P-39 Aircobra (see Bell P-39 Aircobra)
P-51 Mustang (see North American P-51 Mustang)
P-63 Kingcobra (see Bell P-63 Kingcobra)
P. J. Quealy: Wyoming’s Coal Man and Town Builder by Glen Barrett 47:1:31-43
Pa-ha-za-ze-a-ta-ca (see Parr, Dick)
Pacific Coast 31:2:140; 65:2/3:16 (see also James Madison Alden. Yankee Artist of the Pacific Coast, 1854-1860)
Pacific Coast Dairyman 43:2:166, 203
Pacific Creek 1:1:3; 30:2:195; 33:2:164; 44:2:284; 45:1:47
Pacific Fur Company 15:2:173; 30:1:45; 42:1:96; 44:1:79-80
Pacific Northwest 65:2/3:4 (see also In Search of Butch Cassidy; Indians of the Pacific Northwest)
Pacific Northwestern 65:4:21, 32
Pacific Ocean (see Lost America, From the Mississippi to the Pacific; Philo White’s Narrative of a Cruize in the Pacific to South America and California on the U.S. Sloop-of-War "Dale", 1841-1843; Our New West. Records of Travel Between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean)
Pacific Ocean 65:2/3:4
Pacific Railroad 32:1:44
Pacific Railroad surveys 32:1:30
Pacific Springs 22:2:54; 23:1:59, 66; 25:2:128; 29:1:158; 30:1:56, 50-51; 30:2:193, 195, 201, 204; 46:1:61; 49:2:267
Pacific Springs Stage Station 23:1:59, 66; 25:2:128; 29:2:158; 30:1:46, 50-51; 30:2:193, 195, 201, 205
Pacific Telegraph 44:1:30; 47:1:21, 27
pack trains 28:2:148
Pack Saddle Jack (see Morrison, John)
Packer (Governor) 34:1:87
Packer, Alfred 25:1:105-107; 28:1:64; 32:2:223
Pack-His-Drums photo 18:2:134-135 (see also Sioux)
Pactola (see Dakota)
Padden, Charles 28:2:176
Paddock, A. A. 27:2:231
Paddock, Algernon S. 53:2:34
Paddock, J. V. S. (Lieutenant) 16:2:99, 102, 105; 18:1:20
Paddock, R. B. (Lieutenant) 38:1:64
Padehiyadeka 36:2:134
Paden, Irene 30:2:211; 31:2:189; 42:2:269; 65:2/3:2 (see also Wake of the Prairie Schooner)
Padouca 17:2:137
Paducah Fork 37:2:216
Page 22:2:55
Page, E. C. 43:1:26, 29
Page, Eliza 26:2:111
Page, Elizabeth 31:2:161
Page, Henry 25:2:114-116, 118, 139; 31:2:159-160
Page, Vicki (see Changing Face of Cowboy State Agriculture: Turn of the Century Wyoming Agriculturalist-A Demographic Profile)
Pageant of American History by Gerald Leinwand 49:2:228, 235, 246
pageants 25:1:61-82; 30:2:110; 30:2:107
Pagel, Betty Lou (see review of Salute to Courage)
Pagel, Carrie Edith 42:1:58
Pagel, William Reinhart 42:1:58, 72
Pagel, William Rush 42:1:135 (see also George Morgan, Pioneer Importer and Breeder of American Herefords)
Paha Sapa (see Black Hills)
Pahaska Tepee 45:1:19
Pah-Ede (see Pi Ede)
Pah-goh-zete 16:1:30-31 (see also Bannock)
Pahranagat 30:1:77
Pah-Vent 26:2:152-154, 167-168; 27:1:78, 82, 85-87; 29:2:97, 211, 225; 30:1:77, 79
Pahviets 16:2:90-92, 94, 113, 129 (see also Ute)
Paige (General) 28:1:89
Paige, John C. (see review of Coloradans; review of Carlos Montezuma and the Changing World of American Indians; review of Shadows of the Indian: Sterotypes in American Culture; review of Making of a Town: Wright, Wyoming)
Paine (Senator) 37:1:39-40
Paine, Seth (Mrs.) 62:1:20
paint brush map of Wyoming (see maps)
Paint Rock Creek Valley 65:4:28
Painted Desert (see Navajo of the Painted Desert)
Painted Woods Creek 17:2:125-126
Painter 2:1:13
Painter, George 26:1:54
Painter, John 26:1:64
Painter, Wyoming 12:3:228; 29:2:157
Paintrock Creek 30:1:5-7, 9-11
Paiute 26:2:152, 168; 27:1:85-88; 27:2:204; 29:2:211, 213, 225; 33:1:23, 28
Paiute (Northern) 36:2:133
Paiute (Southern) 36:2:133
Paivotso 33:1:25, 28
Palace Car Studio 65:1:37, 51-52
Pale Ink: Two Ancient Records of Chinese Explorations in America by Henriette Mertz, review 45:1:129-130
Paleo 65:1:4
Palisades National Bank 22:1:85
Pallady (see Bullardy, Leon)
Pallardie, Leon 51:2:38-39
Palm 33:1:97
Palmer (Captain) 21:2/3:137
Palmer 22:2:53
Palmer, Axel 36:2:196-197
Palmer, C. L. 19:2:80
Palmer, E. Percy 22:1:88
Palmer, F. G. 39:1:103
Palmer, Ford 45:2:254
Palmer, Granville 19:1:39
Palmer, Gus 36:1:197
Palmer, H. E. (Captain) 16:1:74; 33:2:171; 36:1:74
Palmer, Innis Newton (Lieutenant Colonel) 38:1:18-19, 43, 45, 47; 40:1:46-47; 42:1:91; 47:2:215; 49:2:259; 50:1:143; 55:1:41
Palmer, Jack 51:2:44-45
Palmer, Joel 22:2:53; 30:2:198-199; 31:2:221
Palmer John M. (General) 34:1:70
Palmer, Louis J. 12:4:288; photo 37:1:4, 5, 18-19, 21
Palmer, Ora 56:1:17
Palmer, W. H. 19:2:80, 85, 96, 102
Palmer, Walter E. 19:2:69, 73
Palmer, Zermira 32:1:53
Palmerston, H. P. 51:2:15
Palmieri, Anthony (Doctor) (see Medical Incidents in the Life of Dr. John H. Finfrock)
Palmieri, Anthony, III (see John C. Davis: Portrait of a Rocky Mountain Drug Wholesaling Pioneer)
palimpsest 65:1:11, 13
Palwaggi 23:2:52
Pamplin Smoking Pipe and Manufacturing Company, Incorporated 32:2:125
Pamplin, Virginia (see Pamplin Smoking Pipe and Manufacturing Company, Incorporated)
Pan American Petroleum Company 53:1:17, 22
Panaiti toyani 33:1:34
Panawick 26:2:153 (see also Ute)
Panic of 1893 65:4:58
Pannack (see Bannock)
Pan-sook-a-motse 30:1:72 (see also Bannock)
Pantoshiga 28:2:207; 29:2:210; 30:1:72 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Papago 31:2:143
Papago Reservation 33:1:104
Papanikolas, Helen Z. (see Peoples of Utah)
Papanikolas, Zeese (see Buried Unsung: Louis Tikas and the Ludlow Massacre)
Papau, New Guinea 65:1:53
Pape, Lester 25:1:68
Pappen 4:3:352
Parachute Creek 16:2:124
Paradise Valley (see Star Valley)
Pa-rah-ia-dika (see Tukadeka)
Parashunt 26:2:154
Parcher, Carl Russell (see Carl Russell Parcher Papers)
Parco Inn photo 55:1:2, 6, photo 7
Parco, Wyoming 29:2:159; 53:1:9; 54:2:35 (see also Sinclair, Wyoming)
Parco, Wyoming: A Model Company Town by Gregory D. Kendfrick 55:1:2-08
PARCO (see Producers and Refiners Corporation)
Pardees (Lieutenant) 40:2:173
Pardon, M. Noel 41:1:5, 11-12, 19-20, 22
Paris, France 65:4:54, 57-58 (see also New York to Paris Automobile Race-Crossing Wyoming in 1908)
Paris, Texas 65:4:38-39
Parish, William J. (see Charles Ilfeld Company. A Study of the Rise and Decline of Mercantile Capitalism in New Mexico)
Park City, Utah 60:1:11, 13, photo 14
Park County 45:1:83, 85; 54:2:14; 60:1:25
Park County Arts Council 65:4:19
Park County Chapter 30:110 (see also Wyoming State Historical Society)
Parke, Charles 31:2:163
Parke, Charles Ross 32:2:188 (see also Dreams to Dust: A Diary of the California Gold Rush, 1849-1850)
Parke County, Indiana 23:1:97
Parke, H. E. (see GRAVES; relocation of pioneer burials)
Parker (Captain) 36:1:74
Parker (Colonel) 45:2:146
Parker (Lieutenant) 16:1:25
Parker, Aaron 36:2:140
Parker and Mullins 44:1:94
Parker, Anna (Miss) 19:1:30
Parker, Arvilla, sketch 65:4:36-37
Parker, Brown 29:1:56
Parker, Charles 28:2:131, 135; 55:1:45
Parker, David W. (see Calendar of Papers in Washington Archives Relating to the Territories of the U.S. to 1873)
Parker, E. S. 30:1:88-89; 43:2:242, 251
Parker, F. (Captain) 18:1:57
Parker, George Leroy 22:2:160; 23:2:53; photo 29:2:160; 30:1:17-18, 21; 31:1:53, 57, 59-61 (see also Cassidy, Butch)
Parker, Glen (Judge) 27:2:231
Parker, Glenn 64:2:58 (see also review of Fair Fights and Foul)
Parker, Inez 42:2:215
Parker, Inez Eugenia Adams (Mrs.) 22:2:55; 65:2/3:17, 19, 26
Parker, J. P. 43:2:279
Parker, James G. 20:1:80
Parker, Jennie 54:2:5
Parker, John 19:1:31
Parker, LuRay (see review of Photographing the Frontier)
Parker, O. A. 30:1:32
Parker, Samuel (Reverend) 40:2:205, 219; 43:2:222; 44:1:84; 58:2:5
Parker, Samuel 1:1:5; 17:2:101; 22:2:52-53; 21:2/3:173; 27:2:178
Parker, W. H. 20:1:72
Parker, William H. (Judge) 64:2:37
Parkhill, Forbes 32:1:112
Parkhurst, Charles H. (Reverend) 58:1:9, 11, photo 13
Parkin, Sam 15:3:284
Parkinson, C. Northcote (see "Glass-Eye Bill," Western Letters and Letters from Wyoming)
Parkman, Francis 17:1:5; 17:2:137-138; 21:2/3:177, 179; 27:2:160, 174-175; 31:2:140; 36:1:8; 45:1:8; 47:1:10; 58:2:5; 65:2/3:7 (see also Oregon Trail)
Parkman Sunday School 65:1:28
Parks (Captain) 23:1:56, 65
Parks (Judge) 15:1:39-40
Parks, C. S., Jr. 49:2:278
Parks, Frank 26:1:15
Parks, Samuel C. photo 53:2:31, 36
Parks, William 20:2:170
Parks, William P., Sr. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:231; 28:2:211
Parmalee, C. H. (Major) 37:2:197; 38:1:64; 55:1:26
Parmelee, Edward 10:1:42, 45
Parmelee, Mary (Mrs.) 25:1:94
Parowan, Utah 21:2/3:119
Parr, Cephas 9:1:649-665 (see also Sketch of the Life of Dick Parr)
Parr, Dick 9:1:653-655 (see also Pa-ha-za-ze-a-ta-ca)
Parr, Louise 9:1:649-665
Parrish, Edward (Reverend) 22:2:53; 40:2:214, 219; 42:1:9; 42:2:193, 197, 207-208, 219-220, 222
Parrish, Phillip H. 17:2:105
Parrish, William Floyd 30:2:148-149
Parrot, George 6:1&2:231-233; 8:4:641; 13:2:128-129; 20:2:173; 29:1:46; 30:1:35; 38:1:93; 53:2:24; 61:2:43-44 (see also Big Nose George; Manuse)
Parry, E. O. (Mrs.) 30:2:238
Parry, Edward Owen, Sr. (Judge) 30:2:127-144, 238
Parry, George G. 30:2:127
Parry, Henry C. 30:2:127-129, photo 130, 144, 238
Parshall, A. J. (Mrs.) 1:3:20
Parshall, A. J. 1:3:16
Parshall, Annie K. 1:3:14-16
Parsnip Creek 17:1:47
Parson, Ann "Snapping Annie" 50:2:346
Parson, Warren F. 50:2:346
Parsons, John E. 31:1:120-121 (see also Firearms in the Custer Battle)
Parsons, Kansas 65:1:20
Partenhammer, James (Private) 36:1:69
Parting of the Ways by Mrs. Mary Hurlburt Scott 31:2:197-198, 214-215
Parting of the Ways map 45:1:48 (see also HISTORICAL MARKERS)
Parting of the Ways on the Oregon Trail-The East Terminal of the Oregon Trail by David E. Miller 45:1:47-49, photos 50, 51-52
Partoll, Albert J. 12:1:56-62 (see also How Fort William, Now Fort Laramie Was Named)
Partons, J. E. (see Smith and Wesson Revolvers)
Partridge, Charles (Mrs.) 38:1:92
Partridge, Charles 10:1:13
Partridge, Sarah 14:1:41-42
Parvante (see Pah-Vent)
Parvon (see Pah-Vent)
Pascall, Henry L. 4:4:406
Paschall, Marion (Mrs.) 29:2:150-156, 241
Pasche, August 20:1:78; 64:2:44
Pasco Chamber of Commerce 13:4:389
Paseo 47:2:175, 177, 179-180, 185-187
Pash-e-co 27:2:203; 28:1:83 (see also Bannock)
Pasi (see Bazil)
Pasmore (Professor) 37:1:51, 63
Pass Creek 32:2:155; 33:1:98; 44:2:163
Pass Creek, Montana 26:1:43
Pass Creek Stage Station 40:2:247
Pass Creek, Wyoming 17:1:31, 36
Passing, H. E. 26:1:8
Passing of the Great West. Selected Papers of George Bird Grinnell edited by John F. Reiger, review 44:2:287-288
Passing of the Range (poem) by Lee Crownover Stoddard 26:2:140
Passion for Freedom: The Life of Sharlot Hall by Margaret F. Maxwell, review 56:2:50
Pastor, Frederico Gutierrez 54:2:26-27
Pat Garrett. The Saga of a Western Lawman by Leon C. Metz, review 46:2:291-292
Pat O’Hara Creek 44:1:17
Pat O’Hara Creek by David J. Wasden 49:2:270, 275-276, 280-281
Pat O’Hara Creek Range 19:2:66
Patee, Fred 5:4:161
Pateria, Alan (see Grand Encampment Copper Towns)
Pathfinder Canyon 37:2:218
Pathfinder Dam 20:1:58; 23:1:59; 33:2:217; 46:1:119
Pathfinder Reservoir 64:3/4:55
Patrick (Doctor) 26:2:137, 139
Patrick, Algernon S. 55:1:44-45
Patrick Brothers 26:2:138; 34:1:45; 38:1:68
Patrick, Ed L. 50:1:9
Patrick, Florence D. (Doctor) 25:1:40, 94; 64:2:55
Patrick, James (see Ross, Charley)
Patrick, Lucille (Mrs.) 30:1:108, 110-111
Patrick, Lucille Nichols (see Candy Kid. James Calvin "Kid Nichols, 1883-1962)
Patrick, M. L. 51:2:43-44
Patrick, M. T. 55:1:44
Patrick, Mathewson (Colonel) 55:1:44
Patrick, Matt 15:1:44; 53:2:33
Patskey, (Doctor) 45:1:31
Pattawatoni 34:1:109
Pattee, James Monroe 34:2:193-194, photo 196, 197-211
Pattee, the Lottery King. The Omaha and Wyoming Lotteries by Philip Gardiner Nordell 34:2:193-211
Pattee’s Bullion Mining Company 34:2:208
Patten (see U.S. v. Patten)
Patten, James I. 53:2:50 (see also Buffalo Hunting with the Shoshone Indians in 1874 in the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming; Patton, James I.)
Patter Sons (see Patterson, Elijah)
Patterson 25:1:74
Patterson, A. Verne 24:1:4
Patterson, Arthur H. 47:1:65
Patterson-Black, Sheryll 64:3/4:50
Patterson, Charles F. 22:2:32, 35
Patterson, Eleanor photos 55:2:28-29, 30-32
Patterson, Elijah (Captain) 21:2/3:136
Patterson, George W. 64:2:56
Patterson, Henry W. (Captain) 43:2:242, 245, 254
Patterson, J. H. (Captain) 22:2:32; 30:1:88
Patterson, John W. 40:1:69-70
Patterson, Joseph photo 55:2:29
Patterson, Lon 52:2:53
Patterson, Milder 56:1:13
Patterson, Richard A. 27:2:231
Patterson store 22:2:34-35; 23:2:30
Pattison, Rachel E. 21:2/3:223; 42:1:28
Patton 37:1:93
Patton, Hugh 46:1:117
Patton, James I. 24:2:82; 26:1:51, 60, 63
Patton, Vose and Company 44:1:42
Patton, William 12:1:56 (see also FORTS AND CAMPS: Fort John)
Patzki (see Patskey, Doctor)
Patzki, J. H. 4:3:357-358
Paugh, Minnie 65:1:41, 48, 50, 53
Paul 38:2:221 (see also Cheyenne Indians)
Paul, Ethel 21:1:91
Paul, G. W. (Captain) 31:1:7, 15; 32:1:55
Paul Henderson Oregon Trail Collection 65:2/3:27
Paul, R. Eli (see Eyewitness at Wounded Knee)
Paul Wilhelm (Duke of Wurttemberg) (see Travels in North America, 1822-1824)
Pauley, F. N. 51:2:20
Pauling, Phillip (Doctor) 39:2:259
Paulsen 35:2:193, 198
Paulson, George W. 35:1:120 (see also review of Edward Kern and American Expansion; Congressional Career of Joseph Maul Carey)
Paulus (see Paul)
Paulus (Father) 21:2/3:206
Paulus (Lieutenant) 39:1:106
Paul’s Juvenile Symphonators 43:1:101
Pauper’s Dream Gold Mine 16:1:67
Pawnee, Blackfoot and Cheyenne-History and Folklore of the Plains by George Bird Grinnell, introduction by Dee Brown, review 33:2:231-232
Pawnee 17:2:113, 137-139, 150; 21:2/3:174; 26:2:125, 173; 27:2:146; 30:2:128, 134, 136-137; 31:2:139, 142-143; 33:2:171-172; 34:1:55; 40:1:12; 42:1:35-36; 44:1:62; 46:1:11; 47:2:143, 148; 50:1:162-163, 165; 59:1:50, 54; 65:2/3:22 (see also Pawnee, Blackfoot and Cheyenne-History and Folklore of the Plains)
Pawnee Killer 46:1:9, 16 (see also Sioux)
Pawnee Rock 23:2:27
Pawnee scouts (see MILITARY)
Pawnee Springs 65:2/3:25
Pawnee Township, Kansas 64:3/4:56
Pawpawgee (see Popo Agie)
Paw-sha-quin 27:1:82 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Paxson, Frederick L. (Professor) 65:2/3:12
Paxton and Turner 46:1:39
Paxton, M. A. 38:1:68
Paxton, R. F. (Reverend) 65:1:27
Paxton, William 54:2:67-68
Payche (dog) 30:2:141
Payne, Henry "Dad" 24:2:86
Payne, Homer 25:1:66
Payne, J. Scott (Captain) 3:2:137-144; 41:1:102-103 (see also Payne, Scott)
Payne, Janet Smith (Mrs.) 27:2:231
Payne, Jim 25:1:68
Payne, Scott (Captain) 16:2:99, 103-107, 119-121, 138; 18:1:20
Payne, Tope 17:1:70
Payson, Lois B. (Mrs.) 27:1:119-121; 27:2:231; 28:2:221-223; 29:2:232-233; 30:1:114-115
Payson, Utah 26:2:153
Payton, E. T. 44:1:10-11; 55:1:24 (see also Mad Men)
Peabody (Miss) 65:1:32
Peabody, A. S. 15:4:388; 18:2:153; 24:1:65; 27:1:112, 114; 65:1:29-30, 32
Peabody Collection photo 65:1:29 (see also Peabody, A. S.)
Peabody, Endicott (Doctor) 34:2:166, 170
Peace Chiefs of the Cheyenne by Stan Hoig, review 53:1:67
Peace Commission (1868) 18:2:132-133; 30:1:65, 81-87
peace pipe 26:1:78
Peake, J. H. (Mrs.) 26:1:10
Peake, J. H. 26:1:8
Peale, Albert Charles (Doctor) 14:4:280; photos 34:2:176, 181 (see also Albert Charles Peale, Pioneer Geologist of the Hayden Survey)
Peale, Charles Willson 34:2:175, 189
Peale, Eliza Burd Patterson 34:2:176
Peale, Harriet Friel 34:2:176
Peale Island 34:2:190
Peale, J. Burd 34:2:176
Peale, Mundy I. 64:1:24
Peale, Titian R. 34:2:177, 189
Peale, Young 34:2:176
Pearce, Bennett R. (see review of America’s Western Frontiers, The Exploration and Settlement of the Trans- Mississippi West)
Pearce, D. J. 34:1:92
Pearce-Moses, Richard, (see review of Photojournalism in American)
Pearl Harbor 24:1:5-6, 15; 64:3/4:7
Pearlstine, S. S. 61:1:19
Pearson, Cora 26:2:111
Pearson, Drew 55:1:15, 17; 55:2:31
Pearson, Fred N. 24:2:97
Pearson, George 48:2:175
Pearson, John D. (see review of $10 Horse, $40 Saddle. Cowboy Clothing, Arms, Tools and Horse Gear of the 1880’s)
Pearson, Louise (Mrs.) 27:2:231
Pearson, Samuel B. (Captain) 18:1:57
Pearson, W. E. 27:2:231
Pease, Al 24:2:82, 86, 95
Pease and Bramel 18:1:81
Pease County 21:2/3:196; 23:1:20; 35:2:129-130 (see also Johnson County)
Pease, David 31:1:20; 32:1:59
Pease, E. L. 35:2:130
Pease, F. D. 44:1:68
Pease, Ira 21:2/3:204
Pease, L. D. (Judge) 9:3:740-741; 15:3:285; 17:1:77; 17:2:79-80; 18:1:81, 88; 21:2/3:202, 209; 24:1:64; 24:2:20; 33:2:147; 37:2:180; 62:1:64
Pease, L. D. (Mrs.) 17:1:80
Pease, Sarah Wallace (Mrs.) 29:1:34; 35:1:90; 53:2:26, 28; 62:1:48; 62:3:140-143 (see also Recollections of One of the Grand Jurors of Albany County)
Pease, Vera Jane Edwards 5:2:77; 5:2&3:119; 7:4:483-484; 9:1:682-684
Pease, Walter D. 20:1:59
Peasley, Helen (Mrs.) 57:2:4
Pecheau, Wilhemia "Billie" 26:2:115
Peck (Doctor) 20:2:116
Peck, A. S. (Colonel) 4:4:373
Peck, Bob 39:1:137-138
Peck, Carrie 22:2:35
Peck, E. S. 16:2:143
Peck, H. P. 38:2:189
Peck, John P. 40:1:7
Peck, Joseph 54:1:52
Peck, Mable 19:1:61
Peck, Mable M. 14:4:328
Peck, Margaret (see Bannack and Other Poems; review of Boom Town Boy; review of Learn to Love the Haze; review of Past’s Persisting)
Peck, Roy 64:1:24
Peck, W. (Reverend) 39:1:72
Peck, W. H. 16:2:93, 97, 100, 143
Peck, W. S. 22:2:35
Peck, Will 16:2:143
Peck, William Ware 15:1:40-43; 53:2:25, photo 31, 33-36
Peckham, Rufus (Justice) 53:2:5
Peckinpah, Sam 64:1:2
Pedersen, James F. (see Shall The People Rule? A History of the Democratic Party in Nebraska Politics, 1854- 1972)
Pederson, Louise Alsop 36:2:187
Peede (Miss) 28:2:139
Peek, E. D. (Brigadier General) 18:1:58
Peel, Sheila Sundquist 57:1:68 (see also Wyoming State Capitol Building)
Peep O’Day (see O’Day, Tom)
Peer Johnny (squaw) 25:1:55-56 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Peeteeneet 27:1:74 (see also Utah Indians)
Pegaleshka (see Spotted Tail)
Pegram, John (Lieutenant) 27:1:58
Pe-he-zi-wi (see Mini-aku)
Peilman, Gerald 21:1:101
Pelton, Ben H. 38:1:129 (see also History of the Midwest Oil Company)
Pelton, B. H., Jr. 22:1:91
Pelton, Clark 37:1:97 (see also Webster, Billy)
Pelton, John 26:1:64; 31:1:87
Pelzer, Louis 20:1:61; 37:2:174
pemmican 30:2:178
Pemperton, Charles (Private) 49:2:256
Pen-Coos 14:1:51 (see also Crow)
Pena, Adolph 13:4:357; 20:2:171 (see also RANCHES: Six Mile)
Pence, A. M. (Mrs.) 24:2:114; 27:2:231
Pence, Alfred M. 24:2:120-122; 25:2:210; 26:1:101-102; 27:1:118-119; 27:2:245; 29:1:111
Pence, Mary Lou 22:1:93-94; 25:2:216-217; 28:1:112-114; 30:1:108; 32:2:252; 44:1:41; 64:2:51-52, 58 (see also Boswell, the Story of a Frontier Lawman; Ellen Hereford Washakie of the Shoshones; Fort Sanders-Sentinel of the Laramie Plains; Ghost Towns of Wyoming; Shoshonean Princess-Crimson Dawn)
Pend d’Oreille Lake 17:2:94
Pendelton, Oregon 23:1:81
Pender, Rose 37:1:98
Pendergraff, Ray 49:1:132, 134-135, 138 (see also Pendergraft, Ray)
Pendergraft, Alti 52:2:47, 56
Pendergraft, Ray 48:1:135, 139-140 (see also Pendergraff, Ray) (see also WSHS 31st Annual Trek; Washakie: A Wyoming County History)
Pendleton, George 60:2:25, 29
Peneau Creek (see Prairie Dog Creek)
Pengwidika (Fisheater) 33:1:32; 36:2:133
Penington, Matt 64:2:39
penitentiaries (see FIRSTS: penitentiary in Wyoming; I Felt Like I Must be Entering...Another World; Laramie Penitentiary; Rawlins Penitentiary; Territorial penitentiary; Wyoming State Penitentiary; Wyoming Territorial Penitentiary)
Penitentiary Papers of Wyoming Territory 16:1:55 (see also State Penitentiary; Wyoming Territorial Penitentiary)
Penman, W. B. 24:1:4
Penn-Wyoming Company 19:2:123
Pennick, Isaac B. (Sergeant) 27:1:14
Pennington, John B. 43:2:271
Pennington, Julia Ann (Mrs.) 21:2/3:238
Pennington, Roy 61:2:37
Penniwell Collection 19:1:59
Pennock 19:1:53
Pennock, Jack 23:2:4-29; 28:1:55
Pennock, Jake (Sergeant) 32:2:227, 231; 42:2:266
Pennock, Taylor 19:1:51-52 (see also Recollections of Taylor Pennock)
Pennock, W. D. 17:1:56
Pennsylvania 65:1:7; 65:4:46
Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Company 41:1:6, 13
Pennsylvania Railroad 7:2:403
Penny, James Cash (J. C.) 22:2:45-46; 47:1:40-41
Peno Creek 31:1:49
Peno Creek by James Boedan 5:2:317-318
Penrose, C. W. (Colonel) 18:1:57
Penrose, Charles Bingham (Doctor) 20:1:14; 35:2:148; 64:2:37, 40; 65:4:31-32
Penrose, Ross 65:4:32
Pentecost of Calamity by Owen Wister 64:1:8
People and a Nation by Clarence L. Versteeg and Richard Hofstadter 49:2:234, 246
People of the Horseback Culture 65:4:5, 75
Peoples of Utah by Helen Z. Papanikolas, review 48:2:282-284
People’s Party 37:2:194 (see also Populists)
People’s Telelphone Company 30:2:149
Peopling the High Plains. Wyoming’s European Heritage edited by Gordon Olaf Hendrickson, review 50:1:182-183
Pephardt, J. W. (Reverend) 17:1:79
Pepin (fur trader) 15:2:137
Pepper (Sheriff) 53:2:34
Perales, Clarence P., Jr. 26:1:95
Peralto, P. T. 26:1:64
Percy 33:1:98; 44:2:158, 163
Percy, Archibald A. 33:2:133
Percy Station 15:1:61-62
Perkings, E. Douglass 32:2:195; 42:1:15, 29; 43:2:230 (see also Gold Rush Diary)
Perkins (fur trader) 15:2:136
Perkins, Adam C. 5:2:78; 5:2&3:120
Perkins and Chandler 46:1:37
Perkins, B. W. 46:1:35
Perkins, Charles 16:2:94, 98
Perkins, Charlie 7:4:450
Perkins Dairy (see Perkins, E. Douglas)
Perkins, E. Douglas 31:1:29-31; 31:2:187
Perkins, I. H. 10:3:144
Perkins, M. L. 39:1:103
Perkins Store 16:2:96-98, 100-101, 109
Perkins, Ute 26:2:161
Perkins v. McDowell 37:2:184
Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund 63:1:15-16
Perpetual Emigrating Fund Company 26:2:159
Perrigoue, Nell 38:1:85, 101
Perrin, Jack 26:1:55
Perrine, Peter 25:2:118
Perrone, Vito 49:2:234
Perry (General) 17:1:56
Perry (lawyer) 15:1:45
Perry, A. J. (General) 34:2:139-140
Perry, E. P. 54:2:40
Perry, Felix (Chas. Washakie’s adopted son) 22:2:9-10 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Perry, George W. 18:1:86, 88
Perry, Guy 30:1:20-21
Perry, Henry C. (Major) 31:2:127-144, 238; 45:1:96-97 (see also Letters from the Frontier, 1867)
Perry, John 30:1:21
Perry, John C. 53:2:37
Perry, Nelson 19:1:43
Perry, S. D. 42:2:173
Perry Smith’s Meat Market 16:2:141
Perry, Susan photo 13:3:167
Perry, Walter E. 42:2:167, 169, 171, 173
Persh-e-go 26:1:78 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Pershing, Frances Warren 26:1:36
Pershing, John J. (General) 18:1:32-34; 22:1:80; 26:1:37; 65:1:7
Pershing Junior War Savings League 65:1:7 (see also Pershing, John L.)
Persimmon Bill 5:2:53-54; 21:2/3:226; 27:1:38; 28:1:59 (see also Chambers, William)
Person, E. M. 28:2:133
Personal History by John H. Gordon 1:4:4-12
Persune 16:2:115, 128, 135 (see also Ute)
Peryam, Mable Large (Mrs.) 27:2:231
Petcher (Captain) 19:1:42
Pete Creek 29:2:179
Pe-teet-neet 26:2:153, 174-175; 27:2:215 (see also Ute)
Peter Hurd. A Portrait Sketch from Life by Paul Horgan, review 37:2:256
Peter, W. D. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:231
Peters and Alston 18:1:77; 29:1:54
Peters, Betsy (see review of I Married Wyatt Erap. The Recollections of Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp)
Peters, C. C. 24:2:109
Peters Creek 23:2:28
Peters, H. M. 19:1:48
Peters, Leora (Mrs.) 26:2:230; 27:2:231; 29:1:112; 30:2:234; 37:1:121
Peters, Oran A. 20:1:93
Peters, Orin 21:1:101
Peters, Ray, photo 65:4:5
Peters, T. W. "Twice Wintered" 12:2:114; 29:1:51, 54; 43:2:211
Peters, W. T. 35:2:131
Petersdorf, Helen 28:2:139
Petersdorf, Henrietta (Mrs.) 28:2:139
Petersen, Anna 21:2/3:240
Petersen, Frank L. 58:1:16
Peterson, Andy 32:2:158-159
Peterson Army Air Base (Colorado) (see MILITARY)
Peterson, Audrey 65:4:47
Peterson, Charles 64:3/4:60
Peterson, Eli 19:1:47, 49; 24:21:3, 12; 36:2:195
Peterson, Emma 58:1:42
Peterson, Frank 16:1:31
Peterson, George 30:1:31
Peterson, Gwen 65:1:39
Peterson, H. 26:1:64
Peterson, H. L. (see American Knives)
Peterson, Hans 42:1:84
Peterson, Harold J. 30:2:232
Peterson, Henry J. (Doctor) 13:2:157; 22:1:3-63, 67-68; 25:1:96, 99-100; 27:2:231 (see also John Wesley Hoyt, Territorial Governor of Wyoming, 1878-1882;Statehood for Wyoming; Wyoming a Cattle Kingdom)
Peterson, Henry J. (Mrs.) 22:1:68
Peterson, Ida Elizabeth (Mrs.) 27:2:231
Peterson, Iran A. 18:1:89
Peterson, Joe 26:1:64
Peterson, Louie 26:1:64
Peterson, Martin 14:3:247
Peterson, Richard H. (see Bonanza Kings: The Social Origins and Business Behavior of Western Mining Entrepreneurs, 1870-1900; Bonanza Rich)
Peterson, Robert A. 26:2:214; 27:2:231
Peterson, Robert Constant 22:1:68
Peterson, Robert "Bob" 30:2:159
Peterson, Virgil V. 25:1:105-107
Peterson, William 15:1:108 (see also Valley of the Upper Yellowstone)
Petit, Horace 32:2:209
Petite Arc (Little Bow) 17:2:129-130 (see also Omaha Indians)
Petite Cerise (see Little Cherry)
Petravage, Jacqueline (see New Deal Art in Wyoming. Some Case Studies)
petrified buffalo (see myths and legends)
Petrik, Paula (see No Step Backward: Women and Family on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier, Helena, Montana, 1865-1900)
Petriken, R. W. (Lieutenant) 18:1:8, 48
petroglyphs 9:2:689-704; 28:1:95; 29:2:137; 30:1:106 (see also Artists of Wyoming)
Petroglyphs (poem) by Sheila Hart 34:1:59
petroleum (see oil)
Petroleum Mattschappy Oil Company 22:1:88-89
Pettibone, Jay 15:1:21
Pettigrew (Senator) 20:1:34; 20:2:140
Pettigrew, Freddie 34:1:8
Pettigrew, M. W. 37:2:200
Pettigrew, Sarah photo 34:1:4, 6, 8
Pettigrews, Charles "Charlie" 34:1:6, 8, 10-11
Pettingil 25:2:130
Pettingil, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 19:2:111
Pettitt, Fred 33:2:191
Pettrigrew party 34:1:7
Petty, James 31:2:231
Petty, S. 25:1:90
Petty, W. James 32:1:103; 32:2:238, 249-250 (see also review of Bent’s Old Fort. An Archeological Study)
Pettyjohn, Isaac 32:1:52
Petutneet (see Pe-teet-neet)
Petzer, Louis 65:1:8
Petzoldt, Paul 44:2:261
Peverley, Howard 31:2:235
Peyton, Harrison 28:2:121
Peyton, Pauline 20:1:90; 28:1:60-62, 68
Peyton, Pauline E. (Mrs.) 24:1:101; 27:2:231; 28:1:41-42, 60-62
Peyton, Pauline M. (Miss) 27:2:231
PF Ranch (see RANCHES)
Pfaff, Betty Carpenter (see review of Genteel Gentile. Letters of Elizabeth Cumming, 1857-1858)
Pfeifer, C. W. 31:1:44
Pfeifer, G. L. (see review of Jireh College-Stirred Embers of the Past)
Pfeiffenberger, John M. 19:1:61
Pfeiffer, Frank 47:1:40
Pfeiffer, J. 17:1:82
Pfister, John E. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:231
Pfisterer, Eugene 25:1:68, 77-80
Pfisterer, Ida Mae (Mrs. Eugene) 25:1:73-74, 77-81
Phalen, James 34:2:210
Phaler, Pharen (Mrs.) 25:1:66
Phelan, Adele Moss Bennot 48:2:168
Phelan, Catherine E. 27:2:231
Phelan, Elizabeth 21:2/3:238
Phelan, Grover 47:1:5
Phelan, J. R. 48:2:168, 176
Phelan, Walter A. 48:2:223, 225, 234, 241
Phelps, L. G. 19:2:69; 49:2:272
Phelps Lake 44:1:76, 88
Phelps, Sarah May "Billie" 64:2:57-58
Phelps, William 60:2:27, 30
Pheonix, Johnnie 32:1:123 (see also Fenex, John)
Phifer (Doctor) 20:1:87
Phifer, John K. 54:2:27
Phil Kearny Fight 7:3:389-394
Phil Sheridan Album by Lawrence A. Frost, review 41:1:150
Philadelphia International Exposition of 1876 65:1:8
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 27:2:227; 65:1:23; 65:4:74
philately (see stamps)
Philippine Insurrection 52:1:23
Philippine Islands 59:1:29-34
Philippines 65:4:45
Philippott, L. J. A. 22:1:89
Philistine 24:2:68-69
Phillippines (see FIRSTS: American flag raised in Manila, Philippines raised by Wyoming troops)
Phillip 26:2:183
Phillips (Mrs.) 34:1:89
Phillips, A. L. 38:1:78
Phillips and Son 24:2:96
Phillips, Arthur 24:2:44
Phillips, Edwin (see Phillips, Elvington)
Phillips, Eliza 32:1:72
Phillips, Elvington 50:2:304, 312, 314
Phillips, F. 20:2:170
Phillips, F. M. 12:2:148; 17:2:56; 51:2:24
Phillips, Hattie 34:1:89; 38:2:225; 40:1:40
Phillips, J. R. 23:2:46
Phillips, John 17:1:56; 32:1:71-72, 78, 80
Phillips, John "Portugee" 12:2:146; 13:2:88-89; 17:1:11; 18:2:130; 20:2:146; 27:2:179, 181, 185-186; 30:2:153; 32:1:109; 32:2:269; 36:1:61; 37:1:85-86, 88;38:2:223-228, photo 244; 40:1:41-56; 42:1:90-92; 55:1:41 (see also HISTORICAL MARKERS; Portugee Phillips; Portugee Phillips Ride)
Phillips, Lewis 54:2:68
Phillips, Paul F. 12:1:57
Phillips, William T. 60:2:13-14
Philo White’s Narrative of a Cruize in the Pacific to South America and California on the U.S. Sloop-of-War "Dale" 1841-1843 edited by Charles L. Camp, review 37:2:252-253
Philosophy of History for the Small Museum by Paul M. Edwards 38:1:54-58
Philpott 47:1:93-94
Phlaeging, William F. 16:2:166
Photographer on an Army Mule by Maurice Frink and Casey Barthelmess, review 38:1:127-128
photographers (see Photographers of the Frontier West)
photographers with Fremont and others 6:1&2:189
Photographers of the Frontier West by Ralph W. Andrews, review 38:1:129-130
Photographing the Frontier by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler, review 52:2:61-62
photography (see Origins of Photojournalism in America; Photographer on an Army Mule; Photographers of the Frontier West; Reservation Blackfeet, 1885-1945: A Photographic History of Cultural Survival; Shoots. A Guide to Your Family’s Photogaphic Heritage; Stimson, Joseph E.; Tasteful Interlude, American Interiors Through the Camera’s Eye; Through the Lens of J. E. Stimson: Past and Present)
Photography of the Tetons by W. H. Jackson 6:1&2:189-191
Pi Ede 26:2:168; 29:2:211, 213, 225; 30:1:77
Piah 16:2:89, 96, 111, 128, 133-135 (see also Ute)
Picard, Dave 52:2:49
Pice-ance Creek (see Piceance Creek)
Piceance Creek 16:2:92, 101, 129
Pick Bridge photo 58:2:54
Pick-Sloan Plan 64:1:25
Pickens, William "Red" 39:2:258
Pickens’ Grave (see GRAVES)
Pickering (Governor) 34:1:78; 35:2:213
Pickering, Loring (and lady) 31:2:182
Pickert, Charles 54:2:29
Pickett (Colonel) 19:2:67-68
Pickett Act (1910) 58:2:23
Pickett, Dick 54:2:21
Pickett, Hazel Harper Sample (see Why the Meadowlark was Chosen the State Bird of Wyoming)
Pickett, J. W. (Reverend) 38:1:91
Pickett, John C. 54:1:22
Pickett, W. D. 37:2:161; 47:1:71-72
Pickup, C. V. photo 52:2:23
pictographs 16:1:72; 28:1:129; 29:2:131, 137 (see also Dinwoody; Dinwoody pictographs)
Pictorial History of the Wild West by James D. Horan and Paul Sann, review 27:1:122-123
Picture Gallery Pioneers by Ralph W. Andrews, review 37:1:132-133
Picture Report of the Custer Fight by William Reusswig, review 40:1:153-154
picup (pilot) 17:1:68
Pidcock, John K. 23:2:63
Pidge (see Pidgeon)
Pidgeon 31:2:245; 50:2:343
Pie agaidika (Big salmon eater) (see Agaideka)
Piece of the Old Tent: A Catalogue of Items in the Lane County Pioneer Museum That Were Brought Across the Plains in the 1840s and 1850s by Glenn Mason, review 51:1:166-167
Piedmont Station 31:2:225
Piedmont, Wyoming 20:1:49; 24:1:31
Piegan 44:1:62, 65; 46:1:133; 56:2:21-22; 59:1:51, 56
Pierce (Mrs.) 17:1:81
Pierce 19:2:77, 101, 103-104
Pierce, Bernie 64:3/4:2
Pierce, Charles 20:2:175
Pierce, D. J. 17:1:80-81; 62:1:47
Pierce, H. A. 33:2:140
Pierce, Henry (Private) 45:1:100
Pierce, John 44:1:90
Pierce, John L. (Mrs.) 52:2:5
Pierce, Johnny 29:1:49
Pierce, N. E. 19:2:95
Pierce, Richard 20:2:170
Piercy, Frederick 18:2:100; 42:1:11; 48:1:84
Pierette, Joe 29:2:154
Pierre (Iroquois) 15:2:172
Pierre, Jaune 29:2:125
Pierre, South Dakota 64:3/4:17
Pierre’s Hole 15:1:75; 15:2:172; 15:3:221; 33:2:162-163; 44:1:77, 80, 82, 92
Pierre’s Hole battle 1:3:3; 44:1:82 (see also Rendezvous, 1832)
Pierre’s River (see Pierre’s Hole)
Pierson (Private) 39:1:125
Pierson, George (Mrs.) 28:2:209, 235
Pierson, L. (Mrs.) 30:1:106
Pierson, Lovina (Mrs.) 37:1:110
Pietierre, P. 48:1:81
Pietism and Progress: James H. Hayford and the Wyoming Anti-Gambling Tradition, 1869-1893 by William Howard Moore 55:2:2-8
Piety Hill 24:1:79
Pike County (Arkansas) 65:4:46
Pike, George 36:1:48; 37:2:225
Pike, Marshall (Sergeant) 16:1:40
Pike, Marshall S. 34:2:204-205
Pikes Peak 21:2/3:117
Pilcher, Joshua 15:2:136; 15:3:205-220; 32:1:6; 55:1:53
pilot (see picup)
Pilot Knobs 37:2:218-219 (see also Teton Mountains)
pilots (see instructor pilots)
Pilson, Bob 15:1:14
Pim, Thomas 47:1:12
Pima (Arizona) Indians 26:2:130; 31:2:143
Pinchot, Gifford (see Clarence T. Johnston’s Dissent: A Challenge to Gifford Pinchot and the Conservative Ethos)
Pinchot, Gifford 4:4:384-385; 20:2:138, 141; 45:1:13; 56:2:39-44; 58:2:23
Pindell, Craig, photo by 65:4:4
Pine Bluffs, Wyoming 21:1:93; 22:2:69; 23:1:11, 14; 24:1:42; 30:2:150, 168; 56:1:40; 65:2/3:4
Pine Creek 22:2:28, 39
Pine Grove 42:2:162 (see also Pine Grove, Wyoming)
Pine Grove Creek 33:2:201
Pine Grove Meadow 44:2:159
Pine Grove Station by Mrs. Walter Lambertsen 33:2:198, 201, photo 202, 203
Pine Grove, Wyoming 16:1:81 (see also Pine Grove)
Pine Mountain 39:1:111-112
Pine Ridge 34:1:109
Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota 16:1:10; 18:1:20, 27; 31:2:131; 39:2:204-206; 46:2:273; 63:2:61, 64
Pine Ridge, South Dakota 17:1:12
Pine Tree Bluffs 17:1:27, 51; 30:2:137
Pine Valley 21:2/3:119
Pinea, Adolph (see Pena, Adolph)
Pinedale Hotel 22:2:35
Pinedale Musuem (proposed) 25:1:70, 73
Pinedale Roundup 22:2:30-31, 41; 42:1:70; 42:2:163, 173
Pinedale Townsite Company 22:2:33, 35
Pinedale, Wyoming 22:1:11; 22:2:26, 27-46; 25:1:74, 78, 80
Pinero Oil 22:1:90
Piney country 25:1:50
Piney Creek 32:2:199; 36:1:67; 36:2:213 (see also Recollections of a Piney Creek Rancher)
Piney Creek Crossing (Bozeman) 36:1:64; 38:2:137-139; 40:1:51, 54; 41:2:193-194; 42:1:90; 42:2:270-271; 44:2:141, 175
Piney Creek Ford 36:2:214
Ping, Catherine 23:2:31, 36
Pinkerton, Joan Trego (see Knights of the Broadax: The Story of the Wyoming Tie Hack)
Pinney (see Big Piney)
Pinnick, James 23:1:55
Pinyon Peak Highlands 44:1:76
pioneer associations of Wyoming (list) 13:4:367
pioneer cabin 26:1:53-55, 59
pioneer picnic 26:1:59
pioneer women (see women)
Pioneer (poem) by Jessa Eula Wallis 27:1:117
Pioneer Center (see Colonel Cody’s Dream of Pioneer Center-A Reality)
Pioneer Culture When Wyoming was Young by Mrs. Harriet Knight Orr 26:1:33-38
Pioneer Farthings of Laramie County by Gerald M. Adams 57:2:2-7
Pioneer Forts of the Old West by Herbert M. Hart, review 40:1:149-150
Pioneer Historical Marker (see HISTORICAL MARKERS)
Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company 39:1:23
Pioneer Line 31:2:174-175
Pioneer Musuem 30:2:162
Pioneer of Wyoming by Clarence Holden 1:1:7-8
Pioneer Park 26:1:55-57 (see also Mormon Pioneer Park)
Pioneer Patchwork by Mrs. George Gilland 11:4:254-256
Pioneer Portraits by Mrs. Graham Walker 30:2:224
Pioneer Printing in Wyoming by Douglas C. McMurtrie 9:3:729-742
Pioneer Ranch Life in Wyoming by Margaret W. Sackett 14:3:169-179
Pioneer Saddler, Frank A. Meanea by Nora H. Dunn 26:1:25-32
Pioneer School 16:1:58
Pioneer Steelmaker in the West: The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 1872-1903 by H. Lee Scamehorn, review 49:1:152-154
Pioneer Townsite Company 24:1:76
Pioneer Trails Association 21:1:93
Pioneer Week 31:2:233
Pioneer Wyoming Brew 64:2:62
Pioneering in Crook County by Eva Ogden Putman 3:4:203-211
Pioneering in the ‘70s by Mrs. George Gilland 5:1:19-24
Pioneering the Union Pacific: A Reappraisal of the Builders of the Railroad by Charles Edgar Ames, review 42:2:276-277
Pioneering Western Trails-A Pioneer Family by Clarence B. Richardson 22:1:69-83
pioneers (see Big Horn Pioneers; HISTORICAL MARKERS: Lander Monument; Oregon Country pioneers; Pathfinders from River to Ocean; Picture Gallery Pioneers; Society of California Pioneers; Why a Pioneer?) photo 16:1:56; 27:1:109-110
pioneers near Little Box Elder Creek Crossing (see also GRAVES; relocation of pioneer burials)
pioneers of 1832-1846 6:1&2:240 (see also Early Pioneer of Wyoming)
Pioneer’s Day (poem) by Wesley Beggs 26:1:52
Pioneer’s Progress by Alvin Johnson, review 34:1:124-125
Pioya 17:2:142
Pipe Line Road 33:2:200
pipes 30:1:100 (see also peace pipe)
Pipestone Quarry (Minnesota) 17:2:130
Piscataway National Park 65:4:61
Pison Springs (see Poison Springs)
Pitcher, Susan J. 46:2:175-176 (see also Okie, Susan)
Pitchfork Cattle Company 29:2:74
Pitchfork Ranch (see RANCHES)
Pitchfork, Wyoming 29:2:157
Pitkin (Governor of Colorado) 16:2:97
Pitman, Virginia 52:2:39
Pitts, E. H. 26:1:64
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 65:1:7, 17; 65:4:67
Pittsburg wagons 31:2:157
Pit-ze-ka-we-cha-cha (see Mustang Jack)
Pizarro, Francisco 49:2:228, 247
Pizzel (see Poisal)
place names (see Wyoming Place Names)
Place of the Northern Arapahoes in the Relations Between the United States and the Indians of the Plains, 1851- 1879 by James C. Murphy 41:1:33-61; 41:2:203-255
Place, Robin (see Introduction to Archaeology)
Placerville, California 23:1:61
Placing the Grand Teton Memorial Tablet by F. M. Fryxell 6:3:249-261
Plaga, A. R. 37:2:221
Plaga, Otto 54:1:15
Plaga Ranch (see RANCHES)
plains 28:2:213-215; 29:2:127-128, 137-139; 31:1:140, 220
Plains Across by John D. Unruh 65:2/3:7, 12
Plains Apache by John Upton Terrell, review 48:2:292-293
Plains Cree 65:1:4
Plains History Revisited by F. H. Sinclair 28:1:21-26
Plains Hotel 30:2:147; 54:1:15, 28
Plains Indian Mythology by Alice Marriott and Carol K. Rachlin, review 48:1:143-144
Plains Indian Threat on the Oregon Trail Before 1860 by Robert L. Munkres 40:2:193-221
Plains Indians 1:1:4 (see also Amazons, Witches and Country Wives: Plains Indian Women in Historical Perspective; Great Plains Northern American Indians; Hidden Half: Studies of the Plains Indian Women; Place of the Northern Arapahoes in the Relations Between the United States and the Indians of the Plains, 1851-1879; Plains Indians: Their Origins, Migrations, and Cultural Development)
Plains Indians: Their Origins, Migrations, and Cultural Development by Francis Haines, review 48:1:151-152
Plains Rifle by Charles E. Hanson, Jr., review 32:1:137
Planter’s House 25:1:13, 20
Plateau Creek 16:2:128
Platenius, Charles (Private) 27:2:172
Platt, C. B. (see GRAVES; relocation of pioneer burials)
Platt, Orville H. 37:1:39-40, 48; 37:2:164
Platte Bridge 32:2:225, 227-228, 235; 35:1:19; 43:2:238 (see also Battle of Platte Bridge)
Platte Bridge Battle 46:1:12; 32:2:234-238
Platte Bridge Fight 17:1:4; 23:2:19-21; 28:2:181-186 (see also Indian Version of the Platte Bridge Fight)
Platte Bridge Station 17:1:9; 17:2:170; map 20:1:89, 91; 21:2/3:112, 116-117; 23:2:6-9, 14, 16, 23; 27:2:179; 28:2:166, 180-182, 189; 29:1:68-70, 73; 30:1:107; 32:2:228, 232, 234-235; photos 43:2:272 (see also FORTS AND CAMPS: Caspar; Platte Bridge Station and Fort Caspar)
Platte Bridge Station 47:1:19, 23, 25
Platte Bridge Station and Fort Caspar by Olaf T. Hagen 27:1:3-17
Platte, C. E. (see Platt, C. B.)
Platte Canyon 33:1:48
Platte County 6:3:262-270; 23:2:41; 32:1:105; 33:1:65; 45:1:82 (see also Axford School photo; Reminiscences by John Hunton)
Platte County State Bank 54:2:41
Platte River 7:1:345; 15:3:295-296; 17:1:17, 51-52, 57; (southside) 20:1:86; 21:2/3:111, 113, 115-116, 118, 125, 129, 132-133, 139, 173, 178; 22:2:93; 23:2:6-7, 14, 20, 24-25; 24:1:43; 26:2:182; 25:2:126; 26:1:6-8; 27:1:4-5; 27:2:176-177; 28:2:181; 29:1:68, 72; 31:2:145-148, 152, 155, 158, 160, 162-175, 178-181, 183, 185-187, 243; 32:2:185, 221, 225-226, 266; 34:1:57-58, 62; 36:2:175, 180, 182, 193, 206, 209, 212, 224; 40:1:9; 44:2:209, 215-216, 219; 48:1:111, 123; 65:1:34; 65:2/3:6, 10-12, 24; 65:4:10, 44 (see also FERRIES: Mormon Ferry; Mormon Ferry on the North Platte)
Platte River Crossing 33:2:197-200, 204; 34:1:45, 55
Platte River Crossing by Leeland Grieve 33:2:198-199; 33:1:99-100
Platte River Ferry (see FERRIES)
Platte River Road Narratives by Merrill J. Mattes 65:2/3:7, 9, 10, 12, 14
Platte River Valley: 61:1:18; 65:2/3:7, 24
Platte Road 20:1:85-86
Platte Route 65:2/3:6-7
Platte Station 33:2:204
Platte Valley 32:1:34; 32:2:223
Platte Valley Lyre 33:2:154-155; 43:2:167
Platte Valley-South Pass Trail 65:2/3:11
Platte Valley, Wyoming 16:2:167
Platteter, Leo A. (see review of Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction and Use)
Plattsmouth, Nebraska 65:2/3:12
Pleasant Valley Mines (Utah) 25:2:192
Pleasant Valley, Oregon 23:1:83
Pleasant Valley School photo 19:1:46; 28:1:58-59
Pleasant Valley Sunday School 65:1:27
Pleasant Valley, Wyoming photo 14:2:97; 23:1:91, 93
Pleazel, Wyoming 29:2:159
Plenty Bear 4:2:303-305; 17:2:162; 29:1:150 (see also Arapaho)
Plenty Coupes 19:2:68; 44:1:58, 63, 68-70 (see also Crow)
Plenty Horses 38:1:127 (see also Sioux)
pleuro-pneumonia epidemic (cattle) 16:2:150-151
Ploesti, Romania 64:3/4:17
Plont (Frenchman) 29:2:184
Plont Pony Express and Stage Station 29:2:184-185
Plum Creek, Nebraska 24:1:46
Plumb (Colonel) 23:2:6, 8-10; 27:1:14
Plumb Creek 23:2:26
Plumb, Preston B. (Lieutenant Colonel) 46:1:22; 51:2:40; 60:2:26-27
Plumbago Canyon 64:2:36
Plumbly, Walter "Bud" 39:2:258
Plumhoff A. (Private) 27:2:172
Plummer, G. W. (Mrs.) 1:3:20
Plummer, Roy O. 21:1:101
Plummer, Samuel B. 23:1:105
Plummer, Vivian photo 62:3:137
plummets 29:2:132
Plunkett, Horace Curzon (Sir) 20:1:83; 26:1:35; 29:1:43, 47-51, 57, 63, 65; 35:2:164; 43:2:205-214; 45:2:241-247; 62:1:47, 51, 56-58 (see also Plunkett of the EK, Irish Notes on the Wyoming Cattle Industry in the 1880s)
Plunkett of the EK, Irish Notes on the Wyoming Cattle Industry in the 1880s by William W. Savage, Jr. 43:2:205-214
Plutus lode 40:2:228, 233
Plymouth (see West of Plymouth)
Plympton, Calvin 39:1:97, 101, 103
Plympton, Emma L. 39:1:101, 103
PO Ranch (see RANCHES)
Poage 24:1:30, 36-38, 49
Pocatello 29:1:86, 88, 96; 29:2:205-206, 212, 226; 33:1:31, 33 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Pocotello Creek 14:4:268
Poe, Edgar Allen 65:2/3:26
Poe, O. M. (General) 15:2:118
Poem to the Pioneer Women by Hazel Hoble Boyak 30:1:49
Po-e-ma-che-ah 27:2:202 (see also Bannock)
poetry (see Darkness Around Us is Deep: Selected Poems of William Stafford)
poetry contest 28:2:126
Pogue 31:1:38
Pogue, Pandora photo 13:3:176-179
Pohogue (Sagebrush people) 33:1:28
Pohorai (Sagebrush valley) 33:1:27
Poindexter vs. Greenhow court case 16:1:22
Point, Nicholas (Father) 48:1:80 (see also Wilderness Kingdom. Journals and Paintings of Father Nicholas Point)
Point of Rock Railway Station 34:2:237-238
Point of Rock trekkers photo 40:1:72
Point of Rocks 17:1:47; 33:2:199, 208; 34:2:237; 39:1:34; 42:2:237; 44:2:157, 282
Point of Rocks by Adrian Reynolds 33:2:212-213
Point of Rocks-South Pass Freight Road Trek, Trek No. 18 of the Historical Trail Treks compiled by Maurien Carley photo 40:1:73, 107-127
Point of Rocks Stage Station 38:1:109
Point of Rocks Stage Station by Rae Dell Varley 40:1:108-111
Point of Rocks trekkers photo 40:1:72
Pointer, Larry (see In Search of Butch Cassidy)
Poire, Louis 26:1:51, 63
Poiree, T. K. 44:1:43
Poiret, Eugene 28:1:179
Poirot, Jean 20:1:91
Poisal 46:1:17-18, 24
Poisal, John 46:1:17
Poisal, Margaret 46:1:17
Poison Spider 64:3/4:17
Poison Spider Creek 23:2:7, 13; 29:1:72, 83; 34:1:116; 43:2:283
Poison Spider River 39:1:109
Poison Spider Road 32:2:232; 39:1:109
Poison Springs 23:1:66
Poker Jim 23:2:52
Poland, John S. (Colonel) 18:1:26-29, 39-43, 63; 41:1:105-106
pole camp and home of John Sublett at Elk Mountain, Carbon County photo 43:2:cover, 4
Pole Creek 17:1:26, 28-29, 42, 51, 53; 22:2:31; 23:2:24; 32:1:70, 75; 35:1:89
Pole Creek Pass 17:1:38
Pole Creek Trail 60:2:4
Pole Creek, Wyoming 30:2:136
Pole Mountain 18:1:49, 66 (see also MILITARY: Pole Mountain reserve maneuvers)
Political History of Jack R. Gage by Kathleen M. Ikasrpan 48:2:167-253
Politics and Grass: The Administration of Grazing on the Public Domain by Philip O. Foss, review 32:2:264-265
Politics of a Cowboy Culture by Roy A. Jordan and Tim R. Miller 52:1:40-45
Polk (President) 17:2:105
Polk, Adam 42:2:204
Polk, Ed 26:1:16, 19
Polk, Loujincy 26:2:233 (see also Jones, Lulu Cobb; West)
Pollack, Edwin (Captain) 48:1:61; 48:2:275; 55:1:43
Pollard, Archibald 39:2:258
Pollard, Harry (Mrs.) 24:1:87; 28:1:54-56
Pollard, Harry 24:1:86
Pollard, Harry P. 19:1:60; 19:2:137; 20:1:94
Pollard, Jane E. (Mrs.) 17:1:83
Pollard Ranch (see RANCHES)
Pollay, C. A. 19:1:29
polling list (1845) 11:2:127 (see also Judge W. A. Carter Collection)
Pollock (Major) 16:2:131
Pollock, Edwin (Captain) 35:2:125-126, 131
Polly, C. A. 39:1:101
polygamy 25:2:187
Pomera, Francies 21:2/3:111-112, 133, 135
Pomerene, Atlee 53:1:21-24, 26
Pomeroy, Justin J. 5:2&3:46-48; 50:2:303-304, 318
Pomeroy, Roney (Mrs.) photo 5:2&3:64
Pomery, Frances (see Pomera, Francies)
Ponca 17:2:130, 150; 59:1:50
Poncha Pass 16:2:110
Poney, R. A. 16:2:160
Pony Bab 1:1:7 (see also Haslan, Robert H.)
Pony Express (poem) by T. J. Mahoney 32:1:48-49; 38:1:104
Pony Express 1:1:7; 6:3:297; 32:1:12, 23, 29, 31-35, 44, 129; 32:2:16, 31-32, 34-35, 128, 164; 33:1:92; 33:2:196, 223-224; 42:1:79, 98-99; 44:1:94; 44:2:271, 274, 285; 61:2:14 (see also Aubrey, Francis Xavier; Cody, William F.; Overland Mail; Pony Express-The Great Gamble; Story of the Pony Express)
Pony Express by Lee Jensen, review 28:1:105-107
Pony Express by Moonlight by W. R. Leigh photo 32:1:4
Pony Express by W. H. Jackson photo 32:1:cover
Pony Express Centennial (1960) 15:3:245-246; 23:2:59; 31:2:231, 233
Pony Express Saga 28:1:105-107
Pony Express-The Great Gamble by Roy S. Bloss, review 32:1:130
pony express stations 31:2:217-218, 224 (see also Deer Creek Pony Express Station; Plont Pony Express and Stage Station)
Pony Trails in Wyoming by John Rollinson 26:1:21
Poo-dat 16:1:30-31 (see also Bannock)
Pool, Guy E. (Mrs.) 27:2:231
Pool, Helen Buell 35:2:137
Poole, DeWitt C. (Captain) 43:2:248; 51:2:45-46, 49
Poole, L. H. 46:1:30
Poole, W. C. 62:1:35-36
Pope, Ernest 1:3:17; 1:4:16-17
Pope, John (General) 16:2:95; 27:1:13; 32:2:270; 33:1:82; 55:1:37 (see also General Pope and U.S. Indian Policy)
Popo Agie 28:2:136
Popo Agie oil springs 29:2:223
Popo Agie River 16:1:71, 75; 26:2:213; 31:2:245, 253; 33:2:160; 34:1:50; 37:2:219; 39:1:122
Popo Agie River Valley 34:1:51
Popo Agie Valley 15:1:69-70
Poposia, Wyoming 29:2:159
population (1867) 30:1:53, (1868) 77-78, (1869) 88-89
Populism in the Mountain West by Robert W. Larson, review 60:2:60
Populism in Wyoming by David B. Griffiths 40:1:57-71
Populist Clubs (see Populists)
Populist Part revolt 37:2:195, 197
Populist Party 47:1:70-72; 65:4:5
Populist political movement 40:1:58-71 (see also Moreton Frewen and the Populist Revolt)
Populists 20:1:15-16
Porcupine Creek, Wyoming 26:2:135
Porcupine Ridge 17:1:71
Porivo 52:1:46-54 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Porro, Caesar 22:1:87
Port Neuf 30:1:68, 81, 83
Portage La Prairie 17:2:110, 147
Porter 48:1:122
Porter, Andrew (Colonel) 31:1:27
Porter Brothers 45:2:146
Porter, Charles H. 56:2:40-41
Porter, Clyde (Mrs.) 25:1:78, 80
Porter, Clyde (see Ruxton of the Rockies)
Porter, Etta (Mrs. Jack) 33:2:71, 73; 43:1:58
Porter, Frederic Hutchinson "Bunk" 9:2:694; 10:1:44; 45:1:55-56; 52:2:6-7; 53:1:39, photo 40, 41-47
Porter, H. G. 19:1:43
Porter, Jack 33:2:71, 73; 43:1:58
Porter, James (Private) 32:2:237
Porter, John R. (Judge) 34:2:197
Porter, John W. 20:1:72
Porter, Josephine (Mrs.) 27:2:231
Porter, Mae Reed (see Ruxton of the Rockies; Scotsman in Buckskin)
Porter, Mary Harriet 21:2/3:119
Porter, T. C. 34:2:181
Porter, Tommy 34:1:106
Porterfield (Sergeant) 23:2:24
Portland Evening Telegram 35:2:206
Portland, Oregon 65:2/3:15; 65:4:27
Portland Oregonian 18:1:88
Portrait in Oil. The Belgo-American Company in Wyoming by Wilson O. Clough 38:2:224; 41:1:5-31
Portrait of an "Ordinary" Woman, Eliza Steward Boyd by Clarice Whittenburg 29:1:33-37
Portugee houses 18:1:69
Portugee Phillips 23:2:59; 27:2:184-186; photo 38:2:224 (see also HORSES AND MULES; HISTORICAL MARKERS; Phillips, John "Portugee)
Portugee Phillips Ride by Thomas E. White 42:1:90-92
Portugese Houses 55:1:35
Posey, P. S. 53:2:28
Posey S. Wilson and Company (see Wilson, Posey S.)
Posse Comitatus Act 59:2:18-19
post offices 11:1:52-60; 15:1:62; 21:1:11; 29:2:157-159 (see also Fort Bridger Post Office)
post traders 27:2:131-132
Post (see Stebbins, Post and Company)
Post, Amelia 62:1:10, 20, 33, 59, 63-64
Post, Amelia B. (Mrs. M. E.) 23:1:8; 37:1:29, 50, 55, 62
Post and Warren 20:1:7 (see also RANCHES)
Post Enterprise 42:2:164-165, 173
Post, Fred photo 37:1:4, 5
Post, Maude 16:2:162, photo 163; photo 37:1:30, 31
Post, Morton E. 1:3:14; 16:1:50, 52-53; 23:1:8; 20:1:73; 23:1:29; 39:1:11; 39:2:170, 172, 177; 43:2:209; 51:2:17, 20; 57:1:36-37; 59:1:7; 62:1:47
Post Near Cheyenne: A History of Fort D. A. Russell, 1867-1930 by Colonel Gerald M. Adams, USAF (Retired), review 62:3:146-147
Post Trader and Indian Trader Tokens by J. K. Moore, Jr. photo 27:2:130, 131-135
Post, W. H. 16:2:94, 97, 114
Post, W. S. 47:1:32 (see also W. S. Post Store photo)
postage stamps 16:1:35
Postmodern Barons 65:4:5
Potholes in the Great Platte River Road by Merrill J. Mattes 65:2/3:2, 6-14
Potomac River 65:4:61
Pottawatomie 17:2:49
Pottawatomie Reservation 32:1:11
Potter (Attorney General) 49:1:59
Potter (General) 33:1:84
Potter 21:2/3:113
Potter, Charles N. 12:3:185-186; 15:1:40-41; 24:2:92; 37:1:17, 19, 44; 37:2:178, 205; 42:2:232; 53:2:40; 57:1:36-37; 65:1:32; 65:4:30
Potter, Fred 39:1:101
Potter, Joseph H. (Lieutenant Colonel) 51:2:43
Potter, Lizzie (Mrs.) 39:1:102
Potter, R. F., Jr. 24:2:25-26
pottery 26:2:198
Potts 15:2:103
Potts, James 35:2:150
Potts, Jesse 33:2:179, 183
Potts, Jim 33:2:179, 183
Potts Livery Stable 31:1:73
Poultney gun 18:2:118
Poulton, P. C. 34:1:75
Pourade, Richard 51:2:16
Pourade, Richard F. (see Gold in the Sun; Anncient Hunters of the Far West)
Pourier, Baptiste (Mrs.) 32:2:225
Pourier, Baptiste "Big Bat" 15:4:403; 27:2:167; 43:2:238, 242, 244, 257; 49:1:42 (see also Big Bat)
Pourier, Joseph 35:2:205
Pourrier, Batesse (Mrs.) (see Pourier, Mrs. Baptiste)
Poverty Flat 24:1:79
Poverty Hill 16:1:80
Powder River 16:1:73; 17:1:9, 12; 17:2:127; 18:1:77; 22:2:98; 23:1:5, 22; 23:2:4, 8, 10, 23; 27:2:137-141; 31:2:131, 133, 136, 138-139, 191, 204, 207-208; 32:1:70, 74, 81, 93; 32:2:216, 223; 48:1:113, 124; 48:2:275; 65:4:4, 43-44 (see also Middle Fork; Powder River; Powder River Country; Powder River Let’er Buck; Powder River Let’er Buck Derivation of the Famous Slogan; War on Powder River, the History of an Insurrection)
Powder River Basin 48:2:278; 65:4:4
Powder River Bridge photo 58:2:49
Powder River by Struthers Burt 14:3:171
Powder River Campaign (1865) 23:1:5; 54:1:42
Powder River Canyon 34:1:98-99; 39:2:225
Powder River Cattle Company 29:1:41-44; 32:2:165; 35:1:91; 35:2:132; 43:2:208-209, 213-214; 55:1:47
Powder River Commercial Company 33:2:279, 183
Powder River Country by Betty M. Sager 39:12:112-113
Powder River Country 16:1:51; 28:1:27; 29:2:41-65,141, 161-176; 30:1:19; 31:2:127, 129, 138-139, 191, 202; 33:2:160, 161-162, 171, 179-180, 182, 211, 232; 34:2:154 (see also Diary of Major Wise, an Englishman, Recites Details of Hunting Trip in Powder River Country in 1880; Military Posts in the Powder River Country of Wyoming)
Powder River Crossing 29:2:171; 55:1:46
Powder River dry fork 36:2:216, 218, 222, 224
Powder River Expedition 4:3:361-362; 8:2:578-592; 16:1:74; 26:2:127; 27:1:8, 13, 16; 27:2:142-158; 29:2:216; 35:2:126; 36:1:51; 36:2:225; 46:1:32; 48:1:61; (1876) 57:1:21, 28, 32 (see also History of the Western Division of the Powder River Expedition)
Powder River Forts: Connor and Reno by Edith Thompson 36:1:51-52
Powder River Land and Cattle Company 35:2:159, 161
Powder River Let’er Buck by Maxwell Struthers Burt, review 11:1:52; 14:3:171
Powder River Let’er Buck Derivation of the Famous Slogan by Edward J. Farlow 11:1:21-24
Powder River Place 30:2:189-190
Powder River Road 36:2:226, 232-233; 37:2:217; 38:2:150-151; 39:1:111-112; 43:2:240; 45:2:245, 247 (see also Bozeman Road; Bozeman Trail)
Powder River Route 4:3:357
Powder River Slope 39:2:224, 228
Powder River Stage Stop 29:1:44-47
Powder River Valley 31:2:127; 32:2:161; 35:2:125, 131-132, 147
Powder River Wars 41:1:34, 38, 66-67
Powderly, Terence V. 56:1:57
Powell (Brevette Major) 39:1:106
Powell, (Major) 2:4:64; 34:1:241
Powell 39:1:127; 42:2:173; 43:1:116
Powell, A. J. (see Levi Powell and A. J. Powell Letters)
Powell, Billy 36:1:45
Powell Bottom, Wyoming 16:2:87-88, 94
Powell, C. K. (Reverend) 65:1:25
Powell, Emma Dean (Mrs.) 43:1:123
Powell, Frank (Colonel) 26:1:11, 24
Powell, Fred 64:2:44-50, 52, 55
Powell, George 19:1:47; 20:1:90; (Mr. and Mrs.) 28:1:54, 59-62; 30:2:157-158 (see also RANCHES: George Powell)
Powell, James R. 17:1:11; 23:2:31, 33-34, 36
Powell, James W. 36:1:62; 41:2:196-201; 55:1:41
Powell, Jim 24:2:51-52
Powell, John Wesley (Assistant Surgeon; Captain; Major) 15:1:72; 16:2:88; 17:2:113; 20:2:133; 34:2:185, 189; 43:1:113-124; 50:1:145; 50:2:338, 346; 53:2:14; 58:2:23; 60:2:29; 62:3:116; 65:4:23
Powell, Leni 13:4:255-256
Powell, Levi (see Levi Powell and A. J. Powell Letters)
Powell Liberty Ship 43:1:124
Powell, Lyle 31:1:44
Powell, Mary 64:2:50-56
Powell Monument (see HISTORICAL MARKERS)
Powell Museum 43:1:124
Powell National Bank 54:2:35
Powell National Forest 43:1:121
Powell Peak 43:1:120
Powell, Philip Wayne 49:2:224, 227, 231, 235, 243
Powell Plateau 43:1:121
Powell Point 43:1:121
Powell Spring 43:1:121
Powell, Thomas (Private) 32:2:232
Powell, William 21:2/3:214; 64:2:56
Powell, Wyoming 53:2:15; 54:2:21; 56:1:13-14, 20; 64:3/4:2
Powell’s Ranch (see RANCHES)
Powelson, Gladys 9:2:699
Powers, J. A. 25:2:211
Powers, Jimmy 41:1:125; 43:2:192; 53:1:11
Powers, Margaret (Mrs.) 26:2:198-199; 27:2:231
Powers, Thomas G. (Senator and Mrs.) 19:1:44; 50:1:28
Powers, Tom 18:2:120-121; 42:1:81-82
Practical Housekeeping 42:2:243-251
Pradre, Martin (Mrs.) 32:2:251
Praeger, Otto 17:1:66, 75
Prager, Dora 25:1:31, 37, 40
Prager, Frank 25:1:32-33, photo 34, 39
Prager, Frank, Jr. 25:1:28, 40
Prager, Harry 25:1:40
Prager, Julie 25:1:40
Prager, Sophie 25:1:32, 40
prairie chicken 26:1:6
prairie dogs 26:1:9; 30:2:128
prairie schooner 65:2/3:2 (see also Wake of the Prairie Schooner)
Prairie Cattle Company 22:2:18
Prairie Chicken River (see Green River)
Prairie Dog Creek 17:1:47; 31:1:49; 33:2:171-172; 36:1:65
Prante, Ray 61:1:41, 43
Prassel, Frank R. (see Western Peace Officer, A Legacy of Law and Order)
Pratt (fur trader) 15:3:218
Pratt (Lieutenant) 39:2:20
Pratt and Ferris Cattle Company 18:2:131; 55:1:47
Pratt, Buck 28:2:174
Pratt, H. C. (Lieutenant) 1:2:3
Pratt, James H. (Colonel) 53:2:70
Pratt, Lester 26:2:127
Pratt, Martin L. 52:1:57
Pratt, Orman 37:1:123-124; 38:1:109
Pratt, Orson 21:2/3:120, 123, 177; 27:2:192; 40:2:204; 62:2:80, 83-84, 87
Pratt, Parly P. 32:1:52
Pratt, R. H. (Lieutenant) 58:2:12
Pratt, Salayce 26:2:127
Pratte, Bernard, Jr. 49:1:86, 95-99, 101-102, 104
Pratte, Lester 51:2:45-46
Pratt’s Peak 28:2:174
Prazos River (see Brazos River)
Preager, Frank 6:1&2:186-188
Preble, Edward 44:1:104
Preece, Harold (see Dalton Gang, End of an Outlaw Era)
Preemption Act (1891) 20:2:135
Preemption Law (1841) 64:3/4:52
Prehistoric Hunters of the High Plains by Geroge C. Fison, review 51:1:154-155
Preiss Murchand, Mrs. V. E. 2:3:60
Prelude to the Black Hills Gold Rush of 1876 by Scott Tubbs 54:1:36-50
Premption Act (1841) 35:1:29
Prentice, Ella 39:2:259
Presbrey, Oliver M. (Mrs.) 45:2:214
Presbyterian Board of Home Missions 65:1:25
Presbyterian Church 16:1:64; 17:1:77; 26:1:32; 58:1:11, photo 12
Presbyterian School 65:2/3:27
Presbyterian Synod 65:1:25
Prescott, Daniel 18:2:159; 24:1:85
Prescott, William 22:1:91
Present the pipe 43:2:249 (see also Sioux)
Present World of History: A Conference on Certain Problems of Historical Society Work edited by James H. Roadabaugh, review 32:1:136-137
presents 37:1:79
Preservation of Wyoming Historical Relics 20:2:177
Preservation of Wyoming’s Vernacular Architecture by Rheba Massey 63:4:172-174
Preservation Planning Branch, National Park Service 65:4:61
Preserving Our Landmarks by Dan W. Greenburg 6:4:289-291
Presgrove, Minnie 30:2:240 (see also Memoriam from One Old Soldier to Another)
Preshaw 15:3:253
Preshaw, S. M. (Sheriff) 12:4:323; 20:2:169
President Chester Arthur’s expedition map 14:1:facing 35
President Theodore Roosevelt with Governor Brooks and Senator Warren photo 20:2:132 (see also Roosevelt, Theodore; Brooks, Governor; Warren, Senator)
Presidential party at Upper Geyser Basin photo 14:1:32
President’s Message by Frank L. Bowron 26:1:82-84; 26:2:191-193; 27:1:89-91
Presley 32:2:174
Press on Wheels 33:2:138-140, 145-146, 150-151 (see also Frontier Index; Frontier Index on Wheels)
Press on Wheels. A History of the Frontier Index of Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Elsewhere? By John A. Lent 43:2:164-203
Press On Wheels: Frontier Index by Burton DeLoney 14:4:299-314
Preston, D. A. (Mrs.) 7:1:362
Preston, Douglas A. photo 37:1:4, 5, 18-19, 22; 42:2:234; 54:1:56
Preston, Lucille 54:2:13
Preston, William Bowker photo 29:1:38, 39
Preston, William J. (Colonel) 32:1:26
Pretty Bull 43:1:83 (see also Crow)
Pretty Frank 28:1:66
Pretty Voiced Bull 28:1:31
Preuit, Ruby 54:2:10
Preuss 33:2:167
Preuss, Charles 42:1:79; 47:2:222; 60:2:3 (see also Pruess, Charles)
Prevo, Jane (Mrs.) 27:2:231
Prevost, Etienne 33:2:160
Prewitt, Fred 26:2:123
Price (Lieutenant) 16:2:99, 108, 119
Price Administration 52:1:25-33
Price, Alex 22:2:38
Price, C. Earl 24:2:92
Price, Clark 42:1:93
Price, Clayton "Clay" S. 9:2:700-701; 25:1:68
Price, E. Jasper 16:2:94
Price, Ellen 16:2:94, 113-115, 128, 132-133
Price, Flora (Mrs. Jasper) 16:2:94, 113-114
Price, Garrett 64:1:24
Price, Hiram 58:2:11-12, 15
Price, Jacob 19:2:73
Price, Jake 19:2:73
Price, John 16:2:94
Price, May 16:2:94, 128
Price of Arrogance: The Short and Controversial Life of William Judd Fetterman by John D. McDermott 63:2:42-53
Price, Rose 25:1:96
Prices and Wages at Fort Laramie, 1881-1885 by Robert A. Murray 36:1:19-21
Prichet (see Willis and Prichet)
Prichet, John 31:1:23; 32:2:182
Priest, Polly 24:1:25
Prill, L. Merton 16:2:166
primitive gathers 29:2:127, 131
primitive rock chipping 26:2:196
Primitive Indian Dress by Susan Fecteau, review 52:1:68-69
Primm, E. S. (Mrs.) 28:2:130
Prince Paul of Wurtemburg (see Wurtemburg, Prince Paul)
Prince, Richard E. (see review of Smoke Across the Prairie; review of Smoke Over the Divide; review of Smoke Down the Canyons)
Princeton, Illinois 65:4:27
Princeton Unversity librarian (see Gerould, James T.)
Prine, Margaret L. (see Merris C. Barrow: Sagebrush Philosopher and Journalist)
Pringle, Andrew, Jr. 59:1:36
Pringle, Virgil K. 40:2:204, 219; 42:1:12, 26, 42; 42:2:208, 220; 62:2:78; 65:2/3:18, 21, 24-25
printing in Wyoming 9:3:729-742; 13:4:347-351 (see also Fourth Infantry Press at Fort Bridger; newspapers; Pioneer Printing in Wyoming; publishing)
Prior (Lieutenant) 15:3:210
Prior Appropriation 59:1:19, 24
Prisoner of War Camp 64:3/4:2
prisoners 21:1:15; 26:1:67
prisons (see penitentiaries)
Pritchard, Dewitt 32:1:8
Pritchard, J. Irl 54:2:21
Pritchard, James Avery 31:1:5, 19; 31:2:146; 32:2:171; 43:2:225 (see also Overland Diary of James A. Pritchard from Kentucky to California in 1849)
Pritchett 15:2:114
Probing the American West introduction by Ray A. Billington, edited by K. Ross Toole, A. R. Mortenson, John A. Carroll and Robert M. Utley
Proctor (Captain) 38:2:227
Proctor, Arthur 65:2/3:10
Proctor, Joseph (Captain) 48:1:87
Proctor, Redfield 34:2:143-144
Producers and Refiners Corporation (PARCO) 55:1:3
Professional Directory (see Laramie Professional Directory)
Progressive Party 35:1:23, 77
prohibition 54:1:13, 16, 18, 21; 64:2:56-57 (see also Casper’s Prohibition Years; Daughters of Joy, Sisters of Misery: Prostitutes in the American West, 1865-1890)
Project Mutual Telephone Company 30:2:150
projectile points 26:2:196; 29:1:107-109; photo 30:2:216, 217-218; 31:2:227, photo 228, 229
prominent citizens 16:2:138 (see also individual names)
Promontory (see Westward to Promontory)
Promontory Point (see High Road to Promontory: Building the Central Pacific Across the High Sierra)
Prospect Hill 25:2:127; 29:1:73
prospectors (see Gold Blue Mountains)
Prosser, Harriet (see review of Longhorns North of the Arkansas)
Protection of Stock in Wyoming Territory and to Punish Certain Offenses Concerning the Same (legislative bill) 20:1:6
Protestant Clergy in the Great Plains and Mountain West, 1865-1915 by Ferenc Morton Szasz, review 61:2:55-56
Protestant missionaries 17:2:101-102
Protestantism 65:1:23 (see American Protestantism and the United States Indian Policy, 1869-82; FIRSTS: Protestant mission in Tetons)
Prothers, Johathan 42:1:14
Protus (automobile) 52:1:34-36, photo 37, 38-39
Proud Wyoming (poem) 37:1:48
Provines, Kate Ellena 21:2/3:240
provisions 27:2:216
Provo (City), Utah 26:2:149, 164-165, 171 (see also Brigham Young University)
Provot, Etienne 1:1:4; 1:3:1; 17:2:98-99; 30:1:46; 32:1:6; 44:1:81; 44:2:285 (see also Provost, Etienne)
Prowers, John W. (Mrs.) 46:1:32
Prucha, Paul Francis (see Dawes Act and the Allotment of the Indian Lands; Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians; review of Sword of the Republic: The United States Army on the Frontier, 1743-1846; Atlas of American Indian Affairs)
Pruess, Charles 61:1:33 (see also Preuss, Charles)
Prugh, Merle 33:2:220
Pryde, George 3:2:148-149
Pryde, George B. 24:2:114; 25:1:97; 26:1:99; 27:2:231 (see also Union Pacific Coal Company, 1868 to August, 1952)
Pryor Gap 51:1:141
Pryor, Nathaniel (Sergeant) 49:2:275
Pryor’s Creek (see Pryor’s Stream)
Pryor’s Stream 37:2:217-218
public bath houses (see first public bath houses)
public domain (see fencing public lands; FIRSTS: attempt by U.S. Government to set aside a large piece of public domain)
public land (see Wyoming’s Senator John Benjamin Kendrick: The Politics of Oil, Public Land and National Park Legislation in the 1920s )
Public Utilities Commision 30:2:140
Public Works Administration 49:2:175
publishers 9:3:729-742 (see also Pioneer Printing in Wyoming)
publishing (see FIRSTS: book printed in State of Wyoming; book printed in Wyoming Territory; Cheyenne Directory published in newspaper; recorded book imprint in Wyoming; Pioneer Printing in Wyoming)
Pueblo 21:2/3:135; 27:2:234-236
Pueblo, Colorado 58:2:47; 64:3/4:8, 22
Puerrier, Baptiste (see Pourier, Baptiste; Big Bat)
Puerrier, Lollie 27:2:167
Puget Sound (Washington) 65:1:37; 65:4:25
Pugh, Johnathan 44:1:41
Pugh, Red 22:2:21
Pugmyer, Jonathan 21:2/3:136, 138
Pulitzer Races (Iowa) 17:1:66
Pulliam, James 20:1:89
Pullman, George Mortimer 47:1:36
Pullman Strike 65:4:5
Pullman, Washington 65:1:53
Pulsifer 26:1:8
Pulsipher, John 46:2:224, 226, 230, 233-234
Pulspher, Zera 26:2:180
Pumeroy, F. M. 21:2/3:137, 154
Pumpelly, Raphael 34:2:185
Pumpkin Buttes 30:1:6; 31:2:127; 33:1:69; 33:2:181; 34:1:102; 36:1:52, 69; 37:2:231; 38:2:164; 45:2:148-149
Pumpkin Seed Point by Frank Waters, review 41:2:283-285
Pung Chung 19:2:111
Punteney, Wyoming 29:2:159
Purbelow (see Pueblo)
Purcell, John 48:2:236
Pur-chi-can (see Washakie)
Purde Motor Club 26:2:131
Purdy 44:1:103
Purdy, Jennie M. 27:2:231
Purple, E. R. 28:1:87-88
Purvis, Frances 61:1:43-44
Pusey, Merlo J. (see Builders of the Kingdom: George A. Smith, John Henry Smith, George Albert Smith)
Push Root (see Lander, Wyoming)
Push-e-can (see Pur-chi-can)
Pushroot Jim 18:1:77-78
pushrooters 18:1:78
Putman, Daniel (Captain) 21:2/3:137
Putnam, Charles 43:2:230
Putnam, Eva Ogden 3:3:191 (see also Pioneering in Crook County)
Putnam, Lucia 6:1&2:241 (see also Romance of Old Trails)
Pyle, Ernie 49:2:193
Pyle, Howard 65:4:18
Pyle, Stephen (Reverend) 43:1:102, 105-106
Py-poo-roo-yan 27:1:82 (see Shoshone (Eastern))