centennial. Each painting reflects an actual event in Wyoming history. Her second program, Wyoming State Capitol, is based on the history of the Wyoming State Capitol Bldg. and its inhabitants.

Linda is available in person and on zoom.
Contact her here: linda@wyshs.org

Galloway, David

1870s Yellowstone: Fact or Fiction?

A former Yellowstone tour guide, David is the author of the Frontier Traveler series, novels based on historical facts. Burning Ground imagines a modern-day protagonist (Graham Davidson) with all the 1871 Hayden Expedition of the future park. Fatal Ground takes place in Montana Territory and the nascent park during 1872-1876. In Bitter Ground (to be published late 2023), Graham will travel with the Nez Perce as they flee from the army in 1877 and seek asylum in Canada. David will discuss event that occurred during these years and challenge the audience to discern whether they are fact or fiction.

David is available on zoom.
Contact him here: dagallowayauthor@gmail.com

Glass, Jefferson

Reshaw: The Life and Times of John Baptiste Richard and/or Empire: The Pioneer Legacy of an American Ranch Family

Jefferson is an author and historian from Buffalo, Wyoming. He is available to speak at county chapter meetings, or events around the state.

Jefferson is available in person and on zoom.
Contact him here: jglass@reshaw.net

Greer, Mavis

Women in Archaeology

Men dominated the archaeology field when it first became a formalized career in the 1930s. Cultural Resource Mgmt. in the 1970s paved the way for increased jobs, and women took advantage of the opportunity. Greer focuses on specific women who made contributions to Wyoming archaeology. Greer holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the Univ. of Missouri-Columbia.

Marvis is available in person and on zoom.
Contact her here: mavis@greerservices.com

Helton, Jennifer

The History of Suffrage and many other titles. 

Jennifer is available on zoom.
Contact her here: Jennifer.helton@gmail.com

Javitz, Tempe

The Photography of Jessamine Spear Johnson

Tempe is available in person and on zoom.
Contact them here: tjavitz@gmail.com

Jording, Mike

Univ. of WY School of Nursing and the Story of Bonnie (Messersmith) Hendricks

Mike is a past president of the WSHS, and the WSHS Foundation. He is president of the Weston County Historical Society and can do a variety of programs on Wyoming history. He was instrumental in helping with the Society’s “Wyoming History in Art” project.

Mike is available in person and on zoom.
Contact him here: mike_jording@yahoo.com

McCormick, Kylie

51 Years of Freedom Wyoming’s Suffrage Story, 1869-1920

A fresh look on a long-standing controversy and critical evidence about Wyoming's suffrage story that restores the contributions made by Dr. Grace Raymond Hebard and Esther Hobart Morris. McCormick uncovered previously ignored evidence of speeches given by Hebard and 1869 Wyoming Legislator William Bright. Her research represents the first significant challenge to T.A. Larson and offers a new perspective on women's suffrage in Wyoming. 

Kylie is available in person and on zoom.
Contact her here: KLMcCormick1@gmail.com

Molony, Janelle

Overland Adventures and Odd Coincidences Along the Way

Janelle Molony, M.S.L. is an award-winning author and recognized family historian with ties to Wyoming’s territorial history. She has received various honors for her research findings, as published in several academic journals and topical magazines such as Wild West. She is currently authoring a fictionalized novel of an Overland traveler’s diary. Janelle is available to discuss trail diaries or memoirs from 1864, highlighting the various people, places, and events that are witnessed in Wyoming. Diaries of interest include Ringo, Earp/Rousseau, Joongenwaard/Rysdam, Kelly/Larimer, Loughary, Dunlap, Townsend/Bozeman, Harter, Forman, and Logan (not all-inclusive). More info at: JanelleMolony.com

Janelle is available on zoom.
Contact her here: Janelle.molongy@yahoo.com

Mueller, Jack

Estelle Reel

Mueller presents on the life and career of Estelle Reel, the first woman elected and to hold the office of state superintendent of public instruction and the second woman elected to hold a statewide office anywhere in the U.S. As a result, January 7th of each year is now designated as “Estelle Reel Day” in Wyoming.

Jack is available in person and on zoom.
Contact him here: jfmwyo@aol.com

Nelson, Jane

The Rudersdorf Sisters of Wyoming

Jane is a 5th generation Wyomingite both and raised in Laramie, a retired faculty member at the University of Wyoming, a former president and current board member of the Albany County Historical Society, and a co-editor of the recently published collection of essays titled “Territorial Days on the Laramie Plains. Her program documents the socioeconomic role of women in history. 

Jane is available in person and on zoom.
Contact her here: jnelson@uwyo.edu

O’Brien, Cheryl

POW Camps in Wyoming during WWII

O’Brien’s book, World War II POW Camps of Wyoming, published in 2019, features details, photos and stories about Wyoming’s nineteen POW camps and camp residents. In addition, O’Brien’s article, “Camp Dubois, Wyoming: A Legacy of Literature,” was published in the Autumn 2015 issue of the Annals of Wyoming: The Wyoming History Journal.

Cheryl is available in person and on zoom.
Contact her here: cherobrien@dteworld.com

Romanoski, Jennifer

Cemeteries, Cattle Wars, DAR, Fort McKinney and more

Jennifer is the Museum Educator at the Jim Gatchell Museum in Buffalo. She considers herself a “Jill of All Trades!”

Jennifer is available in person and on zoom.
Contact her here:educator@jimgatchell.com, 307-684-9331 

Waggener, John

Snow Chi Minh Trail: The History of Interstate 80 between Laramie and Wolcott Junction

Waggener describes the history of a 77-mile stretch of I-80 that long-haul truckers have dubbed the “Snow Chi Minh Trail,” a negative reference to the similarly mountainous roadway used by North Vietnamese soldiers. The road stretch in south-central Wyoming, dedicated in 1970, is steeped in tragedy, controversy, myth and even conspiracy.

John is available in person and on zoom.
Contact him here: waggener@uwyo.edu, 307-766-2563

Waggener, Leslie

Second Ku Klux Klan in Wyoming

The KKK is a historically violent organization that has operated in three periods of American history. The KKK of the 1920s moved beyond the original Klan’s targeting of Black people and broadened its message of hate to include Catholics, Jews, and foreigners and promoted fundamentalism and devout patriotism along with advocating white supremacy. Waggener presents on the actions and influence of the Second KKK in Wyoming.

Leslie is available in person and on zoom.
Contact her here: lwaggen2@uwyo.edu, 307-399-3543



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