Membership in the Wyoming Historical Society is open to anyone interested in Wyoming and western history.
To join the Society, click on the application form link below, print, complete, and send the application or for more information about the organization, write: Aley Philp, Executive Director, Wyoming Historical Society, P. O. Box 247, Wheatland, Wyoming 82201-8667. Benefits include receipt of the Annals of Wyoming: The Wyoming History Journal (published quarterly), ten issues of the newsletter "Wyoming History News," participation opportunities in Society events and functions such as treks and annual meetings, among other activities. To join at a chapter level contact the Society for specific details. For more details call Society headquarters at 307-322-3014 or email or
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Membership Type | |
General Annual Membership | $50.00 US |
General Digital Annual Membership | $25.00 US |
Student Annual Membership [registered students up to age 25] | $25.00 US |
Student Digital Annual Membership [registered students up to age 25] | $10.00 US |
Guardian (Veteran) Annual Membership | $45.00 US |
Trailblazer (Senior age 65+) Annual Membership | $40.00 US |
Institutional Annual Membership | $75.00 US |
Corporate Annual Membership | $90.00 US |
Contributing Donor, $100 - $249, includes General Membership | $100.00 US |
Sustaining Donor, $250 - $499, includes General Membership | $250.00 US |
Patron Donor, $500-$999, includes General Membership | $500.00 US |
Donor, $1000+, includes General Membership | $1,000.00 US + |
International Annual Membership | $90.00 US |
Four ranges of donor memberships, a portion of which becomes a donation to the Wyoming Historical Society, are contributing, sustaining, patron, and donor.