Welcome to the Wyoming Historical Society’s FAQ page! Here, you'll find answers to common questions about our programs, events, membership, donations, and more. If you don't see your question listed, feel free to reach out to us directly, and we’d be happy to assist.
I have something to donate. Who can I reach out to?
While the Wyoming Historical Society does not maintain our own archives, we recommend contacting the following organizations for donations:
- Wyoming State Archives
- American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming
- Local Wyoming Museums
Each of these institutions can provide guidance on the donation process and ensure your items are properly preserved for future generations.
How can I become a member of the Wyoming Historical Society?
Joining the Wyoming Historical Society is simple and easy! You can either join through our online shop, reach out to your local chapter, send us a check for the correct amount, or email us directly at info@wyshs.org.
Visit our membership page for more detailed information.
Do you offer any grants or awards?
Yes, the Wyoming Historical Society offers the Lola Homsher Grant, which supports research projects that contribute to the preservation and understanding of Wyoming’s history. If you're interested in applying for a grant, visit our Grants and Awards pages for more details on eligibility, the application process, and deadlines.
What events does the Wyoming Historical Society host?
The Wyoming Historical Society itself hosts two main events each year: the Annual Meeting in September and the Annual Trek in June; as well as myriad of different events all throughout the year. Check out our calendar of events for more information on all of this! This calendar should be updated every other week. For specific questions reach out to the event hosts.
What is Wyoming History Day, and how can my student participate?
Wyoming History Day is part of the National History Day program, where students in grades 6-12 research historical topics and create projects like exhibits, documentaries, and performances. These projects are evaluated at local, state, and national levels, with Wyoming’s event taking place each April. The program is supported by organizations like the Wyoming Historical Society, American Heritage Center, and the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources. For more details on participation, visit the Wyoming History Day website or contact Bryce Mittelstadt at 307.766.2300 or whd@uwyo.edu.
For general inquiries, you can also reach out to our main office info@wyshs.org.
Do you accept monetary donations?
Yes! Monetary donations are always appreciated and help us carry out our mission to preserve Wyoming’s history. Visit our Donate page for more information on how you can contribute.
How can I request a speaker from the Wyoming Historical Society for an event?
If you’d like to request a speaker for your event, please research our speakers and then reach out to us via email. We offer talks on various aspects of Wyoming history and would be happy to support your event.
How can I volunteer with the Wyoming Historical Society?
While we don't directly advertise volunteer-based events we love working with volunteers! Whether you’re interested in helping with events, assisting with research, or supporting other programs, we’d love to have you. Please email us to learn more and we'll find a good place for you.
Can I request historical research assistance?
While we don’t conduct research on behalf of individuals, we can provide guidance and direct you to resources. Feel free to email us in regards to your research question: info@wyshs.org. Please also feel free to check out our project the online encyclopedia wyohistory.org for detailed articles written by historians all over the state.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@wyshs.org or call us at . We’re here to help!