Through its prestigious awards program the Wyoming Historical Society seeks to encourage and recognize efforts to preserve Wyoming history. Candidates for awards have written, published, and copyrighted works pertaining to the history of Wyoming or have made significant contributions in historical compilations for which adequate publisher markets do not exist.

The awards program also recognizes significant contributions in numerous other areas of historical activity.

Awards are presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society each September. Nomination forms must be received no later than April 30, 2025, except for the Youth Awards, which are due on or before June 1.

Download the 2025 Awards Manual later on this page. Find information about the categories and requirements for submission.

Send all award nominations, with supporting materials, to:

Beki Speas, Chair, WHS Awards Committee
541 S Thurmond St   
Sheridan WY 82801
Email: or call 307.899.4094 (Text preferred)

Nomination forms and complete details of the awards may also be obtained through the Awards Chairman of each local chapter, or you may contact WHS Executive Director Aley Philp at Society headquarters at or,  or 307.322.3014 for more information. 

You do not have to be a member of the Wyoming Historical Society in order to be nominated for an award. However, nominations are only accepted from a chapter of the Wyoming Historical Society, or by a member of the Wyoming Historical Society.