R.G. Dun and Company 61:1:15

Rabbit Ear Peak 16:1:78

Rabbit eater (see Hukandika)

Raben, Roy C. 27:2:231

Raborg, Paul (Major) 53:2:70

Race Horse 44:1:101-102 (see also Bannock)

Race Horse Case 44:1:96, 101; 59:1:5, 16

Rachlin, Carol K. (see Plains Indian Mythology)

racing (see FIRSTS: trotting and racing course laid out; horse racing)

racism 66:3:11

Radcliffe, Mattie 24:2:99

Radford, Ben H. 27:2:231

radio (see Top of the World Broadcasts: Wyoming’s Early Radio)

radio stations 43:1:52 (see also individual names)

Radio Distributing Company 43:1:9-10

Radium Springs 30:1:42

Rador, Charles (Mrs.) 40:1:109

Rador, Charles 40:1:109

Rador, Clarence 33:2:212

Radovich, Moe 66:3:2

Rae, W. R. 65:4:11

Rafeil 36:2:208

Rafferty, Neil 44:2:258

Raft River 23:1:60

Rafter (Reverend Doctor) 37:1:63

Rafter, Stanislaus (see Mother Superior Stanislaus Rafter)

Raftery, John H. (see Historical Sketch of Yellowstone National Park)

Rag-picker 28:1:31 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))

raids 1:2:10-11; 2:1:2-6; 3:3:178; 4:2:306-307; 4:3:329-359; 5:2&3:80-82, 87-88, 100, 108-109; 5:4:151-155; 6:1&2:182-185, 222-224; 6:3:263-270; 7:1:358-361; 9:1:674; 9:3:755-760; 14:1:68-70; photo 47:2:149 (see also depredations, Indian policy, Indian Wars, specific battles and fights)

Railroad Commission 30:2:139

Railroad Maps of North America: The First Hundred Years compiled by Andrew M. Modelski, review 56:2:51-52

Railroad Relations of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, 1873-1890 by W. Turrentine Jackson 19:1:3-23; railroad tie timber 4:2:284

Railroad Signatures Across the Pacific Northwest by Carlos A. Schwantes, review 66:4:70-71

railroad train photo 15:3:249, 250

railroads 18:1:5-6; 19:1:4, 8; 21:2/3:200; 29:2:158 (see also Backwoods Railroads of the West, A Porfolio; Cheyenne Looking North; Cowboy Songs and Western Railroad Songs; excursion tickets; FIRSTS: transcontinental; freight rates; Great Iron Trail; individual names of railroads; Iron Road to the West, American Railroads in the 1850s; Silver San Juan. The Rio Grande Southern; W. R. Shannon, Railroadman-Pioneer)

Railsback, E. O. 36:2:214, 216-218, 220

railway dining car photo 23:1:33

railway projects (see electric railway projects)

railway sleeping car 26:1:4

Railway Labor Act 64:3/4:59

Rain King (see Melbourne, The Australian Rain Wizard)

Rainbow Lodge (see Nelson Resort)

Rain-in-the-Face 48:1:125

rainmakers (see Melbourne, the Australian Rain Wizard)

Rainsford Collection 65:4:3

Rainsford, George D. 53:2:70; 64:2:37-39, 43

Rainwater Jones (see Jones, Frank)

Rainy River 17:2:109

Rairden (Doctor) 52:2:45

Raisty, L. B. 27:2:231

Ralston, Woodruff 47:1:82

Ramage, George 39:1:114

Ramage, William (Mrs.) 39:1:114

Rambler, Wyoming 29:2:158

Ramsauer, Marie 38:2:192

Ramsay, Alexander 31:1:23; 32:2:181, 185

Ramsbattom, Lyle D. (Mrs.) 27:2:231

Ramsey, Alex 28:1:55; 42:2:266

Ramsey, Hannah 38:2:200

Ramsey, John 39:1:68, 70

Ramsey, Margaret Elizabeth 39:1:69

Ramstein, Charles 30:1:92

Ranch Schoolteacher by Eulalia Bourne, review 47:1:125-126

RANCHES: (see Historic Ranches of Wyoming) Abney (see Abney, James) Allaman’s 38:2:165, 168 Alsop 34:1:87 Anderson (see Anderson Ranch Crossing) Andrews and Hudson 50:1:114, 117-118 Angus McDonald 49:2:263-264, 266 Antelope 55:1:46 Arbuckle 59:1:7 Babcock’s 38:2:167 Baggs 15:1:15-19 (see BRANDS: L7) Baptise (see Baptise, Pierre) Bar BC 45:12:20 Bar C 18:1:77; 27:2:139; 29:1:2, photo 42, 51, 56, 65; 29:2:169; 30:1:34; 31:2:201, 205, 207, 210; 32:1:85; 32:2:205, 209; 34:1:99, 107; photo 65:4:5 Bar G 16:1:67 Bar M 37:2:230 Bar V 39:2:234, 239 Bar X Bar 54:2:70 Bassett 50:2:349-350 Battle-Axe 36:2:241 Bay State 33:1:57; 54:2:67-68, photo 69, 70-71 Bear Claw 32:2:151 Bear River 29:2:155 Beauvais 23:2:25 Bel Pre 65:4:11 Bellamy 28:1:46; 42:2:257, 259 Bess 22:2:29 Bidderbeck 38:2:169 Bird (see Bird, Charley) Bixby 28:2:172, 191 Blue Creek 29:1:56-57; 30:1:18; 33:2:192; 34:1:97, 100, 103-104, 109 Bohack’s 20:1:54 Bordeaux 20:1:87; 23:2:32; 26:2:122-123 Bottler’s 14:2:292 Bowman’s 40:2:276 Bridger 46:2:243, 245-247 Bridle Bit 28:1:64; 54:2:70 Brock, Alfred 34:1:100 Brooks and Barrett 37:2:237 Brooks and Carrington 44:1:10 Brown’s 24:1:34; 50:2:306 (see also RANCHES: hog) Buck Taylor Ranch 44:1:10 Bug 16:1:73 Carey 6:3:282 Carter photos 51:1:110, 112, 115-116, 118 Cash’s (see Cash, Gene) Chalk Bluffs 54:2:51 Chapman 44:1:17 Chugwater Creek 57:2:4 Circle Dot 31:1:33, 39 Circle F 28:2:155, 157; 32:1:85 Clarkson’s 32:1:93 CM 45:1:20 Coleman 42:2:263 Cooper Cove 33:1:89 Copp’s photo 4:1:236 Cottonwood 23:2:24 Cousin 16:2:89 Cow Creek 15:1:13-14, 19 CR 50:2:334 Crazy Woman 35:2:132 Creighton’s (see Creighton, Ed) Crooked X 21:1:11-16 Cross H 35:2:132, 137; 36:2:213; 38:2:171-172; 55:1:47 Cross Half Circle 14:4:316 Crown 19:2:72; 49:2:283 Cunningham 49:2:277 Cuny Ranch 37:1:90 (see also Cuny, Adolph: RANCHES: hog; Six Mile; Three Mile) Current Creek 50:2:342 Custer Trail (North Dakota) 45:1:16 CY 28:2:188; 46:1:117; 37:2:226, 232 (see also RANCHES: Carey) Dailey’s (see Group of Three Buffalo at Dailey’s Ranch, M. T. photo) Dale Creek (see RANCHES: Williams’ XX Ranch photo) Della Fisher 47:2:240 Diamond 53:2:70; 64:2:37 Diamond A 18:2:130; 54:2:50 (see also Stevens and Misner) Dillworth 49:2:277 Dilts, Fred 20:1:90; 42:2:267 Dollar 53:2:70 Double Box 55:1:46 Double Mule Shoe 14:4:316 Duck Bar 37:1:91 Eager 38:1:95 Eaton 45:1:15-16, 18, 21, 23 Ecoffey and Cuny 49:2:256-257 (see also Cuny, Adolph; Ecoffey, Jules; RANCHES: Cuny’s; hog; Six Mile; Three Mile) Edwards 57:2:4 EK (see Plunkett of the EK, Irish Notes on the Wyoming Cattle Industry in the 1880s) 14:4:316; 29:1:50-51; 29:2:171, photo 172, 173-174, photo 175; 32:1:87; 43:2:205-214; 45:2:244-245 Ellis 33:2:191 Empey’s 21:2/3:119 Evans, Bob 34:1:10 Evans, W. T. 32:2:226 Farthing 57:2:2-7 Fear’s (see Fear, Clifton) Ferguson 37:2:223 Fiddleback 49:1:8-9 Fisher’s 43:1:68 (see also Fisher, Mrs.) FL 22:1:81 Flag photo 22:2:78; 33:1:85; 36:2:189-190, 196 Flying V 38:1:95 Forty Mile 40:2:246 Forty One 38:2:165 Four Bear 65:4:19 Four J 26:2:135; 34:1:100 Four P (4P)14:4:316 Foy, Ed, Sr. 42:2:263 Fred Boise and Sons 21:2/3:23 Frederick’s 27:2:194 Frewen 31:2:190; photo 35:2:159 Frost 49:2:271, 277 Frost-Richard 45:1:19 Gate’s 20:1:56 (see also Sweetwater Bridge) Gedney’s 20:1:90 George Powell 35:2:20 Goose Creek 22:2:99; 23:1:60, 68; 48:1:116, 124 Goose Egg 20:1:91; 24:1:75; 29:1:72, 82-85; 29:2:157; 32:2:226; 33:1:55; 46:1:120 Graves 51:2:65 (see also Grave, Frank) Gresley-Robbins 36:2:190; 45:1:11 Griffin 43:1:59 Grooh’s (see Grooh, Howard) Half Circle L 45:2:163 Hamilton’s 38:2:157-158 Hamil’s (see Hamil, William) Hans Christiansen 34:2:172 Harlan Hereford 1:4:12 Harrohs (see Harrohs, Frank) Hartley 23:1:102 Hash Knife 21:1:96 Hat 15:1:7, 11-13, 18-19; 32:2:205, photo 206, 213, 216-217 (see also dance hall at Hat Ranch photo) Hein 36:2:194 Hesse 32:2:209; 33:2:184-185 HF Bar 45:1:17-18 Hill, Billy 34:1:100 Hirsig 57:2:7 Hoe 35:2:150; 38:1:70 hog (see RANCHES: Brown’s; Coon Dive; Cuny’s; Ecoffey’s; Nine Mile; Six Mile; Three Mile; Shankersville; Wright’s) Home 33:1:44-46; 34:1:31 Home Valley 45:1:10, 19 Hoppin’s 17:1:68 Horseshoe Road 22:2:100; 28:1:44; 42:2:257; 44:2:145 Hoy 50:2:341 HR 16:1:62-64; 42:2:63 (see also Reel, Heck) HR Connected 37:2:224, 231 Hub and Spoke 44:2:270 Hutton, Charlie 34:1:87-88 Hutton’s 26:2:123; 34:2:163 HY 28:2:188 Island Park 31:1:57 IXL 32:2:149; 45:1:17 J-U 37:2:223 Jay Em 32:2:165-166 JM (see Jay Em Ranch) Johnson County Deer Ranch 33:1:61 (see also Simms Brothers’ ranches) Jones, Griffith 29:2:171 Jones 37:2:223; 64:2:41 Jordon 26:2:127 Junction 16:2:89; 40:1:114 JY 45:1:19 KC 30:1:30; 33:2:179-180; 34:2:147-148; 38:1:62; 45:2:158-159; 65:4:26, 74; sketch 65:4:25 Keeline Outfit 37:2:228 Kelly 43:1:64 Kinnear, N. B. 25:1:83-84 LAK 34:1:12, 15; 38:1:94 Lake Creek 15:1:14-15, 19 Lake 36:2:188 Lampikins 49:1:11 Lancaster’s (see Lancaster, Jack) Lawrence, W. H. 33:1:87, 89; 42:1:71 Lazy P 37:2:229 LD 26:2:123; 37:1:191 Leiter 37:2:229 Liscoe’s 24:1:37 Lodgepole Creek 57:2:2, 4 Logan’s 23:1:84 Lovell’s (see Lovell, Henry C.) LP horse 32:1:71, 74 L Seven (L7) Cattle Company 15:1:20-21, 31-35; 29:1:39, 43, 46 LU 14:4:316; 49:2:263, 266; 44:1:15 Luoma 30:2:206-207 LX 18:1:77 M and M 36:2:213 M Bar 44:1:16 MacLeish 38:2:171 Mandel 33:1:86-88 Marincic’s (see Marincic, Phil) Marquiss Little Buffalo 28:2:208, 210 Marrows (see Marrows, Jack) Martin, Oscar and Kelly 36:2:196 Maxon 50:2:342 May’s 38:1:84, 89-90 McCann’s 20:2:174 McDonald 37:2:223 McGinnis Midway 22:2:38 Meadows 50:2:83, 87, 90, 92, 94-95 Mercer’s 32:2:207 Mexican Hat 32:2:207 Milbrook 36:2:193; 42:1:58, 64, 66-67 Miller 33:1:88-89 Miller, Robert E. 44:1:100 Miller, Tobe (see Coleman Ranch) Millery’s (see Millery, Toby) Morris’ looking north along Sage Creek photo 13:1:50 Morrow 40:1:10 Mouseu’s road ranch 28:1:45 (see also Mouseau, M. A.) Mudd 37:2:223 Mule Shoe 25:1:55; 37:2:223; 64:2:41 Myers 29:2:150-156 Myers Brothers photo 29:2:150 Neumann 34:2:133 Newton 49:2:283 NH 29:1:43, photo 42, 50-51, 65; 30:1:30; 32:2:205; 33:2:192; 34:1:95 Nine Mile Road 37:1:81 (see also RANCHES: hog; road ranches) Noble’s (see Noble, Jim) Nolan 28:2:155 Nolan’s (see Nolan, John) 0 Four (0-4) (see Tales of the 0-4 Ranch) Ogallala 37:2:225, 228 Old 18:2:130-131; 23:1:18-19, 23; 30:2:129 One hundred and one (101) 45:2:163 One-Fourth 26:1:44 Orchard 52:2:52 Ord 37:1:102 Osborn 32:1:111 OW 54:1:52; 65:4:11 Oxford Horse 36:2:195 O’Neil 44:1:10 OZ 40:2:257-258, 261 Padlock 14:4:319 Painter 12:3:228 (see also Spruce Point) Palmer 38:2:169, 171-172 Paradise 45:1:17-18 Pass Creek 40:2:247 Pease, F. D.66:4:6-7 PF (see Pratt-Ferris) Pick 33:2:195 Pitcher 38:2:165 Pitchfork 49:2:265, 271 Pitchfork (Texas) 33:1:85 PK 36:1:69; 40:2:257-258 Plaga 37:2:223; 64:2:40 PO 5:2:64-66; 5:2&3:96-98 (see also Fred Boise and Sons) Pole Creek 37:1:81 Pollard 20:1:90 Post and Warren 20:1:7 Post, P. O. 37:1:81 Powell’s (see Powell, George) Pratt-Ferris 22:2:97; 53:2:70 Pugsly (see RANCHES: Lazy P) Puls 33:1:89 Quarter Circle F 21:1:18 Quealy Brothers 19:1:31 Ramsay 50:2:342 Rasmussen (see Rasmussen, Nels) Raw Hide Buttes 37:1:80, 101 Red Bank 12:2:118; 32:1:91 (see also Richards, DeForest) Red Cliff 32:2:172 Rinker 18:1:77 Riverside 36:2:186 Robert’s (Oregon) 23:1:83 Rock 36:2:202; 42:1:81 (see also Rock Ranch) Ross (see Ross, George) Ross and Mossingale 19:1:31 Russell’s (see Russell, Clate) Ryan’s (see Ryan, Posy) Sandstone 14:4:316 Sanford 22:2:24 Schafer 33:1:80 Searight Brothers 24:1:75; 32:2:223 Seventeen Mile 36:2:213-214 Seventy-one 15:1:13-14, 19; 36:2:240 Seventy-one Quarter Circle 54:2:53-54 Seventy-six (76) 12:2:90; 32:2:171; 33:2:191; 35:2:132, 147; 65:4:44 (see also BRANDS) Shankersville road ranch 30:1:33 (see also RANCHES: hog) Shaw’s (see Shaw, Jim) Sherwood 47:1:62-63 Shield 54:2:70 Shot-Gun 43:1:67 Signor road ranch 20:1:57 (see also Rongis, Wyoming) Simmons, John 44:1:94 Simmons Brothers map 33:1:54, 55, photo 56, 61, photo 62 (see also Johnson County Deer Ranch) Six Mile 17:1:81; 20:2:170; 43:2:257; 49:2:257 (see also RANCHES: hog; road ranches; Six Mile Ranch) Smith 47:2:236 (see also Smith, Ed) Smith’s (see Smith, J. R.) Smith’s 38:2:168, 171-172 Snake 64:3/4:22 SO 20:1:90; 28:2:175, 188 Spear 45:1:18 Spear-O-Wigwam 45:1:128 Spectacle 24:2:116 Sprague 42:1:63 St. Dennis 28:1:50 St. Denis Road 42:2:63 Star 23:2:23 Stone 38:2:154 Straw (Oregon) 23:1:83 Sun, Tom, Sr. photo 1:2:8; 3:2:144; 48:2:247 (see also Fourth Segment of the Oregon Trail in Wyoming.) Tom Sun Ranch to South Pass. Trek No. 23 of the Historical Trail Treks; Story of the Tom Sun Ranch; Sun Ranch Museum; Sun, Tom, Sr.) Sunk Creek 65:4:44 Swigart 64:2:53 TA 27:1:47, 49; 65:4:20, sketch 25, photo 27, sketch 28, 30, map 34; 35:2:148; 36:2:186; 38:1:62, 64; 38:2:167; 45:2:158, photo 160 Tabor 50:2:340 Taylor 32:2:240 TE 26:1:13; 38:1:83; 51:1:113, 120 Tepee Lodge 45:1:17-18 Thirty-one Slash 37:2:223 Thompson 23:2:27 Three Bar 50:1:68-72, 75, 77, 82, 84-86 Three Mile 49:2:257 (see also RANCHES: hog; Three Mile) Tillotson 64:2:53 Tisdale 65:4:44 TJ 45:1:11 Tom Sun (see Sun, Tom) Trail Creek 19:1:72 Trail Lodge 45:1:17 Trapper Lodge 45:1:128 Triangle X 45:1:20, 24 TTT 28:2:160; 29:1:56; 31:1:68, 70; 31:2:191, 201; 33:2:191; 35:2:147 Twaton 38:2:167 Twenty-eight 35:2:210 Twenty-one 44:1:15 Twin Spring 20:1:88; 44:2:145 Two Bar 6:3:262; 36:2:200, 202; 37:2:223-224; photo 43:1:58, 67; 64:2:50, 66 Two Bar Seven 45:1:21 Two Dot (see Two Dot Ranch) U Cross 37:2:229 UL 21:1:39-41 (see also BRANDS) Valley 45:1:19, 21; 65:4:44 Van Tassel 42:1:69 Verdling 33:2:223 Vorhees’33:2:181-182 VR 28:2:175-176; 45:1:12; 65:4:44, 47, 74 Waechter 37:2:222 Wagner 66:1&2:9 Wallace 57:2:7 Wardell’s (see Wardell, John) Warren, Francis E. 43:1:59 Watts 38:2:148, 150, 155-157 Webb 31:2:194 Wegel’s 38:2:158 Whitaker 57:2:4, 7 White, Frank E. 44:1:94 White River, Wyoming 26:2:127 Whorton’s 38:2:152, 154 Wilcott’s 44:2:207, 209 Willan 36:2:194; 42:1:63-64 Willan-Satoris 42:1:69 Williams 38:2:157; 40:1:11 Williams’ XX photo 41:1:page following 72 Willow Creek 31:1:70 Winingar (see road from Mayworth to Winingar Ranch map) Winthrop 36:2:196 Wright (see Hein Ranch) Wright’s Hog 37:1:97 (see RANCHES: hog; road) Wyoming Hereford 33:1:89; 36:2:194; 42:1:57, 61-63; 54:2:51

XX Ranch 41:1:63-81 (see also Last Eden. The Diary of Alice Moore at the XX Ranch; Williams’ XX Ranch photo; Williams, William Richard) Y Bar 39:1:111 Yoder 27:2:184; 43:1:66, 69 Young’s 42:2:242 YT 34:1:12-13 YU 51:1:120, 122 Zero Four 40:2:257-258 (see also Tales of the 0-4 Ranch)

Ranchester State Bank 36:1:73, 75; 36:2:214

Ranchester, Wyoming 17:1:9; 32:2:146-147, 149, 151-152, 161; 55:1:38-39 (see also tie loading plant photo)

ranching (see North American Cattle-Ranching Frontiers)

ranching (see So Much to be Done: Women Settlers on the Mining and Ranching Frontier)

Rand, Briggs and Steadman 36:2:193

Randall (Bishop) 38:2:183

Randall, C. Todd 51:2:38, 43-44

Randall, G. C. 19:1:27

Randall, G. M. (Colonel) 18:1:55

Randall, Todd 30:1:86

Randler, Butterfly Slim 38:2:169-171

Randolph, Edmund, photo by 66:1&2:23

Raney, Ted (Mrs.) 26:1:58

range brand I.D. 16:2:92

Range Murder by Herbert O. P. Brayer 65:4:32

Ranger Hotel 66:4:19

Rankin (U.S. Marshall) 38:1:74

Rankin, Charles E., review of Capitalism on the Frontier 66:1&2:65

Rankin, J. G. 39:1:74

Rankin, James G. 61:2:43

Rankin, James H. 39:1:103

Rankin, Jim 15:3:248; 33:2:203; 38:2:07

Rankin, Joseph "Joe" (Marshal) 7:4:450; 15:3:248; 16:1:78; 16:2:99-100, 102-104, 107-109, 118-119, 139; 33:2:205; 38:2:182, 202, 207; 44:2:170; 64:2:40; 65:4:5, 29

Rankin, Juletta (Mrs.) 39:1:102-103

Rankin, L. M. (Miss) 39:1:82, 102

Rankin, M. Wilson 11:4:300; 13:2:157; 16:1:33, 75-78; 16:2:146; 18:1:62 (see also Ranking, M. Wilson; Meeker Massacre)

Rankin, Marshall 18:1:27

Rankin, R. A. (Mrs.) 39:1:82, 102

Rankin, R. T. 61:2:46

Rankin, Wilson 15:1:26

Ranking, M. Wilson 38:2:208 (see also Rankin, M. Wilson)

Rankin’s Livery Stable 16:2:119

Rannabarger, Stephen 32:1:20

Ranney, Howard 52:1:48

Ranney, Nellie (Mrs.) 26:1:58

Ransom, Jay Ellis 57:1:14, 19

Ransoms, T. B. (Colonel) 16:1:37

Ranz, James (Doctor) 54:1:33

Ranz, Jim 66:4:25-26, 28, 37-38

Raphael (Mexican guide) 32:2:237

Rapid City, South Dakota 23:1:28; 66:3:26

Rapid Creek district 27:1:39

Rapp, Charles 54:2:45-47 (see also Young Man Comes of Age: The Letters of Charles Rapp)

Rapp, George 66:1&2:31

Rasch, Carl 59:1:21

Rash, Matt 50:2:346, 349

Rashosmon (film) 66:4:33

Rasmussen, Minnie Crouse 50:2:343

Rasmussen, Nels 20:1:90

Rasmussen Ranch (see RANCHES)

Rasmussen, S. (Mrs.) 27:2:231

Rasmusson, Art 31:2:235

Rate, Frank (Mrs.) 47:1:86

Rathborne, St. George 49:1:113, 122-123

Rathbun, Alice 5:2&3:55-56

Rathbun, Charles 25:1:42-43, 57

Rathbun, Dan 25:1:42-43

Rathvon, Henry 22:1:91

rations 16:1:7, 19-20

Raton Weekly Independent 22:2:21

rattle snakes 16:2:88; 24:1:42-43

Rattle Snake Plains 46:1:118

Rattlesnake Creek 17:1:36

Rattlesnake Jack 28:2:160

Rattlesnake Mountain 26:1:5

Rattlesnake Range 15:1:69

Rauchfuss, H. D. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:231

Rauner, Charles L. 33:2:149

Rauschenbusch, Walter 58:1:9

Ravencraft (Captain) 33:1:9, 11

Raw Hide Buttes Stage Station by Russell Thorp, Jr. 37:1:100-102

Raw Hide, Wyoming 21:2/3:130

Rawhide Buttes 18:2:117

Rawhide Buttes Station 32:2:165

Rawhide Creek 32:2:164, 166; 34:1:567; 43:2:241 (see also HISTORICAL MARKERS)

Rawhide River 16:1:74

Rawling (trapper) 17:2:161

Rawlings, C. C. 27:2:231; 37:1:113, 121

Rawlings, Charles (see General Connor’s Tongue River Battle)

Rawlings, John Aaron (General)15:3:280; 16:1:75; 18:1:7-8; 23:1:8; 30:2:130; 38:2:180; 40:2:164

Rawlings Springs Cornet Band (see Rawlins Springs Cornet Band)

Rawlings Springs15:3:280; 16:1:75; 16:2:123, 137; 31:2:230 (see also Rawlins Springs; Rawlins Springs Massacre)

Rawlings, Wyoming (see Rawlins, Wyoming)

Rawlins battle (1870) 15:3:283-284

Rawlins Cycling Clubs of the Gay Nineties photo 16:2:164, photo 165

Rawlins House (hotel) 44:1:6; 53:1:55, photo 56

Rawlins, John A. (see Rawlings, John A.)

Rawlins Jubilee by H. B. Fetz 37:1:56

Rawlins-Lander (Fort Washakie) Stage Road by Jeanne Lambertsen 47:2:235-237

Rawlins-Lander Stage Line 44:1:10; 64:3/4:53

Rawlins National Bank Collection 31:2:230

Rawlins Penitentiary 47:2:154, 156-157, 164 (see also State Penitentiary; Wyoming Frontier Prison)

Rawlins Republican 18:1:85-86, 88; 33:2:154-155

Rawlins Springs 50:2:314 (see also photos 50:2:311-314; photo 50:2:312; photo 50:2:314; Rawlings Springs)

Rawlins Springs Cornet Band 50:2:314

Rawlins Springs Massacre by E. P. Goodwin, J. A. Campbell and S. R. Hosmer 17:2:161-169

Rawlins, Wyoming 6:1&2:230-231; 15:1:68; 15:3:280-285; 16:1:75-80; 16:2:88, 92, 97-100, 107, 109, 140-141,143; 18:1:19-20, 88; 20:1:51; 22:1:60; 23:1:103; 24:1:37; 26:2:1; 27:1:3, 9-11, 14, 73, 75; 33:2:153, 200, 203- 205, 207-208, 214-215; 34:1:81; 34:2:233; 35:2:174; 38:2:173; 42:2:173; 43:1:15; 44:1:5-10, 16; 44:2:158- 159, 162, 164-165, 167, 170, 196, 199; 46:1:119; 48:2:217, 237; 53:1:55-61; 53:2:58-60; 55:2:33, photo 34; photo 60:1:35; 61:2:42, photo 43, 44-49; 64:3/4:53; 65:1:14, 34; 65:4:7; 66:1&2:5, 16; 66:3:33; 66:4:26, 78 (see also FIRSTS: school building; telelphone; Freight and Stage Road from Rawlins to Red Lodge, Montana. First Segment of Trail-Rawlins to Lander. Trek No. 26 of the Historical Trail Trek; Freight and Stage Road from Rawlins to Red Lodge, Montana. Third Segment of Trail--Meeteetse to Chance, Montana. Trek No. 28 of the Historical Trail Treks; History of the Presbyterian Church in Rawlins, Wyoming; Trek No. 28 of the Historical Trail Treks, Freight and Stage Road from Rawlins to Red Lodge, Montana)

Rawn, Charles Cotesworth (Captain) 38:1:34-36, 43

Rawson, Alice Barber (Mrs.) 26:1:95, 98-99

Ray (Captain) 16:1:7 (see also Notes on the Early Life of Chief Washakie, Taken Down by Captain Ray; Ray, Patrick Henry)

Ray, Carl 5:2:79; 5:2&3:121

Ray, Freeman 16:2:117

Ray, Grace 64:3/4:53

Ray, Nick 24:2:33; 26:1:48, 93; 35:2:147-150; 38:1:62; 45:2:158; 54:2:70; 64:2:37; 65:4:20, photo 25, 74-75; 66:3:33

Ray, Patrick Henry (Captain) 26:1:30-32; 36:1:35-42

Ray, Winthrop C. 66:4:45, 48, 56

Raymond 55:1:52

Raymond, E. W. 51:2:38, 44

Raymond, Rossiter W. 15:2:178; 56:1:56 (see also Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains)

Raymond, Sarah (see Overland Days to Montana in 1865. The Diary of Sarah Raymond and the Journal of Dr. Waid Howard)

Raynolds Expedition (1859-1860) 54:1:42

Raynolds-Maynadier Expedition 39:1:127

Raynolds, W. F. (Captain) 15:2:106; 28:1:5; 33:2:166, 172; 34:2:179; 35:2:126; 38:2:215-222; 42:2:270; 44:1:85-86; 46:2:265; 47:1:10; 47:2:230; 49:1:66, 68; 55:1:35

Raynor, James 22:2:54

Razzari (Mrs.) photo 30:2:196

Rea, Robert R. (see Angle-Spanish Confrontation on the Gulf Coast During the American Revolution)

Rea, William 21:2/3:211

REA (see Rural Electrification Administration)

Read, Eunice D. 34:2:206

Read, Nate 32:2:207

Read, Sherman 34:2:206-207

Reader, Gus 16:1:79

Reader, Noah 16:1:80-81

Reader, Will G. 16:1:81; 16:2:39

Reading, Pierson Barton 35:2:204; 40:2:218; 42:2:213

Ready, Tom 16:2:165

Reagles (see Regles)

Reagon (gambler) 32:2:223

Reardon, Mike 28:2:211

Reason, Stanley 42:2:161

Rebel of the Rockies: The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad by Robert G. Athearn, review 35:1:112-113

Recker, B. (Mrs.) photo 37:1:5

Recker, Jessie 37:1:31

Reckling, Lyle 28:2:177

Reckling, Walter E. (Doctor) 24:1:4, 9; 66:4:17

Reckmeyer, Clarence 5:4:163

Reclamation Act (1902) 20:1:47; 50:2:321-322; 53:2:15 (see also Newlands Act)

Recognition that Sacajawea Died in Wyoming is Sought by Agnes Wright Spring 13:3:168-170

Recollections of a Goshen County Homesteader by Charles Oliver Downing, edited by Sharon Reed Smith 43:1:53-72

Recollections of a Piney Creek Rancher by Fred J. Todd, review 34:1:118

Recollections of Charley Russell by Frank Bird Linderman, review 53:2:76

Recollections of One of the Grand Jurors of Albany County by Sarah Wallace Pease 62:3:143

Recollections of Taylor Pennock by J. R. Connis 3:1:89; 6:1&2:199-212 (see also Meeker Massacre)

reconstruction (see West and Reconstruction)

reconstruction of Fort Fetterman ordnance storehouse photo 48:1:46

Reconstruction Finance Corporation 53:2:19; 57:2:4

Recontre, Zephyr 28:1:5 (see also Sioux)

Recording Your Family History by William Fletcher, review 60:1:50

Red Bank Cattle Company 52:2:49, 54

Red Bank Ranch (see RANCHES)

Red Bead 30:2:133 (see also Sioux)

Red Bear photo 18:2:134, 135; 58:2:19

Red Butte, North Dakota 17:2:127

Red Buttes 21:2/3:213; 23:1:102; 23:2:13-14, 16-17, 20; 31:1:12; 33:1:23, 47, 82-83; 33:2:167, 225-226, 266; 35:2:205; 38:1:98; 44:1:158; 49:1:23, 33, 39-42, 45

Red Buttes battles (1862) 27:1:15; (1865) 28:2:183, 192; 29:1:67, 69-72

Red Buttes Crossing 33:2:226

Red Buttes Land and Livestock Company 22:2:81

Red Buttes Pass 23:2:7

Red Canyon (Canon) 53:2:46, 50, 61; 56:1:56

Red Canyon No. 5 coal mine 42:2:239

Red Canyon Stage Station by Joe Cook 40:1:119-120

Red Canyon Station 27:1:39

Red Cloud 4:2:308; 4:3:357; 7:1:359; 7:2:295; 14:4:262, 264-265; 15:4:403-405; 17:1:9-11, 78; 18:1:69; 18:2:93, 112; 19:2:116; 26:1:94; 26:2:127; 27:2:154, 179; 30:1:65, 75; 34:2:138; 37:1:90; 38:2:146, 224; 39:2:190, 205; 41:2:193-194, 196-197, 199-201, 220, 223-224, 233; 42:1:99; 42:2:270-272; 43:1:70-71, 73, 75, 78-83; 43:2:240, 243, 246, 249-252, 253, 255; 47:1:45; 48:1:22, 111-113; 50:2:305, 308, 310, 314; 55:1:34, 38, 40, 42; 56:1:3-4; 59:2:30; 63:2:55-58, photo 59, 61-62, 64 (see also Sioux)

Red Cloud Agency 17:2:161; 23:1:21-22; 26:1:21; 32:2:223, 225; 37:1:98, 101; 41:1:54; 41:2:245-246; 42:1:88; 43:2:257; 44:2:164; 45:1:41, 46; 47:1:66; 48:1:43; 51:2:44; 54:1:43-44, 48; 65:4:10

Red Cloud and the Sioux Problem by James C. Olson, review 37:2:248-259

Red Cloud Saloon 65:4:57

Red Cloud’s Prayer by Judge Gibson Clark 15:4:403-405 (see also Red Cloud)

Red Desert 20:1:53; 22:2:69; 33:2:161, 210; 35:2:177; 52:2:10-17; 65:4:48 (see also Winter Herding Sheep on the Red Desert)

Red Dog 14:4:262; 42:2:272; 48:1:112 (see also Sioux)

Red Earth Country 42:2:268-269 (see also Quotes from Various Diaries About "The Red Earth Country")

Re-Discovering the Big Horns 49:1:132, 136

Red Feather 41:2:194

Red Fork 31:2:197

Red Fork Canyon 28:1:33

Red Leaf 28:1:31

Red Lodge, Montana (see Freight and Stage Road from Rawlins to Red Lodge, Montana. First Segment of Trail- Rawlins to Lander. Trek No. 26 of the Historical Trail Trek; Freight and Stage Road from Rawlins to Red Lodge, Montana. Third Segment of Trail--Meeteetse to Chance, and Stage Road from Rawlins to Red Lodge, Montana)

Red Man’s Religion by Ruth M. Underhill, review 38:2:235-236

Red Man’s West: True Stories of the Frontier Indians from MONTANA, The Magazine of Western History edited by Michael S. Kennedy 38:2:240-241

Red Men and Hat Warers: Viewpoints in Indian History edited by Daniel Tyler, review 48:2:288-289

Red Men and White by Owen Wister 65:4:38

Red Plume 41:1:53 (see also Arapaho)

Red River, Wyoming 16:1:74

Red Rock Company 31:2:167

Red Rock West (film) 66:4:76-77

Red Sashers 35:2:150

Red Shirt 16:2:111 (see also Ute)

Red Vermillion River 23:1:57

Red Wall 34:1:95, 97, 111

Red Water Camp 46:2:269


Redburn, Richard 56:1:25

Redcross and Turkey Red Wheat, photo 66:3:5

Reddick, Hobart 23:1:101

Reddick, Oscar 23:1:100-101

Reddick, Zoe Henderson 23:1:100-101

Redfield, James (Mrs.) 12:1:81

Redfield, South Dakota 65:4:34

Redford, Robert (see Outlaw Trail. A Journey Through Time)

Rediscovery of Colter’s Hill by Merrill Mattes 30:1:109

Redman, Julia 42:1:65

Redstone (see Redstone River)

Redstone River 16:1:73

Redtick Creek (see Bedtick Creek)

Redwine, Augustin 51:2:80 (see also Lovell’s Mexican Colony)

Redwood, J. Boverton (Doctor) 22:1:75; 41:1:6-9

Reeb, George 13:2:112-122 (see also Morphine Charley)

Reed 22:2:55

Reed and Hamlin Investment Company 22:1:85

Reed, Billy 58:1:4

Reed Building Company 22:1:85

Reed, Dave photos 32:2:150

Reed, Ed 58:1:4

Reed, Erle 34:2:171-172

Reed, Henry 65:2/3:21

Reed Investment Company 22:1:84-86, 89-90

Reed, Jim 50:2:346; 53:1:11

Reed, Jimmy 41:1:125; 43:2:192

Reed, John 28:2:211

Reed, John W. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:231

Reed, L. A. 22:1:91

Reed, Lloyd R. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:231

Reed Midwest Investment Company 22:1:91

Reed River, Wyoming (see Head River)

Reed, Silas (Doctor, Surveyor General) 1:4:17-20; 2:3:46-47; 13:1:77; 18:2:133; 23:1:26; 28:2:145; 44:2:161; 47:2:232-233; 53:2:29; 56:1:56-57 (see also Stock Raising on the Plains, 1870-1871)

Reed, Thomas R. photo 37:1:4, 5; 37:2:164; 43:2:252

Reed, Tom 38:1:90

Reed, Verner 22:1:84, 89

Reed, W.P. 66:1&2:9, 28

Reed, William 29:2:191; 45:1:55

Reed, William J. 43:1:40

Reedall, H. S. 15:2:179

Reeder 25:2:199-200

Reel, Alexander H. "Heck" (Mayor) 5:2&3:71; 18:2:127, 130-131; 20:1:64, 66, 81; 23:1:8; 25:1:43; 28:1:48-53, 67; 30:2:152-162; 37:1:86; 42:2:263; 59:2:21 (see also Heck Reel Wagon Burning)

Reel, Estelle 52:1:9

Rees, Dan 20:1:93

Reese, A. J. 51:1:113

Reese, Dan E. 5:3:365

Reese, Henry 24:2:44

Reese, John 59:2:46

Reese, Sam 32:1:95

Reese, William 59:2:19

Reeshar, Jesse 31:2:247

Reeside, John B. 34:2:191

Reeside, John E. 56:2:12-13

Reeve (Colonel) 45:1:99

Reeves (Doctor) 34:1:94

Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian edited by Bernard Klein and Daniel Icolari, review 39:2:272

Reflections on Environmental History and Wyoming by Robert W. Righter 63:4:168-171

Reform 40:1:62 (see also moral reform)

Reform Is Where You Find It: The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming by Michael A. Massie 62:1:2-22

Regal (see Doen, John)

Regan, James (Lieutenant) 40:2:174; 41:1:86

Regan, Virginia 8:2:560-561

Regan, Z. (Reverend) 38:2:191

Reggan, James (Lieutenant) 18:1:23-25, 38

regionalism (see American West: A Narrative Bibliography and a Study in Regionalism)

register (see Fort Laramie register)

Register Cliff 20:1:88; 22:2:50; 30:2:208; 65:2/3:4 (see also HISTORICAL MARKERS)

Register Cliff by William J. Shay 42:1:96-98

Register Cliff Park 27:2:187-188

Regles (Doctor) 14:4:280

Regular Army O! 50:1:146

Regulating Danger: The Struggle for Mine Safety in the Rocky Mountain Coal Industry by James Whiteside, review 64:1:27-28

Rehwinkel, Alfred M. (see Dr. Bessie)

Reid, Agnes Just (see Letters of Long Ago)

Reid, Allen (Mrs.) 42:2:171

Reid, Bobby 15:3:285

Reid, G. O. 18:2:172-132

Reid, James 33:2:133

Reid, John 26:1:64

Reid, John Rae (Sir) 44:2:269

Reid, Sam 16:2:96, 108

Reid, Thomas R. 12:3:186

Reid, Will 18:2:127, 131

Reidenbo 23:1:85

Reiger, John F. (see Passing of the Great West. Selected Pages of George Bird Grinnell)

Reiha (see deLaubenfels)

Reilly, Bernard (Lieutenant) 50:1:150

Reily 48:1:122

Reiman, Joe 32:1:95

Reinow, Bert (Doctor) 25:1:71, 73-75, 77-79

Reins, Fonce 14:1:79-80

Reiser, Frances Mentzer 53:1:41, 43

Reiss, Hans 49:2:283

Reitz, C. F. (Mrs.) 2:4:78; 3:1:111; 4:2:319; 5:2:78; 5:2&3:120

Reitz, Minnie A. 4:3:368; 11:4:298 (see also Reminiscences of My Father and Mother)

relations with the Government 29:2:196

Reliance, Wyoming 25:2:192

relics of the 1890s 26:2:210

religion 55:2:3-8 (see also Red Man’s Religion)

Religious Education Association 65:1:22

Relocation of Pioneer Burials by L. C. Steeg 30:1:90-91

Remembered Earth, An Anthology of Contemporary Native American Literature edited by Geary Hobson, review 54:1:75-76

Remes (store clerk) 19:1:27

Remeyer 37:1:95

Remington, Frederic 48:1:93-94; 64:1:2, 24; 65:4:14, painting 16, 18-19 (see also Frederic Remington. An Essay and Catalogue to Accompany a Retrospective Exhibition of the Work of Frederic Remington)

Remington, M. (Mrs.) 25:1:97

Reminiscence of Civil War Days by Judge Gibson Clark 15:4:377-386

Reminiscences by Alex Topense by Mrs. Alex Topense, review 1:4:20

Reminiscences by H. L. Kuykendall 5:2&3:103-112

Reminiscences by John Hunton 6:3:262-270

Reminiscences of a Member of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention by W. E. Chaplin 12:3:190-198

Reminiscences of a Pioneer, An Excerpt from the Diary of Elias W. Whitcomb 57:2:21-32

Reminiscences of a Swan Company Cowboy by A. S. "Bud" Gillespie 36:2:199-203

Reminiscences of A. A. Spaugh by A. A. Spaugh 7:4:549-564

Reminiscences of Al White by Al White 5:2&3:117-118

Reminiscences of an Early Railroad Civil Engineer in Northwestern Wyoming by John B. Ferguson 13:1:48-57

Reminiscences of an Indian War Soldier who Served in Dakotah Territory, now Wyoming, from 1865-1866 by Francis Carre 5:2&3:112-116

Reminiscences of Early Days in Wyoming by Mrs. August Kate Leisberg 2:4:66-67

Reminiscences of Fourscore Years and Eight by Mrs. Nora G. Dunn 19:2:125-135

Reminiscences of Frontier Days by M. Wilson Rankin 16:1:75-78

Reminiscences of Harriet Ann Durbin by Harriet Ann Durbin 1:1&2:17-19

Reminiscences of My Father and Mother by Minnie A. Rietz 3:3:157-164

Reminiscences of Old Fort Washakie by Colonel Homer W. Wheeler 1:4:1-4

Reminiscences of the Early Days of Douglas by Bert Wagner 2:4:64-66

Reminiscences of Wyoming in the Seventies and Eighties by John Jackson Clarke 6:1&2:225-236

remittance men 21:1:84-87; 66:3:10; 66:1&2:25 (see also Moncrieffe, Malcolm and William; Wallop, Oliver H.)

Renaissance 66:1&2:35-36

Renaissance style 66:1&2:28-29, 31-32, 35 (see also architecture)

Renaud, E. B. 28:2:121

Renceleur, William 21:2/3:117

rendezvous 15:2:134-142; 17:1:17; 17:2:101; 21:2/3:171; 25:1:61, 77, 89; 25:2:120-121 (see also Three Crossings on Sweetwater)

rendezvous detour 22:2:50

rendezvous locations (1836-1839) 44:1:84-85

rendezvous of fur companies 1:3:3; 3:2:133

Rendezvous Period of the Western Fur Trade 17:2:96-105

Rendezvous site (1838) 66:1&2:73

Rendle, I. J. 47:2:235

Rendle, Irvine J. (Mrs.) 27:2:231

Rendle, Jas. A. photo 16:2:164

Rendle, Thomas photo 16:2:164

Rendle, Tom 47:2:235

Reni, Jules 28:1:47

Renit (Judge) 18:1:27

Reno Court of Inquiry by Colonel W. A. Graham, review 27:1:118-119

Reno, Jesse L. (General) 48:2:275

Reno, Marcus A. (Major) 32:1:123; 48:1:110, 114-115, 118-121, 123-125 (see also Case of Marcus A. Reno)

Reno, T. Lee 24:1:4

Renolds, Pete 40:2:247, 251, 254

Rentschler, Frederick 66:4:27

Rentschler, George 64:1:24; 66:4:27-28, 32

Rentschler, Gordon 66:4:27

Renze, Dolores (Mrs.) 27:2:239

Reorganization Act 18:1:30-33

Repath, Dick 24:2:35

Repath, R. H. 37:2:188

Report on an Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities (Public No. 209) by Louis C. Steege 27:1:97-101

Report on the Medicine Wheel Investigation by Wyoming Archaeological Society 312:1:94-100

Report to Congress, Wolves for Yellowstone 66:4:17

reports of early explorers 17:2:95

Repsold, George J. 27:2:231

Republic Mountain 12:3:224

Republic of Texas map 11:4:282 (see also Texas)

Republican (see Missouri Republican)

Republican Boomerang 64:2:50, 58-59

Republican Creek 17:1:25, 40, 45-46, 54

Republican Fork 17:2:137 (see also Kansas River)

Republican Party (GOP) 16:1:47, 53-54; 22:1:12, 20, 22, 24, 65-66; 52:1:42; 53:2:4; 64:3/4:50; 65:4:27; 66:3:13, 31, 34, 42, 45-47; 66:4:4 (see also A Taft Republican: Senator Francis E. Warren and National Politics)

Republican Party of Wyoming 66:4:31

Republican River 17:2:149

Republican State Convention (1898) 19:1:32-38; (1906) 22:2:42-43

Reservation Blackfeet, 1885-1945: A Photographic History of Cultural Survival by William E. Farr, review 58:1:62-63

reservations 2:3:46-47 (see also specific reservation and tribal affiliation)

Reserve Officer Training Corps 64:3/4:44

Resha, Jean (see Reshaw, John)

Reshaw Bridge 29:1:68; 35:2:126

Reshaw brothers 21:2/3:117

Reshaw, John 4:1:245-246; 7:1:345; 12:2:149; 27:1:7; 32:2:225 (see also Richard, John; Brenon’s murder)

Reshaw settlement 36:2:215-216

Reshaw trading post 27:2:175

Restoration of Leather Bindings by Bernard C. Middleton, review 44:2:297

Retford 21:2/3:137

Rettstatt, Lucien D. 27:2:231; 31:2:235

Reusswig, William (see Picture Report of the Custer Fight)

Revelle, Frank 56:1:16

Revenue Cutter (boat) 31:1:7; 47:1:7

Review and Compliance process 66:1&2:72 (see also Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office)

Review and Functional Analysis of Siouan Costume by Lavina M. Franck 45:2:227-238

Revolution 62:1:26, 34, 38, 52, 55

Revolutionary War 31:2:141

Rex, George 31:2:142

Rex Theater (Casper, Wyoming) 66:1&2:31, 35, sketches 31

Rex, Wyoming 29:2:159

Reynard, J. H. (Mrs.) 39:1:82

Reynard, John R. (Reverend) 39:1:80, 94, 97

Reynard, L. A. (Mrs.) 39:1:102

Reynolds (Major) 32:1:66

Reynolds, Adrian W. (Mrs.) 27:2:231; 31:2:218-219, 226; 33:2:195, 211, 214; 34:2:235, 241, 244, 249; 39:1:137; 40:1:107-108 (see also Black Buttes; East Side Road; Point of Rocks; President’s Message; President’s Report, 15th Annual Meeting, review of Flaming Gorge Country, The Story of Dagget County, Utah; Wyoming State Historical Society)

Reynolds, Amelie 25:1:77, 79

Reynolds, Antonie 20:2:167

Reynolds, Doris Kooi (Mrs.) 25:1:93

Reynolds, J. F. 16:1:82

Reynolds, James C. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:231

Reynolds, John 16:2:92; 60:2:23

Reynolds, Joseph J. (Colonel) 18:1:18, 55, 61; 41:1:94-97; 45:1:27-28; 48:1:50; 55:1:42

Reynolds Post (see FORTS AND CAMPS)

Reynolds, Syd 25:1:77, 79-80

Reynolds, W. F. (General) 14:2:153

Reynolds, William 65:1:32

Rezner, Jacob 15:2:169; 17:2:91-93; 44:1:78-79

Rhee 26:2:121

Rhett, Thomas Grimke (Captain) 58:2:6-8

Rhoades, Herbert A. (Mr. and Mrs.) 19:1:61

Rhoades Hotel 28:2:142

Rhoades, R. S. 27:2:231

Rhoades, W. D. 18:1:74

Rhoads, Abby (Mrs.) 26:1:55

Rhoads and Morgan Jade Shop 20:1:92

Rhoads, Frank H. 26:1:29, 31

Rhode Island 65:4:30

Rhode, Robert B. 27:2:231

Rhodes and Troxell 37:1:44

Rhodes, Andrew Jackson 23:1:55

Rhodes, Bill 26:2:212

Rhodes, Cecil 64:1:23

Rhodes, D. C. 15:2:212

Rhodes, Frank (Justice of the Peace) 44:1:98-99

Rhodes, Jane T. Meacham 23:1:54-55

Rhodes, Joseph 23:1:52-71; 40:1:216, 220; 42:1:19, 21 (see also Joseph Rhodes and the California Gold Rush)

Rhodes, M. B. (Mrs.) 24:2:119; 25:1:97 (see also Gettin’ My Soul Into Shape; Street Called Aldersgate)

Rhodes, O. E. (Mrs.) 5:4:162

Rhodes, O. L. (Mrs.) 6:1&2:242

Rhodes, William 23:1:54

Rhodes, "Mountain Bill" 2:1:2

Rhyloite Herald 23:2:48

Rialto Amusement Company 42:1:92-93

Rialto Theatre 43:1:92, 94-95, 101, 103, 105

Rialto Theatre orchestra 43:1:102

Ribbon Canyon 24:2:83

Ricare 44:1:64 (see also Arikaras)

Rice, A. 24:1:86; 24:2:5, 10-12, 62

Rice and Company Stamp Mill 40:2:237

Rice, Billy 36:2:190

Rice, Charles 28:1:66

Rice, Clarke P. 24:2:114; 25:2:210-211, 213; 26:1:95; 27:2:231; 32:2:238

Rice, Cora 24:1:86

Rice, H. M. (Senator) 32:2:40-41

Rice, Harmon C. 42:2:173

Rice, Marion L. 37:2:176

Rice, Robert 15:2:181

Rice, Sedgewick 39:2:168

Rich (Lieutenant) 33:2:170

Rich, P. M. (Colonel) 16:1:37

Richard-Bernard Opera Company 19:1:53

Richard brothers (see Reshaw brothers; Reshaw trading post)

Richard, Elizabeth 43:2:238

Richard, Fred J. 45:1:19

Richard, Jack 38:1:117

Richard, Joe 47:1:23

Richard, John 21:2/3:117; 60:2:23 (see also Richau, John)

Richard, John Baptiste, Sr. 43:2:238; 47:1:8-14, 16-18, 23-24, 29; 49:1:39, 42-43

Richard, John, Jr. 43:1:76; 43:2:237-257; 48:1:20; 49:1:42, 49, 90, 95, 97-99, 102, 104-105 (see also Reshaw, John)

Richard, Josephine 43:2:242

Richard, Louis 43:2:238, 250; 47:1:24

Richard, Peter 39:2:205; 43:2:238

Richard, Rose 43:2:242

Richards, Alice 5:2:69-76; 7:4:467-482; 8:1:492-505

Richards and Cunningham Company 2:4:65

Richards, Bartlett 45:2:147

Richards Brothers 42:1:87

Richards, Charles 44:1:52

Richards, Charles H. 17:1:77, 79

Richards, DeForest (Governor) 2:4:65; 12:2:118, 121-123; 12:4:283; 19:1:32, 37-38; 22:2:43; 24:2:29, 39, 42-43; 25:1:83-84; 26:2:138; 37:2:197, photo 207, 209; 49:1:20; 55:1:26; 56:1:9-10 (see also Self-made Man in Wyoming, An Autobiographical Fragment from Governor DeForest Richards)

Richards, DeForest 66:1&2:42

Richards, Eleanor Alice 20:2:106, 115-117

Richards, Franklin S. 14:1:43

Richards, George 32:1:91

Richards, H. H. 17:1:77, 79-80; 21:2/3:207

Richards, Homer 24:1:5; 30:2:223

Richards, John 4:1:245-246; 7:1:345, 349-350; 12:2:149; 20:2:99, 167; 36:2:216-217 (see also Richau, John; Reshaw, John; Brenon’s murder)

Richards, John, Jr. (see John Richards, Jr. and the Killing at Fetterman)

Richards, Truman Perry 20:2:99-100

Richards, William A. (Mrs.) 20:2:105, 116, 127; 26:2:212

Richards, William Alford (Governor; U.S. Land Commissioner) 3:1:111; 5:2:69-76; 7:4:467-482; 8:1:492-505; 9:1:683-684; 12:1:17, 19, 77; 13:1:82; photo16:1:8; 19:1:31-34, 36-37; 20:2:98, 139; 24:2:24-25; 21:2/3:126; 25:2:187; 26:1:49; 28:2:128; 32:1:9, 91, 127; 37:2:193, 199, 200-201, 205; 44:1:98-101; 51:1:117-118; 52:2:54; 65:1:52; 66:3:45

Richardson 24:2:82; 47:2:165-167, 183-187

Richardson, A. (Mrs.) 25:1:72-73

Richardson, A. S. 28:1:109-110; 28:2:209

Richardson, Albert D. 32:1:26; 44:2:235

Richardson, Arthur 22:1:69, 77

Richardson, Beulah 64:2:49

Richardson, Burns 28:1:109-110; 28:2:209

Richardson, Clarence 6:4:324

Richardson, Clarence B. 19:1:39, 42; 20:2:179 (see also Pioneering Western Trails-A Pioneer Family)

Richardson, Elizabeth 64:2:53

Richardson, Emile 20:2:179; 22:1:69, 72, 74

Richardson, Ernest M. 27:2:231; 31:2:248 (see also Iron Horse Wrangler)

Richardson, Gillespie 28:1:109-110; 28:2:209

Richardson, H. G. 62:3:136

Richardson, H. H. (see Architecture of H. H. Richardson in Wyoming, A New Look at the Ames Monument)

Richardson, Harry 64:2:48

Richardson, Henry Hodson 38:1:49-53

Richardson, J. William (Mr. and Mrs.) 22:2:109; 24:2:118

Richardson, James 11:1:66; 65:1:46

Richardson, Joseph 21:2/3:205

Richardson, Laura V. 9:3:763; 20:2:179; 21:1:101; 22:1:69; 22:2:110

Richardson, Leander P. 27:1:35-42

Richardson, R. H. 28:1:109-110; 28:2:209

Richardson, Sumner 34:1:102

Richardson, Thomas G. 7:4:483

Richardson, Tracy (Lieutenant Colonel) 64:3/4:15, 23

Richardson, Valera 20:2:179; 21:1:101; 22:1:69; 22:2:110

Richardson, Victoria A. D. 22:1:69

Richardson, W. G. 64:2:34

Richardson, Warren 13:3:232; 13:4:388; 15:1:93; 18:2:163; 19:1:45; 20:2:179-180; 22:1:71; 22:2:110; 23:2:58; 24:1:3, 102; 24:2:118; 25:1:97; 27:1:21, 112; 27:2:185-186; 50:1:26, 49, 51-52 (see also History of First Frontier Days Celebration; Landmark Commission)

Richardson, Warren, Sr. (see Doctor Zell and the Princess Charlotte)

Richardson, William 33:2:198-199

Richardson, Willing (Mrs.) 33:1:101

Richardson, Willing Gay 28:2:209; 33:1:73, 95, 98 (see also Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches)

Richard’s Bridge 47:1:9-10, 21, 24, 26 (see also Richard, John)

Richard’s Fort Bernard 42:1:87 (see also FORTS AND CAMPS: Fort Bernard)

Richau, John (see Richard, John)

Richeau 26:2:119

Richen, Marilyn C. (see School District No. 2, Carbon County, Wyoming)

Richey, B. J. 27:2:231

Richey, Louisa 32:1:111

Richland (see Cody)

Richmond, Frank 47:2:142-143, 145, 147-149

Richmond, Virginia 33:2:159

Rickard, Harry 29:2:210

Rickenbacker, Eddie 52:2:20-21, photo 23, 24; 62:3:134-135, 139

Ricker 46:1:118

Ricker, Charles 46:1:114, 120

Ricker, E. S. (Judge) 43:2:250

Ricketson, Rick 22:2:45

Ricketts (Doctor) 21:1:8-11, 83

Ricketts, Billy 45:2:149, 163

Ricketts, Louis D. (Doctor) 18:2:148

Ricketts, T. J. (Doctor) 19:1:29-31

Ricketts, W. P. 14:4:316, 319; 17:1:84; 29:1:83-84; 37:2:231

Rickey, Don, Jr. (see review of To Utah With the Dragoons and Glimpses of Life in Arizona and California; $10 Horse, $40 Saddle. Cowboy Clothing, Arms, Tools, and Horse Gear of the 1880s)

Rickmeyer, Clarence 22:2:110

Ricks, Jim 15:1:6 5

Ricthart, John 26:1:94

Riddick, T. Stacey (Reverend) 24:2:75, 109-110

Riddle, Dewey 26:1:22

Ridell, Henry 44:1:33

Rider, Keith 28:2:167; 29:1:67

Rider, Robin Elaine 37:1:121

Rider, William 25:2:113

Riders of Judgment by Fred Manfred, review 29:2:237-238

Ridge, Louise (Miss) 23:1:54

Ridgely, Eva (Mrs.) 27:2:239

Ridgely, Hilliard S. 16:1:72; 24:2:91

Ridgeway, Wilse 45:2:153

Riding the White Horse Home: A Western Family Album by Teresa Jordan, review 66:3:81-82

Ridings, Rita (Miss) 27:2:231, 246; 27:1:112, 116; 28:1:70; 30:2:225; 32:2:269

Ridley, Charles E. 26:1:95

Ridwell diary 27:2:176

Rieck, Otto J. 19:1:137

Riedesel, Jodi 66:4:35

Rietz, Minnie A. (see In Memoriam, Minnie Rietz; Reminiscences)

rifle pits 27:2:165

rifles (see Springfield rifles)

Riford, Roy E. 1:4:20

Riggs (Miss) 42:1:90

Riggs 23:2:46

Riggs, Arad 54:1:33

Riggs, Stephen R. 17:2:118

Righter, Robert (Richard) W. (see Crucible for Conservation; Making of a Town: Wright, Wyoming; Reflections on Environmental History and Wyoming; review of Free Life of a Ranger: Archie Murchie in the U.S. Forest Service, 1929-1965; review of Montana. A History of Two Centuries; review of Voltaire and the Cowboy: The Letters of Thurman Arnold; Wind at Work in Wyoming)

Righter, Robert 66:4:6

Riley, Bennet (Major) 27:1:45

Riley, Ferrel W. 39:1:126, 138

Riley, George 3:1:111

Riley, Gladys 50:1:174

Riley, Gladys F. (Mrs.) 12:4:310-311; 27:2:231

Riley, Hugh photos 31:1:54, 69, 70-73; 33:2:185

Riley, J. J. 45:2:174-175

Riley, James Whitcomb 3:1:104; 34:1:73; 38:1:94; 46:2:253-262

Riley, John 26:1:64

Riley, Mike 39:1:109

Riley, Paul D. (see review of Westward to Promontory; review of Wild West)

Riley, R. W. 26:1:98

Riley’s 19:2:81

Rindhart, Lydian J. (Mrs.) 27:2:239-240

Rinehart, Dan H. 24:2:84

Rinehart, Mary Roberts 45:1:19, 23

Riner, C. W. (Mrs.) 14:2:152

Riner, Charles W. 20:1:66; 41:2:188, 191; 51:21:14; 53:2:40

Riner, John A. (Judge) 12:3:186-187; 15:1:40-41; 17:1:74; 18:2:153; 24:2:20; 26:1:36; photo 37:1:4, 5, 15, 22, 34; 37:2:17, 193, 305; 44:1:101-102; 53:2:37; 54:1:11, photo 12, 13-15

Riner, William A. 54:1:22 (see also Old Trail to an Empire; Wyoming’s Fiftieth Anniversary as a State)

Riner, Wyoming 54:1:12

Ringo 65:2/3:23, 25

Ringo, Mary 43:2:279; 65:2/3:22-25 (see also GRAVES; relocation of pioneer burials)

Ringolsky, Leah 37:1:31

Rinker (see RANCHES)

Rio del los Mortires (see Mohave River)

Rio Grande Republican 22:2:20

Rio Grande River 22:1:79

Rio Grande Southern (see Silver San Juan. The Rio Grande Southern)

Rio Verde (see Green River)

riparian water rights 59:1:19

Ripley, Willard 28:1:10

Rise and Fall of Big Horn City by Michael A. Amundson 66:1&2:10-25

Rise of the American Nation by Lewis Paul Todd and Merle Curti 49:2:238, 241, 244, 246

Rise of Workmen’s Compensation in Wyoming by Edmond L. Escolas 35:2:174-200

Riske, Milton 54:2:10

Rissler, Joe 31:2:207

Ritchey, Milton 31:2:149

Ritchy, J. H. 39:1:78

Riter, Franklin (Mrs.) 27:2:231

Riter, Lesley Day Woodruff 51:2:24 (see also Biographical Sketch of John Wright Woodruff)

Riter, Maria Inez Corlett (see Teaching School at Old Fort Laramie)

Riter, William (Mrs.) 3:4:232

Riterling, Henry 37:1:97

Rittenhouse, J. D. (see Maverick Tales. True Stories of Early Texas)

Ritter, Alta 27:2:231

Ritter, Cecil 31:1:65

Ritter, Charles (Mrs.) 27:2:231; 34:2:235, 249

Ritter, Charles 27:2:231; 28:2:224-225; 27:2:239; 28:2:209, 212; 30:1:111; 30:2:219, 225-226; 31:2:226, 232; 32:1:103; 32:2:219-220; 33:2:195, 215, 218; 34:2:235, 247, 249; 37:1:113

Ritter, G. W. (Judge) 17:1:80

Ritter, Ida 17:1:81

Ritter, Judd 30:1:18

Ritter, Raymond R. 27:2:231

Ritter, Vera 33:2:195; 38:1:102

Rival Rain Compellers photo 33:1:7

River Falls (Wisconsin) 66:3:65

River Street (Big Horn, Wyoming) 66:1&2:16

River Too Far: The Past and Future of the Arid West edited by Joseph Finkhouse and Mark Crawford, review 64:1:29-30

Riverside 29:2:171 (see also Riverside, Wyoming)

Riverside Post Office photo 30:1:18, 21

Riverside, Wyoming 29:1:56-57; 29:2:158 (see also Riverside Post Office)

Riverton Canal 28:2:136

Riverton High School Library 27:2:231

Riverton Irrigation Project 25:1:83-89; 50:2:322, 324

Riverton Lumber Company 28:2:141

Riverton Post Office mural 45:1:58, photo, 62, 63, 67

Riverton Project 56:2:39

Riverton Public Library 27:2:231

Riverton Ranger 28:2:209; 48:2:229

Riverton Republican 28:2:132

Riverton Telephone Company 30:2:148

Riverton, Wyoming 25:1:83-89; 28:2:128, 131-133, 135, 141-142; 46:1:44; 56:1:10

Riverton, Wyoming, from Sage to City by Vada F. Carlson 19:1:34; 22:2:44; 25:1:83-89; 26:1:57; 28:2:83, 89, 127- 133, photo 134, 135-143; 30:2:148; 66:1&2:73

Roach (Captain) 18:1:27

Roach, A. S. 1:3:19

Roach, Etta Owen (Mrs.) 34:1:89

Roach, G. N. (Lieutenant) 44:2:202

Roach, H. H. 56:1:26

Roach, H. N. 24:2:114

road from Mayworth to Winingar Ranch map 32:1:71

road ranches: (see also individual names; RANCHES; Three Mile Ranch)

Road of Yesteryear by M. B. Rhodes 24:2:73-112

roads (1868) 17:1:24-55; 27:1:107-108

Roaring Twenties 66:4:14

Robb, Harry (see My Pal-57 Years)

Robb, Seymour J. 54:2:68, 70

robbers (see Great Stagecoach Robbers )

Robbers Roost Historical Society by Tina G. Noble 14:3:203

Robber’s Roost Stage Station by C. R. "Mose" Cooksey 38:1:93-94

Robbins (Brother) 46:2:227

Robbins, Alma 58:1:6

Robbins, Isaac 49:1:12, 19

Robbins, John (Mrs.) 36:2:192

Robbins, John 36:2:192, 196

Robbins, Lloyd 58:1:4

Robbins, William G. (see American Forestry: A History of National State and Private Cooperation)

Robe, Robert 21:2/3:116

Roberdeau 15:2:137 (see also Roubidoux)

Robert Campbell and Company 43:2:241

Robert E. Helvey Collection 66:1&2:11

Robert Foote by Mrs. Charles Ellis 15:1:50-62

Robert Frost Library 12:1:80

Robert Miller and Company 32:1:46

Robert Newell Liberty Ship 17:2:104

Robert Stuart by Henry Jensen 43:2:293-294

Robert Stuart campsite 42:1:78

Roberts, B. H. 30:1:47

Roberts, Benjamin 26:2:182

Roberts, Benjamin S. (Captain) 58:2:5, 8

Roberts brothers (outlaws) 30:1:23

Roberts, C. D. 24:1:4

Roberts, C. S. (Captain) 18:1:28

Roberts, Charles D. 21:2/3:240

Roberts, E. N. 9:3:763

Robert Foot’s wagons and store 15:1:56-57

Roberts, Frank H. H., Jr. (Doctor) 32:2:242, 245

Roberts, Harold 22:1:84

Roberts, Harold D. (see Salt Creek, The Story of a Greal Oil Field)

Roberts, Harry 29:1:43

Roberts, Homer 54:2:48, 50

Roberts, Isaac P. (Doctor) 58:2:32, 36

Roberts, John (Doctor) 40:1:123-124

Roberts, John (Reverend) photo 13:3:front cover; 20:1:59; 22:2:7; 30:2:195; 44:2:238; 52:1:48-50 (see also Death of Sacajawea; John Roberts, D.D., L.L.D.)

Roberts, Joseph (Captain) 47:1:17

Roberts, Kenneth 42:2:177

Roberts, Larry D. (see review of Cheyennes of Montana)

Roberts, Lynn 46:1:115

Roberts, Margaret Jane Bourne (Mrs.) 30:2:213

Roberts Mission (see Shoshone Indian Episcopalian Mission)

Roberts, Montague 52:1:34

Roberts, Owen J. 31:2:240; 53:1:22-24, 26

Roberts, Paul (Very Reverend) 43:1:29

Roberts, Philip J. "Phil" 53:1:72; 66:3:26-27 (see also Edison, the Electyric Light and the Eclipse; review of American West in Film: Critical Approaches to the Western; review of First Ladies of Wyoming, 1869-1990; review of Tales Never Told Around the Camp Fire; review of Tom Horn: "Killing men is my speciality...")

Roberts Ranch (see RANCHES)

Roberts, W. D. (Reverend) 39:1:89

Roberts, Walley 26:2:182

Robertson, A. E. 27:2:231

Robertson, C. F. (Mrs.) 27:2:231

Robertson, C. F. 24:2:89; 27:1:19-20, 24; 42:1:44

Robertson, C. W. 31:1:89

Robertson, Charles 66:3:60

Robertson, D. B. (Mrs.) 54:2:23

Robertson, Dick 25:1:74

Robertson, Dora 26:1:53-54, 59-61

Robertson, E. V. (Senator) 19:2:71; 44:2:251-252; 54:2:23; 64:3/4:10

Robertson, Edith E. (Miss) 27:2:231

Robertson, Edward V. photo 66:3:55

Robertson, Frank C. (see Fort Hall, Gateway to the Oregon Country)

Robertson, G. D. 34:2:187

Robertson, Jack 28:2:196, 206; 29:2:210

Robertson, Janet (see Magnificent Mountain Women)

Robertson, John 22:2:2, 4, 6; 23:2/3:238; 26:2:183; 27:2:218-219; 28:1:86; 45:1:97, 104

Robertson, Les 42:1:101

Robertson, Lucile (see Robertson, Lucinda)

Robertson, Lucinda 22:2:4-6

Robertson, M. (Mrs.) 18:2:121

Robertson, Marique 22:2:4, 6

Robertson, Oscar 24:2:83

Robertson, Sarah 22:2:4

Robert’s Ranch (see RANCHES)

Robidoux Pass 23:1:58

Robidoux, Ripley 32:2:190

Robin Redbreast by Thomas J. Bryant 6:1&2:213-214

Robinette, Seminoe (see Robinette Stage Station)

Robinette Stage Station 29:2:179

Robins, Joe 19:1:43

Robinson (Captain) 16:1:39

Robinson (Lieutenant) 32:2:223

Robinson (Major) 40:2:182

Robinson (Mrs.) 37:1:53

Robinson 17:2:92-93

Robinson, Arlene (Mrs.) 27:2:231

Robinson, Billy (Uncle) 26:1:42; 40:2:256

Robinson, C. H. 23:2:46; 28:2:121

Robinson, Cecil 49:2:225

Robinson, Daniel (Captain) 38:1:41, 43

Robinson, Doane 17:2:106-143, photo 145 (see also Verendrye Plate)

Robinson, Dora (see Robertson, Dora)

Robinson, E. E. 17:2:153-156; 61:2:9

Robinson, E. J. (Reverend) 65:1:31

Robinson, Edward 15:2:169; 17:2:91; 44:1:78-79

Robinson, Elwyn B. 44:2:239 (see also History of North Dakota)

Robinson Ferry (see FERRIES)

Robinson, Frank V. (Lieutenant) 59:2:30-34

Robinson, George 26:2:183

Robinson, H. A. 27:2:231

Robinson, Harry 26:1:97-98

Robinson, J. M. (Reverend) 26:1:64; 65:1:30

Robinson, Jack (see Robertson, John)

Robinson, John 49:2:258

Robinson, Joseph T. (Senator) 49:2:206, 211

Robinson, L. H. (Lieutenant) 44:2:163

Robinson, Lewis 26:2:159, 185-186, 188; 31:2:222

Robinson, Louis 2:1:6; 23:2:57

Robinson, Michael C. (see Water for the West. The Bureau of Reclamation, 1902-1927)

Robinson, Will 38:1:98, 103

Robinson, "Black Bill" 4:3:359-360

Robison, James 46:2:228

Robison, Lewis 46:2:232, 234, 237-239, 241-243, photo 244, 245-247

Robison, Tom (Lieutenant) 64:3/4:43

Robrock, David P. 48:1:156 (see also History of Fort Fetterman, Wyoming, 1867-1882)

Roche, Alexis 29:1:43, 51; 43:2:206-207, 210; 45:2:244

Roche, Edmund 29:1:43, 50-51; 43:2:206; 45:2:244

Rochelle, Illinois 64:2:42

Rochester (New York) 66:1&2:27

Rocinante (horse) 66:1&2:8

Rock Creek 4:1:264-268; 5:2:46; 12:2:116; 17:1:42-43; 21:2/3:213; 22:2:99; 30:1:42-43; 30:2:181, 185, 210; 31:1:81; 33:1:48, 92-93, 98; 33:2:211; 35:2:126-127; 36:1:81; 36:2:213; 44:1:39, 47; 44:2:145-147, 282; 46:1:12, 16, 18; 64:1:2; 64:2:36 (see also Nugget, Wyoming)

Rock Creek and Fort Custer Stage Company 48:1:68

Rock Creek battle (1865) 15:1:58-59

Rock Creek Branch 24:2:85; 31:2:131, 133 (see also Northern Pacific Railroad)

Rock Creek country 30:2:181

Rock Creek Crossing 46:1:5, 21, 32

Rock Creek-Fort Fetterman Road 28:1:58

Rock Creek, Idaho 23:1:88

Rock Creek-Lower LaPrele Road 28:2:167

Rock Creek, Nebraska 23:2:27

Rock Creek placer ditches 65:24:52 (see also Christiana Lake and Rock Creek Placer Ditches map)

Rock Creek Ridge 30:2:213

Rock Creek Stage Line 55:1:48

Rock Creek Stage Station 21:2/3:187-188; 23:1:21, 95

Rock Creek Station 33:1:92; 36:2:200; 44:2:167; 46:1:14; 66:1&2:13

Rock Creek, Wyoming 16:1:26; 25:1:28, 40; 26:2:138; 56:1:40; 65:4:48, 52, 54-55, 58, 60

Rock Dale 33:1:92-93, 95

Rock, Dick 66:4:55

Rock, George C. (Reverend) 35:2:141

Rock in the Glen 28:1:61

Rock Island, Illinois 65:1:35

Rock, John M. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:231

rock mounds (see Sioux Trail)

Rock Point Station 33:2:211 (see also Point of Rocks)

Rock Ranch battle 36:2:82

Rock Ranch by Curtiss Root 42:1:82-83

Rock River (Wyoming) gas pump photo 66:3:69

Rock River 21:2/3:198; 65:2/3:4

Rock River Bank 26:2:137

Rock River Coal and Fire Clay Company 60:2:55

Rock River Stage 26:2:137-139 (see also Rock River Stage Coach)

Rock River Stage Coach by Olive Garrett Kasfka 26:2:137-139

Rock River Trail 24:1:81

Rock River, Wyoming 15:1:68; 17:2:149; 22:2:92; 26:2:137, 139; 30:2:148; 51:1:119-120; 51:2:64; 60:2:55

Rock Springs (see Chinese massacre)

Rock Springs Art Association 52:2:38

Rock Springs battle 16:1:51

Rock Springs Coal Company 47:1:32

Rock Springs First Congregational Sunday School 65:1:31

Rock Springs Independent 19:2:107

Rock Springs Library 50:2:336

Rock Springs Massacre photo 58:1:24 (see also Chinese massacre; Incident at Bitter Creek: The Story of the Rock Springs Massacre)

Rock Springs Miner 9:3:741; 33:2:153

Rock Springs riot 15:1:47; 16:1:51; 20:2:158

Rock Springs Rocket 58:1:27, 34

Rock Springs, Wyoming photo 12:2:154; 15:1:47; 16:1:51; 17:1:65; 18:2:144; 19:2:105-107; 20:2:158; 22:2:30, 36; 25:2:190-205; 27:1:31-34; 27:2:32-34; 30:2:146, 149, 224; 33:2:211; 34:2:239-240, 242; 39:1:78; 42:2:164, 173-175, 237-238; 43:1:34, 102-105; 44:2:166, 170-171; 45:2:193; 47:1:39-40; 48:2:176, 213, 228, 266; 50:2:338-339; 56:1:57; 59:2:22-25; 60:1:9-10, 12, photo 13; 65:2/3:5; ) 66:3:33, 78 (see also Chinese Massacre; FIRSTS: Rock Springs strike; Glance at Rock Springs; Governor Francis E. Warren, The United States Army and the Chinese Massacre at Rock Springs; Mail Route Between Rock Springs and Lander; Sweetwater County-Green River-Rock Springs)

Rockafield, Bertha Bulla (Mrs.) 21:2/3:239

Rockdale Stage Station 15:1:56-57

Rockefeller Foundation 42:2:156

Rockefeller, John D. 22:1:74-75; 58:2:28; 66:1&2:69

Rockefeller, John D., II 45:1:20

Rockefeller, John D., Jr. 42:2:149, 151-153, 155-156, 158, 164, 166, 168, 170, 176, 180; 44:2:243-246, 248- 250, 256; 50:2:269-270

Rockefeller, Nelson (New York Governor) 61:1:8

Rockies (mountains)

Rockies (mountains (see Indian Legends of the Northern Rockies; Native Home of Hope: People and the Northern Rockies; Rocky Mountains; Ruxton of the Rockies)

Rockies (see Rocky Mountains)

Rockwell, Orrin Porter 31:1:14; 32:1:52; 39:2:248

Rockwell, Porter 42:2:254

Rockwell, William 25:2:118, 126

Rockwell, William S. 52:1:55-56; 62:1:7-8, 34-36, 43

Rockwood 32:2:146, 148-149, 151-155, 157-158, 163

Rockwood fire 32:2:161 (see also Old McShane Tie Camp and the Rockwood Fire)

Rockwood pond 32:2:146-147, 154

Rocky Gap 30:2:206-207, 209-212

Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference 57:2:15

Rocky Mountain Basins 17:2:105

Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company 224:2:17; 30:2:146-147

Rocky Mountain Cattle Company 19:2:69, 74

Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company 56:1:55-57

Rocky Mountain Coal Company 56:1:46

Rocky Mountain Courier 33:2:152-153

Rocky Mountain Detective Agency 20:2:175

Rocky Mountain Directory Company 26:2:219

Rocky Mountain Fur Company 1:1:4; 1:3:3; 2:3:42-43; 3:2:130-131; 5:2&3:91; 6:3:276; 15:2:105, 174; 15:3:221, 258; 17:2:1201; 31:2:243; 33:1:92; 33:2:160-164, 175; 40:1:30; 44:1:81-83; 56:2:23-24

Rocky Mountain Herbarium (University of Wyoming) 66:4:25

Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Notes 65:1:35

Rocky Mountain landscapes 66:1&2:75

Rocky Mountain Mining Camps. The Urban Frontier by Duane A. Smith, review 40:1:146-147

Rocky Mountain News (Denver, Colorado) newspaper 66:3:54

Rocky Mountain News 22:1:69; 33:1:6, 10; 34:1:63; 41:1:95; 42:2:176; 44:1:101; 49:1:63; 65:4:6, 28

Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas Associastion 48:2:222; 63:1:15

Rocky Mountain Politics by Thomas C. Caudle 22:1:68

Rocky Mountain region 66:1&2:27

Rocky Mountain Revolution by S. H. Holbrook, review 30:1:118-119

Rocky Mountain Star 18:1:88; 43:2:175, 183

Rocky Mountain States (see Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain States)

Rocky Mountain Sunday School Times 65:1:29

Rocky Mountain West by Duane A. Smith, review 65:4:72

Rocky Mountain West in 1876 by Louis L. Simonin, review 39:1:140-141

Rocky Mountain Wool Growers Association 61:2:46-47 (see also Wool Growers Association)

Rocky Mountains 16:2:145; 17:2:144-146; 21:2/3:171; 26:1:5, 22; 65:1:110; 65:2/3:7, 13, 15; 65:4:50-51; 66:4:6 (see also FIRSTS: First Wagons to Reach the Rocky Mountains, extract from letter from Messrs. Smith, Jackson and Sublett to Secretary of War; No Step Backward: Women and Family on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier, Helena, Montana, 1865-1900; Wind-Big Horn River and the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade)

Rocky Mountains by Peter Hassrick 65:4:19

Rocky Mountains storm scene (6 June 1853) photo 42:1:page following 56

Rocky Point Stage Station 18:2:127

Rocky Ridge 31:1:86

Rocky Ridge Station 23:2:7-9, 14; 27:1:9, 14; 28:2:182; 29:1:76; 30:1:40-42 (see also St. Mary’s Station)

Rodabaugh, James (see Present World of History: A Conference on Certain Problems in Historical Society Work)

Rodas, Frank 19:1:29

Roddapouch, Louis 53:1:4

Roddes, Charles (Mrs.) 15:1:93; 16:2:174 (see also Roddis, Mrs. Charles)

Rodee, Marion E. (see Old Navajo Rugs: Their Development from 1900 to 1940)

Rodenbush, William 24:2:119

Rodeo Hall of Fame 26:2:135

Rodeo: An Anthropologist Looks at the Wild and the Tame by Elizabeth Atwood Lawrence, review 54:2:77-78

rodeos 26:2:134 (see also Cheyenne Frontier Days; Cowgirls of the Rodeo: Pioneer Professional Athletes; Man, Beast, Dust: The Story of Rodeo)

Roderick, Lea 34:1:20, 22-23

Rodgers, Bill 37:2:226

Rodgers, Cal 52:2:20, 25

Rodgers, John F. (Captain) 39:1:45-46

Rodgers, William W. (Captain) 53:2:60

Rodman, Hugh (Rear Admiral) 35:2:231

Rodney, George B. (Lieutenant Colonel) 18:1:57

Rodriguez, Eusebio 51:2:28, 32

Rodriguez, Secundino 51:2:28, 31-32, 35

Rodriquez, Paul, Jr. 54:2:21

Roe, Franklin Gilbert (see North American Buffalo)

Roedel, A. E. (Mrs.) 9:2:702-703

Roedel, A. E., Jr. 12:3:246

Roedel, A. E. "Andy" 17:2:171 (see also Mail Must Go)

Roedel, Dorothy 9:2:703

Roeder, Richard B. (see Montana. A History of Two Centuries)

Roeder, Richard P. (see Montana Post)

Roedigger 30:1:91

Rogers (Lieutenant) 17:2:161

Rogers and Company 21:2/3:207, 209

Rogers, B. H. (Lieutenant) 44:2:162

Rogers, Barnett G. 24:2:81

Rogers, C. J. "Doc" (Governor) 27:1:116-117; 27:2:164; 28:1:41; photo 37:2:234, 238-239; 48:2:226; 55:1:16; 55:2:12; 61:1:6

Rogers, Edmund B. 24:1:5

Rogers, Edna J. 37:2:238

Rogers, Emma 26:1:57

Rogers, Glenn K. 30:2:224

Rogers, H. J. 23:1:8 (see also H. J. Rogers and Company)

Rogers, Harold (see Story of Lander)

Rogers, Jack (Mrs.) 26:1:61

Rogers, Jack 45:2:150

Rogers, James P. 32:1:46

Rogers, John 32:1:68

Rogers, Katherine (see review of Sternberg Fossil Hunters)

Rogers, Mable B. 37:2:238

Rogers, Malcolm J. 32:1:240

Rogers, Mary Read (Mrs. Glenn) 27:2:231; 30:1:113-114; 31:1:119-120 (see also review of South Pass, 1868, James Chisholm’s Journal of the Wyoming Gold Rush; review of Wyoming Afoot and Horseback)

Rogers, Nina (Mrs.) 24:2:94

Rogers, Phil 29:2:190

Rogers, Ralph 13:4:388; 25:1:96; 27:2:239

Rogers, Will 42:2:166; 52:2:25; 65:4:5; 66:4:7

Rogers, William (Mrs.) 28:1:10

Rogers, William photo 28:1:8

Rogers, William H. 26:1:64; 27:2:208-210; 28:1:8-10; 30:1:93

Rognstad and Olsen 64:3/4:8

Rohe, Randall 57:1:68 (see also Feeding the Mines, The Development of Supply Centers for the Goldfields)

Rohrbaugh (Doctor) 46:1:117

Rolapp, Henry H. 59:1:21

Roles, Howard 45:2:161

Rolette County (North Dakota) 66:4:10

Rolfsness, Carol 65:4:2

Rolfsness, Ken, photo 65:4:2

Rolla (Dakota Territory) 66:4:12

roller skating rink (Big Horn, Wyoming) 66:1&2:17-18

Roller, William 46:2:276

Rollins 34:2:221; 43:1:63

Rollins, Dan G. 65:1:47

Rollins, George W. (see review of Wheels West, 1590-1900)

Rollins, H. M. 24:1:17

Rollins, Linda G. (see review of Wyoming-Land of the Echoing Canyons)

Rollins, Lucinda 20:1:88; 27:2:189-190; 42:1:99-100 (see also GRAVES; Lucinda Rollins Grave; relocation of pioneer burials)

Rollins, Philip Ashton 1:1&2:15; 1:3:20; 16:1:71; 65:2/3:7; 65:4:12, 34 (see also Cowboy)

Rollins, Phillip Ashton (Mrs.) 4:1:272

Rollinson, John K. 31:1:85 (see also Brands of the Eighties and Nineties Used in Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Territory; Pony Trails in Wyoming; Historical Sketch of Upper Clark’s Fork of the Yellowstone and its Tributaries Within Wyoming; How, When and Why the Old Beartooth Stockade)

Roman Altar of Peace (Roman) 66:1&2:31

Roman Catholics 19:1:30

Roman empire 66:1&2:32

Roman Nose 18:2:93; 41:1:55-56; 41:2:200, 206, 208, 211, 216, 218-219, 226-227, 235, 240 (see also Arapaho)

Roman style 66:1&2:28, 30-32

Roman Temple of Vesta 66:1&2:31

Romance of Old Trails by Lucia G. Putnam 6:1&2:196-198

Romans 66:3:17

Romick, Charlotte 27:2:231

Rominger, Alice 58:1:10, 14

Rominger, Henry Virgil 58:1:9-14 (see also Voice in the Wilderness: H.V. Rominger and the Social Gospel in the West)

Roncalio, Teno 48:2:167, 186, 195-197, 223, 231, 247; 63:1:17-18, 23; 64:1:24; 66:3:62, photo 64; 66:4:36

Ronda, James P. (see Astoria & Empire)

Rongis 39:1:113; 40:1:10; 47:2:240

Rongis Stage Station 36:2:239-240

Rongis, Wyoming 20:1:56-57

Ronleace, Marcelline photo 16:2:163

Ronne, P. E. 9:21:697

Ronnebeck, Louise 45:1:59-60

Ronzio, Richard A. 27:2:232

Rooney, John 63:1:26

Rooney, Kathy 66:3:8; 66:4:22

Rooney, W. D. 14:4:319

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (President) 17:2:105; 18:1:45, 74; 28:1:9; 41:2:178-179; 42:2:152; 44:1:105; 44:2:250-253, 256; 45:2:180-181, 217; 48:2:174, 179-181, 229; 49:2:175, 202-204, 206-212, 214-222; 56:1:13; 61:2:29; 62:3:132-133, 135, 138-139; 66:3:13, 61

Roosevelt, James 65:1:44

Roosevelt Lodge (Yellowstone National Park) 66:3:14

Roosevelt, Theodore (President) photo 19:2:134; 20:1:10, 36, 47, 123, 152, 154-155; 20:2:132; 21:1:82; 26:1:35; 35:2:230; 42:2:154; 44:1:39, 97; 45:2:241-242, 246-248; 51:1:122; 53:2:4; 54:21:65; 56:2:39; 64:1:2, 5, 7; 66:1&2:28 (see also FIRSTS: U.S. President to visit Yellowstone National Park; Theodore Roosevelt Outdoorsman)

Root, Bill 15:4:388; 19:1:41, 43

Root, C. B. 15:3:243

Root, Curtiss 39:1:135, 137; 41:1:131-132; 42:2:253 (see also Cold Springs; Rock Ranch)

Root, Elihu 20:2:155

Root, Frank A. 21:2/3:187-188, 190; 32:1:34

Root, Riley, 21:2/3:112

Root’s Opera House 34:1:93

Roper (Colonel) 45:1:34

Roripaugh, Robert A. (see Honor They Father; review of Great Gates; review of Legends and Lore of Southern Illinois; Learn to Love the Haze; review of German Sections of Vanity Fair and Other Studies; review of Summer Range)

Rosa, Joseph G. (see Gunfighter: Man or Myth; They Called him Wild Bill: The Life and Adventures of James Butler Hickok; Gunfighter, Man or Myth?; West of Wild Bill Hickok)

Rose (Mother Xavier) 21:2/3:206

Rose (Reverend) 24:2:108

Rose, Edward 55:1:52

Rose, R. R. 64:1:24

Rose, Robert E. (Judge) 49:2:196

Rose, Robert, Jr. 48:2:230, 232

Rose, Robert R. 25:2:204-205; 58:2:23; 60:2:16-17, 19

Rose, Robert R., Jr. 45:2:180, 200, 218-219

Rose, Stephen B. 25:2:161-164, 170-171, 184; 26:1:65-68; 26:2:147, 157

Rose, William 36:1:83

Roseberg, Robert G. 54:1:84; 56:1:74 (see also Dempsey-Hockaday Trail-An Experience in History; Handhewn

Ties of the Medicine Bows; review of American Forestry: A History of National, State and Private Cooperation; Medicine Bows: Wyoming’s Mountain Country)

Rosebloom, Jesse 17:1:84; 24:1:101

Rosebud 18:1:18, 62; 32:2:222; 44:2:166-167; 45:1:34-36, 41, 46

Rosebud Creek 17:1:12

Rosebud Reservation 26:2:121, 127

Rosebud River 31:2:133; 48:1:113-116, 124, 128

Rosedale, Samuel 15:1:9

Rosenberg, Betty Lu (see review of Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West)

Rosenberg, Elizabeth Mullett (see Medicine Bows: Wyoming’s Mountain Country)

Rosenblatt, David (Private) 64:3/4:18

Rosendahl, Lyman (Mrs.) 25:1:75

Rosenthal, Jack 66:3:2

Rosenthal Library 65:1:53

Rosentreter, Eugene 37:2:211

Rosentreter, Floyd 37:2:211

Rosentreter, G. W. 37:2:222, 227 (see also My Cowboy Experiences in the 1890s)

Rosentreter, Gus 64:2:35, 40-41

Rosentreter, Hank 64:2:35, 40-41

Rosentreter, Lawrence 37:2:221

Rosentreter, Marie 37:2:221

Rosestock, Fred, 25:2:213; 26:1:99; 27:2:232; 31:2:178

Roseville (Illinois) 66:3:31

Rosewald, Julius 61:1:18, 20-21

Ross (see RANCHES)

Ross, Alexander 17:2:95

Ross and Mossingale (see RANCHES)

Ross, Andrew 64:2:49

Ross, Arthur 13:4:388

Ross, Charley 20:2:173-174; 34:2:199

Ross, Edmund 60:2:24-25, 27-28

Ross, Edward 26:1:95

Ross, Edward Allsworth 58:1:28

Ross, George 22:2:30

Ross, James 19:1:6

Ross, Margery 8:4:643-644

Ross, Nellie Tayloe (Governor) 2:4:78; 4:1:271; 4:3:366, photo 372; 10:4:187; 12:4:266-267; 22:2:8; 41:2:171; 43:1:5, 27; 49:2:198-199; 50:1:23; 55:1:3; 61:1:5

Ross, William Bradford (Governor) 12:3:218-219; 2:2:40; 35:1:63; 41:2:170-171; 49:2:194-195, 197; 55:2:23; photo 58:1:31

Ross, William R. 54:1:31

Rossiter, Richard 52:2:42

Roswell Museum (New Mexico) 30:2:215

rotary snow plow photo 3:4:196

Rotary International (see Laramie Club)

ROTC 57:2:13-15

Roth 25:1:78

Rothacker, O. H. 18:1:81, 88

Rothberger, Henry 22:1:77

Rothschild, Herman 61:1:15

Rothwell, John 20:1:93; 22:2:109

Rothwell, John P. 21:2/3:239

Roubidoux, Louis 26:2:125

Rough Riders 31:2:216 (see also Smith, Lot)

Rouleau, Marcelline 37:1:30, photo 31

Round, Charlie 35:2:145

Round Chief 32:2:234 (see also Arapaho)

Round Top filter plant 18:1:44-46, 65

Round-up-Cutting out Cattle, woodblock illustrastion 65:4:10

Rounds, Linn (see review of Recollections of Charley Russell; Shoot Me A Biscuit. Stories of Yesteryear’s Roundup Cooks)

roundup 15:1:27, photo 28, 29-31; 21:1:51-57; 23:1:93; 24:2:77; 30:1:13-16; photo 36:2:19

Roundup 22:2:36-39

Roundy, Charles G. 45:1:131 (see also review of Garden in the Grasslands; Origins and Early Development of Dude Ranching in Wyoming)

Roundy, Chuck 66:4:35

Rourke, Constance 36:1:84

Rouse, D. E. 36:2:221-224, 231

Roush, Floyd M. 27:2:232; 54:2:26

Roush, Mary (Mrs.) 23:2:30-40

Roush, Paul 23:2:30

Route 20, 66:4:27

Routt County 16:2:92

Roved, Lou 37:2:25

Roving Over the Wilds of Wyoming by Margaret E. Nielsen 53:1:49-53

Rowan, Edward 45:1:56-58, 60, 63-65

Rowdy West 24:1:77, 84; 24:2:39-41, 43, 47; 28:2:177

Rowe, H. S. R. 28:1:87-88

Rowell, George P. 15:3:271

Rowland, Bill 28:12:38-39

Rowland, E. S. (Captain) 27:2:145, 150

Rowley, Edward 13:2:158

Rowse, A. L. (see Cousin Jacks: The Cornish in America)

Roxbury, John 15:1:32

Royal Road to Romance by Richard Halliburton 66:3:21

Royall (Colonel) 45:1:35

Royall, William B. 32:2:173, 303; 41:1:89-99

Royce, Ed 46:1:114

Royce, Josiah 64:3/4:60

Royce, Owen 46:1:114

Royer, Charley 16:2:89

Royer, D. F. 63:2:64

Royer, R. F. (agent, Pine Ridge Agency) 41:1:105

Roys, Alby E. (Miss) 24:2:118

Rubinek, Saul 66:4:77

Ruby, Robert H. (see Indians of the Pacific Northwest; Oglala Sioux )

Ruby Valley Reserve 27:2:212-213; 30:1:79

Ruch, F. O. 54:2:12

Rucker, Daniel H. 34:2:139-140

Rudefeha 19:2:117, sketch 118, 119-124

Rudefeha Mine photo 1:2:8; 3:2:144

Rudefeha, Wyoming 19:2:120; 29:2:158

Rue, Frank I. 24:2:88; 25:1:89

Ruff, H. A. (Mrs.) 2:1:20

Rugg, Arthur 24:1:4; 25:2:210

Rugg, Harold 56:1:27

Ruggles, G. D. (General) 9:3:755-760

Rughoff, Milton 65:4:21

Ruhlen (Lieutenant) 16:2:162

Ruiz, Vicki L. (see Western Women: Their Land, Their Lives)

Ruland, Carrie M. (Miss) 17:1:81

Rulo, Nebraska 21:2/3:117

Rulon, Philip Reed (see Compassionate Samaritan: The Life of Lyndon B. Johnson)

Rummel, W. K. 2:4:78

Rummy Kid Goes Home and Other Stories of the Southwest by Ross Santee, review 38:2:243-244

Rumsey (Mrs.) 34:1:89

Rumsey 19:2:120

Rumsey, Bert 45:1:16

Rumsey, Bronson 40:1:78, 82, 84, 100

Rumsey, Edith 34:1:89

Rumsey, Henry (Captain) 34:1:89

Rumsey, James M. photo 16:2:164; 29:2:158

Rumsey, James "Jim" 34:1:89

Rumsey, John 19:2:119

Rumsey, Philo 34:1:89

Rundell, Walter, Jr. (see In Pursuit of American History)

Rundquist, Albert N. 27:2:232; 37:1:106

Rung, Al 32:2:252

Rungius, Carl 48:1:96

Runnen 32:2:223 (see also Sioux)

Running Eagle 59:1:51, 54 (see also Piegan)

Running Iron by Rachel Ann Fish, review 29:1:119-120

Running Water Stage Station by Mrs. Helen Willson 37:1:106-109

Runser, Fred 37:2:224

Runser, Harry 25:1:96

Runte, Alfred (see National Parks: The American Experience)

Runyon, S. B. 19:1:28

Rupe, James 32:1:20-21

Rupley, John 28:1:15

Rupp, A. G. 24:2:92; 27:1:21

Rupp, Wellington 27:1:21

Rural Electrification Administration 61:1:36

Rural Women Working: Naming and Evaluating Women’s Non-Wage Labor by Katherine Jensen 63:4:153-160

Rush Creek 23:2:24; 46:1:10

Rush, H. S. 37:1:35

Rush, N. Orin 27:2:232; 49:1:63-64; 66:4:25

Rushing, S. H. (Private) 27:2:172

Rusk, D. L. 27:2:232

Rusk, Jeremiah (General) 22:1:21-22

Ruskin, John 58:1:11

Russell 16:1:39

Russell 65:2/3:23 (see also Frink)

Russell Allen and Company 32:1:8-9

Russell and Jones 32:1:26-27

Russell, Andrew 60:1:5, 7

Russell, Ann photo 30:2:196

Russell, Austin P. 23:2:62

Russell Brown and Company 32:1:10

Russell, Carl Parcher (Doctor) 14:2:164; 65:1:53 (see also Firearms, Traps and Tools of the Mountain Men; Trapper Trails to the Sisk-ke-dee; Carl Parcher Russell Papers)

Russell, Charles 66:4:19

Russell, Charles Benjamin 32:1:47

Russell, Charles M. "Charley" sketches 57:2:34-35, 37; 65:4:5, bronze 19, sketches 40-44, 46 (see also Charles Russell; Recollections of Charley Russell)

Russell, Clate 28:1:47

Russell, David A. (Major; General) 18:1:4; 40:2:165

Russell, Don (see Wild West)

Russell, E. H. 61:2:6

Russell, Elizabeth E. 27:2:232

Russell family 5:4:164

Russell, Frances M. 26:2:160, 162-163

Russell, Gerald B. (Captain) 38:1:28, 31; 44:2:146

Russell, Glen (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:23

Russell, I. E. 20:2:179

Russell, J. S. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:232

Russell, Jean Beeler 27:2:232

Russell, Jim (Mr. and Mrs.) 30:1:92

Russell, John L. photo 37:1:4, 5; 56:1:59, photo 60, 61, 63

Russell, John M. 26:2:160

Russell, John W. 32:1:15, 25, 28

Russell Jones and Company (see Jones, Russell)

Russell, Majors 1:1:67; 27:1:7; 32:1:5, 14-15, 22-23, 27-28, 31-32, 34, 37-39, 46; 32:2:267; 33:2:223; 34:2:245; 35:1:17-18; 61:2:14 (see also Split Rock Express Station)

Russell, Osborne 29:2:142; 36:2:137, 153, 155; 43:2:222, 225, 230, 232

Russell Smoot and Company 32:1:17

Russell, Thomas 54:1:38, 42-43

Russell, Waddell 1:1:6-7; 27:1:7; 61:2:14 (see also Split Rock Express Station)

Russell Waddell and Company 32:1:14

Russell, William Hepburn 21:2/3:177; 27:2:208-210; 31:1:17; photo 32:1:5-47, 58; 57:1:6, 8-10, photo 11, 12

Russell’s Ranch (see RANCHES)

Russell’s settlement 26:2:144

Russia 18:2:127

Russia 66:3:21, 25

Russian-Germans 51:2:27, photo 33; 60:1:25

Rust, Jesse 50:2:237, 246

Rustic Hotel 18:2:116, 130; 27:2:184

Rustler Business by Charles B. Penrose, Ph.D. 65:431

rustlers 15:1:65; 16:1:28; 21:2/3:220; 26:1:44-45; 27:2:140; 29:2:161-176; 30:1:17-36; 30:2:175-192 (see also Fate of a Cattle Rustler; Hole-in-the-Wall)

Rutherford, Joe 37:2:224

Rutledge, Andy 36:2:240

Rutledge, T. W. 12:4:324

Ruxton, George Frederick 21:2/3:184; 27:2:159-160 (see also Life in the Far West)

Ruxton of the Rockies collected by Clyde and Mae Reed Porter, edited by LeRoy R. Hafen, review 53:2:77

Ryan (cattleman) 15:1:13

Ryan (Father) 39:1:28

Ryan (Mother) 45:2:262

Ryan, A. V. (see Grave of Former Wyoming Indian Fighter)

Ryan, Andy 1:3:20; 37:1:97

Ryan, B. T. 44:2:151, 175

Ryan, Benjamin Williams (see Bozeman Trail to Virginia City, Montana in 1864, a diary by Benjamin Williams Ryan)

Ryan, Dan 18:2:130

Ryan, Dennis P. (see Salute to Courage)

Ryan, Ed 28:2:135

Ryan, Elisha B. 26:2:151, 162; 39:2:248-249

Ryan, Fonce "Foncy" 14:1:79-80; 20:2:172 (see also Reins, Fonce)

Ryan, Garry David 35:1:120 (see also Camp Walbach, Nebraska Territory, 1858-1859; The Military Post at Cheyenne Pass)

Ryan, George 16:2:124

Ryan, J. H. 19:2:98

Ryan, Jim 15:3:248

Ryan, John (Mrs.) 27:2:232

Ryan, John "Posey" 12:2:148; 18:2:130; 20:1:87; 27:2:147; 31:1:48-52; 39:2:261 (see also Life and Early History of John "Posey" Ryan)

Ryan, L. B. (see Ryan, Elisha)

Ryan, Lang 16:2:124

Ryan, M. J. 19:2:82

Ryan, Matthew 16:2:124

Ryan, Mike 46:1:114

Ryan, N. H. 19:2:100

Ryan, Thomas 60:2:26; 62:1:4

Ryan, Walter J. 13:3:231

Ryan’s (see RANCHES)

Rybolt, Robert (see)

Rybolt, Robert R. 66:1&2:55 (see also review of Cavalier in Buckskin: George Armstrong Custer and the Western Military Frontier; review of Archaeology, History and Custer’s Last Battle; review of Custer Reader; review of video Fort Phil Kearny: The Hated Post on the Little Piney)

Ryckman, J. J. 33:2:152

Ryder (Mrs.) 66:4:17

Ryder, Ed (son of Mrs. Ryder) 66:4:17

Ryder, Esther (Mrs.) 27:2:232

Ryder, George 30:2:195-196

Ryder, Jas. 19:1:29

Rye Valley (Oregon) 23:1:83-84

Rymill, R. J. 50:1:49-52

Rymill, Robert J. (Mrs.) 19:1:45; 22:2:109; 27:2:174-175, 232

Rymill, Robert J. 19:1:45; 22:2:109; 27:2:174-175, 232; 32:1:112-113 (see also Fort Bernard)

Rymill, Walter L. 26:1:97; 27:2:232

Rziha, John (Captain) 38:1:9, 21, 43 (see also deLaubenfels)