T. A. Kent Bank Building photo 37:1:32, 44
T. A. Larson Collection photos 66:3:front cover, 14, 18, back cover
T. A. Larson: Conversations with Historians an interview by Mark Junge 66:3:8-29
TA Ranch (Wyoming) 66:3:33
Tababooindowesyam (see Tababooindowetsy)
Tab-aboo-in-doweteey (see White Man’s Friend)
Tababooindowetsy 46:2:230 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Tabashie Nee-tab-cht 16:2:89-90 (see also Ute)
Tab-be 26:2:174 (see also Ute)
Tabby 29:1:88; 29:2:225 (see also Ute)
Tabernash 16:2:90
Table Mountain 33:1:76-77; 35:2:205; 39:1:122
Table Rock 23:2:24
Taboonshea 29:2:210; 30:1:72 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Tabor, Horace (see Horace Tabor: His Life and Legend)
Tacloban (Philippine Islands) 59:1:30
Tacony 65:1:8
Taft Republican (see A Taft Republican: Senator Francis E. Warren and National Politics)
Taft Republican: Senator Francis E. Warren and National Politics by Leonard Schlup 54:2:62-66
Taft, Robert (see Artists and Illustrators of the Old West, 1850-1900)
Taft, Robert A. (Senator) 45:2:179; 52:1:26, 28-29, 31-32 (see also A Taft Republican: Senator Francis E. Warren and National Politics)
Taft, William Howard (President) 18:1:30; 20:1:31; 20:2:147; 53:2:4, 6-10; photos 54:2:62, 63-66
Taggart, Charles 49:2:279-280
Taggart Construction Company 25:1:67
Taggart, Harold F. 31:2:179
Taggart Lake 44:1:76, 88
Taggart, Lawrence 40:1:109
Taggart, Lloyd 49:2:279-280; 66:4:36
Taggart Meadows 47:2:239
Taggart, Pete 47:2:237, 239
Taggart, W. R. 14:4:278
Taggart, William 44:2:260
Taggee 30:1:72 (see also Bannock)
Tagis Bannock 33:1:38 (see also Bannock)
Tagner, Tom 47:2:237
Tahvonshe’a 28:2:207 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Tail of a Shirt by Sidford Hamp and Charles Spencer 14:4:280-283
Tait, Agnes 1:3:20
Takes a Rope (see Gray Bear)
Talaiferro, T. S. (Mrs.) 26:1:93
Talbot 22:2:24
Talbot, Claude L. 20:1:80
Talbot, Ethelbert (Reverend) 43:1:23, 49; 65:1:23, 25
Talbot, Fred R. 18:1:89
Talbot, James 2:3:53
Talbot, M. 25:1:5
Talbot, Theodore 40:1:27, 29, 31; 46:1:20; 62:2:88-89
Tale of a Sloop, a Monitor and a Drednaught by Mae Urbanek 35:2:229-234
Tales Never Told Around the Camp Fire by Mark Dugan, review 65:2/3:28
Tales of the 0-4 Ranch by Harold J. Cook, review 41:1:144-145
Tales of the Frontier edited by Everett Dick, review 36:2:251
Tales of the Seeds-Ke-Dee by Sublette Country Artists’ Guild, review 36:1:111
Tales of Western Tombstones Tell by Lambert Florin, review 40:1:150-151
Tales Old Timers Tell (poem) by Dick J. Nelson 35:2:212
Taliaferro, T. S. 43:1:34
Taliaferro, T. S. Jr. 10:4:187
Tall Man 43:2:249 (see also Sioux)
Talmage, F. D. (Mrs.) 27:2:232
Talpey 39:1:10, 14
Talpy, R. E. 12:4:323
Tank Hill 35:2:139
Tankawa 59:1:54
Tankersley, Tom 66:4:57
Tanner, Annie Clark (see Biography of Ezra Thompson Clark)
Tanner, Francis 25:1:68, 75, 79; 30:2:193; 31:1:77, 89; 31:2:213
Tanner, George S. (see Fragment: The Autobiography of Mary Jane Mount Tanner)
Tanner, Helen 25:1:79; 30:2:193; 31:1:77
Tanner, Mary Jane (see Fragment: The Autobiography of Mary Jane Mount Tanner)
Tanner, Milo B. 27:2:155-156
Taos 65:4:75
Taos, New Mexico 57:1:43
Taos Trappers: The Fur Trade in the Far Southwest, 1540-1846 by David J. Weber, review 53:2:77
Tapley 15:3:253
Tapoya, John B. 61:2:32-33
Tappan, Henry 27:2:192; 32:2:187 (see Oregon Trail-diary)
Tappan, Samuel F. (Colonel) photos 18:2:136-137; 30:1:65, 72; 43:1:75-76, 83, 85; 46:1:33
Tappan, William Henry 31:1:31; 31:2:159-160; 32:1:64; 48:1:82
Tarbell, Edward A. 58:2:32; 59:1:36
Tarbell, Ida M. 20:1:30
Tarbill, E. E. (Doctor; Reverend) 24:2:94; 65:1:25
Targhee Pass 17:2:91; 29:2:143
Tarriff Act (1890) 20:1:24
Tarrup, R. A. 1:2:304
Tarsha-Otah 39:2:202 (see also Sioux)
Tarter, F. M. (Mrs.) 22:2:34-35
Tash-e-pah 27:2:202 (see also Bannock)
Taste of the West: Essays in Honor of Robert G. Athearn edited by Duane A. Smith, review 56:2:47-48
Tasteful Interlude, American Interiors Through the Camera’s Eye by William Seale, review 55:1:60-61
Tate, James 31:2:166; 32:2:189
Tate, Michael (see review of Alexander Barclay, Mountain Man: A Narrative of His Career, 1810-1855; His Memorandum Diary, 1845 to 1850; review of Old Yellowstone Days; review of American Protestantism and United States Indian Policy, 1869-82)
Tate, Sam 24:1:14
Tatonka-e-Yotanka (see Sitting Bull)
Tatonka-he-gle-ska (see Spotted Horn Bull)
Tatowats 39:2:246 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Tavendu-wets 26:2:174 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Tavernier, Jules 48:1:88
Tavonasia 33:1:34
Tavonasia 33:1:38 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
taxidermists 16:1:8
Taylor (Captain) 21:2/3:136; 31:2:157
Taylor (Doctor) 32:2:171; 58:1:4 (see also Thomas, Doctor)
Taylor (lawyer) 31:2:171
Taylor 22:2:55; 32:2:176; 34:1:58-59; 43:2:252, 255, 272-274
Taylor, Alanzo 35:2:144, 148
Taylor, Arthur W. (Assistant Surgeon) 47:2:191, 216
Taylor, Bert 34:1:101
Taylor, Bertha B. (Mrs.) 27:2:232
Taylor, Bob 33:2:185-186
Taylor, Buck 44:1:11; 47:2:143, 145 (see also RANCHES: Buck Taylor)
Taylor Calvin 42:1:23, 41
Taylor, Charles 39:2:173; 66:4:50
Taylor, Charles M. (Lieutenant) 18:2:117
Taylor, Charles William (First Lieutenant) 38:1:41, 43
Taylor, Cora Simmons 33:1:58
Taylor, Dorothy K. 27:1:115, 125-126; 27:2:232; 30:2:225
Taylor, E. B. 27:1:15; 36:2:225; 55:1:39
Taylor, Earl J. 30:2:149
Taylor, Ed (Mrs.) 29:1:57
Taylor, Ed 34:1:101, 108-110
Taylor, Ed P. 14:1:83
Taylor, Emma 34:1:101
Taylor, Eugene 16:2:94
Taylor, Frank J. 65:1:47
Taylor, Gaylord 17:1:56
Taylor, Gilbert B. (see Glimpses of Edgemont’s Past)
Taylor, Glen H. (Senator) 55:1:12
Taylor, Harry A. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:232
Taylor, Homer 34:1:101
Taylor, Inez Babb 18:1:66; 22:2:102 (see also Career of Cheyenne-Black Hills Stage Line Owner)
Taylor, J. L. (Mrs.) 4:2:319
Taylor, James, Jr. (Mrs.) 26:1:86; 27:2:232
Taylor, Jerome 25:2:121
Taylor, John 20:2:170; 28:1:47; 30:1:47; 46:2:242-245, 247-248
Taylor, John Wesley 34:1:101
Taylor, L. W. (Colonel) 18:1:56
Taylor, Livingston L. 27:2:232
Taylor, Nathaniel G. photo 18:2:136, 137; 26:1:94; 30:1:55-56, 59-66, 72, 77-80; 43:1:74-83, 87; 43:2:239-240; 58:2:18
Taylor, R. E. 33:2:191
Taylor, Rachel 65:2/3:23
Taylor, Robert 24:1:36-38
Taylor, Roger, Jr., video reviews: Hondo, The Searchers, Shane 66:3:87-89; Red Rock West 66:4:76-77
Taylor, Rose 34:1:101
Taylor saddle trees 26:1:38
Taylor, Sally 34:1:101-102
Taylor, Sarah Ellen Homsley 42:1:95
Taylor, T. D. 27:2:232
Taylor, T. L. (Mrs.) 3:2:148
Taylor, Talton 34:1:101
Taylor, Tex 60:2:17
Taylor, Will 34:1:101
Taylor, William 40:1:65; 64:2:40, 43
Taylor, William B. 49:2:240; 63:1:29
Taylor, William R. (Governor of Wisconsin) 22:1:18
Taylor, William S. 33:1:77
Taylor, Zachary (Colonel) 36:1:6
Taylor, Zachary (President) 18:2:96
Taylor’s Bridge (Idaho) 15:1:76-77
Tay-to-ba 30:1:72 (see also Bannock)
teachers 26:2:112 (see also FIRSTS: first teachers in Riverton)
Teaching School at Old Fort Laramie by Maria Inez Corlett Riter 51:2:24-25
Teaching Wyoming History by Counties by Grace Raymond Hebard, review 3:3:190
Teapot Creek, Wyoming 16:1:74
Teapot Dome 35:2:179; 42:2:176; 53:1:15-27; 54:1:18-19 (see also Naval Oil Reserves, Teapot Dome and the Continental Trading Company)
Teapot Dome by M. R. Werner and John Starr, review 31:2:239-240
Teapot Dome inquiry 41:2:168-169
Teapot Dome Oilfield 16:1:74; 22:1:75; photo 58:2:24 (see also Teapot Dome)
Teapot Dome scandal 65:4:7
Teats, J. H. 21:2/3:211
Tebbetts, Leon (Corporal) 64:3/4:18
Tecusmseh (Shawnee) 26:2:183
Tecumseh Chieftain 24:1:63; 34:1:80
Tecumseh, Nebraska 24:1:62
Tedmon, A. H. 64:1:15, 19-20
Tee Shu Wadpoda (see Clear Creek)
Teepee Neighbors by Grace Coolidge, review 59:1:57-58
Teepee Rings 23:2:45; 28:2:119; 30:2:133
Teeters, Charles 50:2:343
Teeters, J. M. 3:4:231
Teich, Curt (see Curt Teich & Co.)
Teichert, Minerva 9:2:699; 52:2:39
Teit 33:1:24
telegraph service 1:1:6; 6:3:262; 6:4:308; 15:2:151; 16:2:143; 22:2:56; 27:1:3, 9-11, 14, 73, 75; 32:1:32, 34, 44, 46 (see also Tending the Talking Wire: A Buck Soldier’s View of Indian Country)
Telegraph Road 38:1:99
telegraph wires and superstition 30:2:135
telegraphy 65:1:8
telephone service 30:2:146-150
Telephone Canyon 30:2:145
Teller (Senator) 16:2:131; 35:1:37; 37:1:39
Teller, H. M. 23:1:11
Teller, Henry 60:2:27, 29
Teller, J. C. 56:1:48
Tellinghast, B. F. 46:1:30
Temeha 16:1:27 (see also Bannock)
Temperance Movement 64:2:56
Tempest 41:1:60 (see also Arapaho)
Temple, Bob 15:1:18
Temple, C. M. 22:2:109
Temple, Charlotte 25:1:9
Templeton, George H. (Lieutenant) 36:1:53; 51:2:41-42; 55:1:40
Templin, Curtis 27:2:232; 36:1:88
Temporary National Economic Committee 41:2:181-182
Ten Dollar ($10) Horse, $40 Saddle. Cowboy Clothing, Arms, Tools and Horse Gear of the 1880s by Don Rickey, Jr., review 49:1:161-162
Ten Eyck, Tenodor 36:1:64-65; 63:2:46, 49, photo 50, 51, 68-69
Ten Minutes at Carbon photo 48:1:48
Ten Sleep country (see Vanguard of the Valley: A History of the Ten Sleep Country)
Ten Sleep, Wyoming 52:2:46-47, 56 (see also Tensleep and No Rest)
Ten Trees camp 22:2:30
Tending the Talking Wire: A Buck Soldier’s View of Indian Country edited by William E. Unrau, review 51:2:67
Tendoy 33:1:27 (see Ten-toi)
Tennyson, Lloyd 61:1:43
Tenonee 15:2:136
Tensleep 32:1:90, 92; 33:1:57, 67 (see also Ten Sleep country)
Tensleep and No Rest by Jack R. Gage, review 30:2:237-238; 48:2:170, 185, 247
Tensleep Canyon 30:1:6
Tensleep Creek 30:1:6
Tensleep Raid 30:2:237-238; 31:1:30 (see also Spring Creek Raid)
Tensleep River 16:1:72
Tensleep, Wyoming 29:2:159; 30:1:6; 30:2:147; 64:3/4:18 (see also Tensleep and No Rest )
Tenth Legislative Assembly (Wyoming Territory) 66:1&2:20
Ten-toi 27:2:203
tents 15:4:351-352, 362, 365-366
tepee rings photo 14:1:52
Terra Bella, California 23:2:47-48
Terra Bella News 23:2:48
Terrace Mountain 44:1:18
Terrazas, Don Louis 22:1:80
Terrell, John Upton (see Plains Apache)
Terrell, Saul 29:2:175
Terretema 26:1:78 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Terrible Jake 30:2:132
Terrill (Mrs.) 35:2:142
Terrill, Elisha 39:2:175
Territorial Assembly 11:4:276; 16:1:47; photo 17:2:159-160; 19:1:26; 21:1:40-60, 80; 21:2/3:205; 22:1:59; 25:2:208
Territorial Engineer’s office (Cheyenne, Wyoming) 66:3:24
Territorial Enterprise (Nevada)
Territorial Fair (see FIRSTS: annual Wyoming Territorial Fair)
Territorial Inspector of Mines 19:1:26
Territorial laws 26:2:124 (see FIRSTS: militia under Territorial laws)
Territorial Legislature) 64:3/4:52 (see also FIRSTS: Territorial Legislature convened
Territorial Papers of Wyoming in the National Archives by W. Turrentine Jackson 16:1:44-45
Territorial penitentiary 25:2:208 (see also FIRSTS: penitentiary in Wyoming)
Territorial Politics and Government in Montana, 1864-89 by Clark C. Spence, review 48:1:144-146
Territorial Prison (Laramie, Wyoming) 66:1&2:6
Territorial records 16:1:47
Territorial seal 17:2:159-160
Territorial Supreme Court Justices (see History of Volunteering in Wyoming)
Territorial surveys 43:1:113-124
Territorial Teacher’s institute (see FIRST: Territorial teachers’ institute)
Territory is Founded: Political, Social, Economic and Educational Condtions in Wyoming, 1850-1890 by Johanna Nel 61:2:2-12
Territory of Montana 23:1:19
Territory of Washington 19:2:70
Territory of Wyoming 19:1:25; 20:1:15; 21:2/3:192 (see also Territorial listings; Wyoming Territory)
Terry, Alfred (Brigadier General; Major General; General) 17:1:12; 18:2:112, photo 136, 137; 28:1:30; 30:1:65, 72; 41:1:98; 43:1:74, 58; 44:2:201; 45:1:27, 36-39, 42; 46:2:264; 48:1:113-115, 121, 123, 127-128; 54:1:39; 55:1:43
Terry, Glen (Mrs.) 38:2:174
Terry, Joshua 26:2:182, 185-186
Terryall Pass 23:1:5
Teschemacher, Herbert E. (see Teschemacher, Hubert)
Teschemacher, Hubert E. 12:3:187; 20:1:65-66; 35:2:151; 37:1:17, 19; 37:2:190; 42:2:225
Teter 16:1:8, 10, 15, 22, 28-29, 31
Teton 32:2:227 (see also Sioux)
Teton Basin 23:2:58 (see also Pierre’s Hole)
Teton County 35:2:180; 41:1:137; 44:1:73-106; 44:2:241-265; 48:2:177, 189, 233, 235, 237; 66:1&2:4 (see also History of Teton County)
Teton County Library 27:2:232
Teton Dakota 29:2:141; 59:2:30 (see also Metal Weapons, Tools, and Ornaments of the Teton Dakota Indians; Sioux)
Teton Fault 44:1:74-75
Teton Forest Reserve 44:2:241
Teton Hotel 28:2:142
Teton Mountains 1:2:4-5; 6:3:251-252; 15:2:172; 17:2:91, 93; 33:1:29, 34; 44:1:74, 80; photo 42:2:192 (see also Pilot Knobs; Sir Thomas Moran’s Journey to the Tetons; Teton peaks)
Teton Mountains Museum 26:2:209
Teton National Forest 44:2:242
Teton Pass 17:2:92-93
Teton peaks 5:2&3:74; photo 6:3:250, 252, 256; 10:2:79, 87-88 (see also Address Regarding First Photographing of the Tetons; Placing the Grand Teton Memorial Tablet; Tetons)
Teton Range 43:1:23, 121; 44:1:75-76; 66:1&2:2, 4; 66:3:14 (see also The Grand Controversy: The Pioneer Climbs in the Teton Range and the Controversial First Ascent of the Grand Teton)
Teton River 15:2:172
Teton Sioux 36:2:225 (see also Sioux)
Teton Village 44:2:259
Tetoniana. History of the Exploration of Grand Teton Natonal Park, No. 1. The Grand Teton, 1923 by Leigh N. Ortenburger 41:1:147
Tetons 65:4:9 (see also Address Regarding First Photographing of the Tetons; Along the Ramparts of the Tetons: The Saga of Jackson Hole, Wyoming; FIRSTS: Protestant mission in Tetons; Grand Tetons; Shadow on the Tetons: David E. Jackson and the Claiming of the American West; John D. Haines, Oklahoma’s Pioneer Mountaineer in the Tetons; Mountaineering in the Tetons: The Pioneer Period, 1898-1940; Photography of the Tetons)
Tewel, Anna (Mrs.) 19:2:134
Tewksbury, C. L. 23:1:74; 49:2:272
Texaco (see Texas Company)
Texans, Guns and History by Colonel Charles Askins, review 44::297-298
Texas 11:4:282; 65:1:19; 65:4:4, 10-13, 20, 27, 34, 38, 40; 66:1&2:36, 70; 66:3:16; 66:4:17, 30, 54, 57 (see also Maverick Tales. True Stories of Early Texas; Oil Booms: Social Change in Five Texas Towns)
Texas A&M University 66:4:44
Texas cattle 66:4:17
Texas cession 26:1:33
Texas Company 55:1:3 (see also Texaco)
Texas Company Refinery 64:3/4:7
Texas Fever (cattle illness) 16:2:147-149, 152
Texas Graveyards, A Cultural Legacy by Terry G. Jordan, review 55:1:58-59
Texas longhorns photo 19:2:78; 26:1:54; photo 36:2:cover
Texas Lunch Restaurant 48:2:266
Texas Rangers 66:3:89
Texas Siftings 18:1:81
Texas State Historical Society 27:2:240
Texas Trail 6:3:280; 19:2:74; 21:1:96-99; 26:1:27; 26:2:129 (see also Texas Trail as Followed by a Pioneer in 1882)
Texas Trail as Followed by a Pioneer in 1882 by Mrs. George H. Gilland 12:4:253-263
Texas Trail drivers 21:1:97; 21:2/3:223
Texas Trail Monument (see HISTORICAL MARKERS)
Texas Trails Monuments in Wyoming by Louise Love 21:1:93-99
textbook investigation (see University of Wyoming Textbook Investigation Controversy, 1947 to 1948 and Its Aftermath)
Thanadethuyr 59:1:56 (see also Chippewa)
Thane, James L., Jr. (see Governor’s Wife on the Mining Frontier. The Letters of Mary Edgerton from Montana, 1863-1865)
Thatham, Benjamin 43:2:250
That’s Wyoming by Jack Bryant 12:4:309; 23:2:48
Thayer (Mrs.) 19:2:110
Thayer, G. D. 5:2:46
Thayer, J. M. 5:2:46
Thayer, John M. (Governor) 11:4:243-244; 15:3:286; 16:1:49; 20:2:174-175; 21:2/3:196; 22:1:24-27; 34:2:200; 41:1:42; 41:2:243; 53:2:34-36; 56:1:4-6, photo 9
Thayer, William D. D. (Reverend) 34:2:166-167, 169-170, 173
The Light 59:1:56 (see also Assinaboins)
Theater Comique 39:1:26
theaters (see Broadway in Cow Country: The History of Cheyenne Little Theatre; individual names; Sinclair, Wyoming theaters)
theaters 25:1:9, 11 (see also Early Theatres, Cheyenne, Wyoming; FIRSTS: dramatic performers appear in Cheyenne)
Theatre Comique 25:1:9, 11
Thees 33:1:88
Theisen, R. E. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:232
Theodore Roosevelt Outdoorsman by R. L. Wilson, review 44:2:295-296
Theosophical Society of Chicago 66:3:31
The-Other-Magpie 59:1:50 (see also Crow)
Therese A. Parkinson Jenkins by Agnes Jenkins Metcalf 12:4:295-300
Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce 27:2:240
Thermopolis, Wyoming 24:2:82; 26:1:54; 30:2:146, 149; 48:2:197-198; 53:1:50, 52-53; 65:1:28, 30
These Were the Sioux by Mari Sandoz, review 34:1:120
They Called Him Wild Bill: The Life and Adventures of James Butler Hickok by Joseph G. Rosa, review 47:1:114
They Pointed Them North by Helena Huntington Smith 65:4:33
They Stood There Watching Him Move Across the Range illustration by W. H. D. Koerner 65:4:18
Thing, Joseph (Captain) 32:2:198-199
Third Cavalry (see MILITARY)
Third Regiment of Colorado Troops (see MILITARY)
Third Segment of the Oregon Trail, Douglas to Independence Rock, Trek No. 22, of the Historical Trail Treks compiled by Maurine Carley 43:2:270-295
This is America’s Story by Howard B. Wilder, Robert P. Ludlam and Harriett McCune Brown 49:2:229, 237, 241, 244-245
This is Dinosaur edited by Wallace Stegner, review 57:2:46
This is the West by R. W. Howard, review 30:1:113-114
This Ol’ Drought Ain’t Broke Us Yet (But We’re All Bent Pretty Bad): Stories of the American West by Jim Garry, review 66:4:60-61
This Was Pioneer Motoring by Robert F. Karolevitz, review 41:1:146
Thissel, G. W. 40:2:203, 215
Thoams, George C., Sr. 34:1:12
Thobro 53:2:68
Thom, John (Captain) 32:2:256
Thom, John C. 27:2:232
Thom, William J. 39:2:171, 182
Thomas (Doctor) 32:2:171; 58:1:4 (see also Taylor, Doctor)
Thomas (Judge) 28:2:177-178
Thomas (Major) 44:2:191
Thomas (Nathaniel) Library 66:4:29
Thomas (Sargeant) 16:2:125
Thomas, Alfred Barnaby (see Alonso de Posada Report, 1686. A Description of the Area of the Present Southern United States in the Seventeeth Century)
Thomas Alva Edison Foundation 22:2:109
Thomas and Hay (stock growers) 17:1:56
Thomas, Andy 31:1:70-71
Thomas, Atwood C. 49:2:265, 271
Thomas, Billy 16:2:124
Thomas, C. W. 30:2:209
Thomas, Cyrus 34:2:179
Thomas, D. L. 29:2:189; 44:2:275
Thomas, David G 1:3:19; 5:2&3:45-46; 7:4:484; 8:1:524; 19:2:105-111; 25:2:203; 27:1:127; 56:1:56, 61 (see also For the Sake of Old Lang Syne; How Rock Springs Celebrated Christmas in ‘78)
Thomas, E. A. photo 53:2:30, 32, 34
Thomas, Earl D. (Lieutenant) 53:2:46, 49-50, 52, 58, 60
Thomas, Earl D. (Mrs.) 53:2:54-56, 60
Thomas, Edwin Ross 52:1:34
Thomas, Elmer 66:3:60
Thomas Flyer (automobile) 52:1:34-35, photo 36, 37-39
Thomas Fork 46:1:62
Thomas, Frank (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:1:21; 28:2:211
Thomas, Frank M. 45:2:183
Thomas, George C., Jr. (Mrs.)
Thomas, George C., Jr. 34:2:171; 43:1:12, 46
Thomas, George C., Sr. (Mrs.) 34:1:12-13
Thomas, George H. (Reverend) 43:1:37
Thomas, Helen Shirley (see Felix Frankfurter, Scholar on the Bench)
Thomas, John M. 33:2:133
Thomas, John W. E. (Senator) 54:2:25
Thomas, L. (Brevette Major General) 17:1:75; 21:2/3:189
Thomas, Lloyd 19:2:108
Thomas, Lorezo 61:2:16
Thomas Moran and the Surveying of the American West by Joni Louise Kinsey, review 65:4:70
Thomas, Nathaniel 66:4:31 (see also Nathaniel Thomas Collection)
Thomas, Nathaniel L. (Mrs.) 43:1:15-16, 18, 47, 51
Thomas, Nathaniel L. (Reverend) 34:2:163, 165-173; 43:1:5-52
Thomas, Nathaniel S. (Reverend; Bishop) 1:4:20; 2:4:78; 3:2:150; 50:1:14; 54:1:31; 65:1:26
Thomas, Norman (see socialism) 66:3:13
Thomas, Roscoe 31:2:201
Thomas Sargent and Company (see Sargent, Thomas)
Thomas, Slim (Skinney) 23:2:50
Thomas, Ted 42:1:63
Thomas W. Lawson (schooner) 66:1&2:42
Thomas, W. R. 17:1:83
Thomas, Walter H. 43:1:16, 21
Thomas, William L. 31:1:20
Thomasee, Linda (see review of Wyoming: Rugged But Right)
Thomas’ Fork 15:2:174; 23:1:91
Thompkins (Private) 38:1:73
Thompson (General) 26:2:112
Thompson (Major) 58:2:6
Thompson (Reverend) 38:2:194
Thompson (trader) 15:3:289
Thompson 15:1:65
Thompson, A. Beeby 64:1:23, 25
Thompson, A. T. (Mrs.) 39:1:73
Thompson and Craig’s Trading Fort 15:3:287, 289
Thompson, Arthur 16:2:94; 39:2:258
Thompson, B. M. 25:1:96
Thompson, Beriah "Bill" (see Beriah Thompson Collection)
Thompson, Bud 37:1:96
Thompson, Burton (see review of Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier; review of Son of the Morning Star, Custer and the Little Big Horn)
Thompson, C. S. 46:1:40-41
Thompson, Cass 19:1:43
Thompson, Charles (Lieutenant) 51:2:39
Thompson, D. Claudia review of Wyoming Lynching of Cattle Kate, 1889 66:3:82-83
Thompson, Dale (Mrs.) 27:2:239
Thompson, David 15:3:269; 29:2:125; 33:1:23; 46:1:125
Thompson, Della Mae 65:4:7
Thompson, Edith M. (Mrs.) 33:2:219 (see also Antelope Creek Station)
Thompson, Edward 38:1:96; 65:4:7
Thompson, Ena Crain 13:1:82
Thompson, Freighter 37:1:107
Thompson, George W. 52:2:18
Thompson, Gerald (Ph.D.) (see Owen Wister and His Critics: Realism and Morality in the Virginian; review of Dust Rose Like Smoke: The Subjugation of the Zulu and the Sioux; review of Stagecoach)
Thompson, Gus 26:1:6
Thompson, H. A. 36:1:82
Thompson, H. E. 13:2:158
Thompson, Henry 38:1:92
Thompson, J. B. 12:4:323
Thompson, J. C. (General) 37:1:37
Thompson, J. C. Jr. 1:3:19
Thompson, Jacob 32:1:39-41
Thompson, James M. 40:1:109
Thompson, Jeff M. 32:1:34
Thompson, Jessie C. (Mrs.) 27:2:232
Thompson, John A. (Captain) 38:1:15, 43
Thompson, John Charles (Mrs.) 5:4:163
Thompson, John Charles 19:1:45; 22:1:73; 22:2:28; 23:2:58; 24:2:28, 115; 25:1:64; 27:2:191; 35:1:58; 50:1:34, 57; 65:4:6, photo 7; 66:3:34, 36
Thompson, Keith 37:2:241; 48:2:189, 196, 198-199, 216
Thompson, L. C. (Reverend) 39:1:119
Thompson, Laura 25:1:69
Thompson, Leonard O. 27:2:232
Thompson, Lewis C. (Reverend) 24:2:73, 78-79, 103
Thompson, Mamie photo 16:2:163; 37:1:30, photo 31
Thompson, Martha (see review of Ghost Trails in Wyoming)
Thompson, Mattie 16:2:163, photo 163
Thompson, Melvin F. 27:2:232
Thompson, Minnie photo 16:2:163; 37:1:30, photo 31
Thompson, Oren A. 23:2:63
Thompson, Roy 25:1:77
Thompson, Sam (Mrs.) 27:2:164
Thompson, Sam 56:1:47-48
Thompson, Sanford "Sang" 27:2:141; 29:2:167, 175; 30:1:34
Thompson, Thyra 66:3:9; 66:4:36
Thompson’s Fork (see Thomas’ Fork)
Thomson, E. Keith (Honorable) 24:2:114; 27:2:240
Thomson, E. Keith (Mrs.) 27:2:232
Thomson, Frank 26:2:218
Thomson, Margaret 19:2:125
Thomson, Rebecca W. 54:1:84 (see also History of the Wyoming Territorial Supreme Court Justices; Federal District Court in Wyoming, 1890-1982)
Thomson, Thomas 19:1:125
Thomson, Thyra 48:2:236
Thoreau, Henry David 65:4:21; 66:4:7
Thorn, J. M. 55:1:44
Thorn, John (Mrs.) 30:2:195
Thorn, John 30:2:195
Thornberry, David W. (Reverend) 43:1:18, 37, 40-42
Thornberry, Ray 56:1:13
Thornburg battle (1879) 18:1:19-20; 26:1:36; 28:2:149
Thornburg Hotel 53:1:5
Thornburg, Marion 42:2:262
Thornburg Street (Laramie, Wyoming) 64:2:54
Thornburg, Thomas F. (Major) 3:1:89, 93; 3:2:137, 140-142; 4:3:338; 6:1&2:208-209 (see also History of Wyoming)
Thornburg, Thomas T. (Major) 16:2:99-100, 102, 104-105, 120, 135, 138, 144; 18:1:19-20, 62; 28:2:149; 33:1:84; 38:2:221; 41:1:102; 44:1:8; 44:2:168-170; 53:1:59-60
Thornburgh (see Other Thornburgh)
Thornburgh, Ann Elizabeth 56:2:4
Thornburgh, Duff G. (Colonel) 56:2:4
Thornburgh, Jacob Montgomery "Jake" 56:2:3-11
Thornburgh, John Minnis 56:2:4, 10
Thornburgh, Laura Pettibone (mother of Thornburgh, Laura) 56:2:3, photo 4, 5-6
Thornburgh, Maggie 56:2:3-5, 10
Thornburgh, Martha Adaline Smith 56:2:3
Thornburgh, Montgomery 56:2:3
Thornburgh, Thomas Montgomery 56:2:4
Thornburgh, Thomas Tipton (Major) 56:2:3-7
Thorndike, E. L. 58:2:34-35
Thorne-Rider, Frederick (see Good That Lives After Them: The Lives and Legacies of Dodd and Dorothy Bryan, Vernon and Rowena Griffith, and Frederick and Harriet Thorne-Rider)
Thornhill, Bryant 42:1:95
Thornhill, Rebecca Oden 42:1:95
Thornton 42:2:268
Thornton, Edward (Sir) 39:1:39
Thornton, J. Quinn 40:1:26, 34; 40:2:203; 43:2:217, 222; 62:2:78-79, 87
Thornton, J. I. 22:2:53
Thorp, Russell 15:2:181-186; 19:1:49; 19:2:68; 20:1:94; 21:1:95, 97, 99; 23:2:60; 24:1:98-100, 102; 25:1:97; 25:2:207; 26:2:214; 27:2:232, 239-240; 29:2:151; 30:2:162, 225; 65:1:2 (see also Quote and Unquote)
Thorp, Russell, Jr. (Rawhide Buttes Stage Stastions) 11:3:234; 32:2:251; 33:2:220, 222
Thorp, Russell Sr. 11:3:222-227; 37:1:80, 88, 104
Thorp-Stock Growers Association Collection 19:1:59
Thorpe, D. W. 27:1:70-71
Thorpe, Elizabeth J. (see Graves of Cunningham and Turner; May Nelson Dow. A First Lady of Newcastle; review of ...and then there was one. The Story of Cambria, Tubb Town and Newcastle ; review of Chuck Wagon Cookin’; review of Jackson Hole Story; review of Shoot Me A Biscuit. Stories of Yesteryear’s Roundup Cooks; review of Sketches of Wyoming; review of Tales the Western Tombstones Tell)
Thorpe, V. L. (Doctor) 34:1:132
Thorsen, Wade (Lieutenant) 33:2:210
Thorton, Elizabeth 32:2:165
Thousand Springs Valley (Nevada) 23:1:61; 25:2:132
Thrall’s Map (1834) 37:2:220
Thrasher, M. A. 48:2:176
Three Bar Camp (see RANCHES: Three Bar)
Three Bar Ranch (see RANCHES)
Three Bears 28:1:38 (see also Sioux)
Three Buttes 40:2:272
Three Card Monte (card game) 65:1:10
Three Crossings of the Sweetwater by Florence Kirk 44:2:275-276
Three Crossings on Sweetwater 17:2:98; 23:2:9; 27:1:9; 29:2:176, 189-192; 30:1:41
Three Crossings on Sweetwater Pony Express Station 29:2:189-192
Three Crossings Station 29:2:191-192, 210-211
Three Forks 17:2:90 (see also FORTS AND CAMPS)
Three Forks of the Missiouri 36:2:206; 40:2:273, 275
Three hundred eighty-first (381st) Headquarters Squadron (see MILITARY)
Three hundred fifty-first (351st) Base Headquarters Squadron (see MILITARY)
Three hundred seventy-seventh (377th) Aviation Squadron (see MILITARY)
Three hundred thirty-first (331st) Bomb Group (see MILITARY)
Three hundred thirty-first (331st) Combat Crew Training School (see MILITARY)
Three Mile Creek Cattle Company 15:1:32
Three Mile Ranch (see Cuny, Adolph; Ecoffey, Jules; hog ranches; RANCHES; road ranches; hog; Three Mile)
Three Mile Ranch by John D. McDermott 37:1:97
Three Rare Wyoming Birds 22:1:95-96
Thrillen’est Fight Ever!: Sheridan Re-enacts Custer’s Last Stand by Biran W. Dippie 54:2:2-9
Thrilling Sport: Ice Boating at Old Fort Steele by John J. Clark 11:4:276, 309
Throastle, George 3:3:177-178
Throp 45:2:257
Throp, Head and Steele 53:1:10
Throstle, George 28:1:58-54; 30:2:152-155, photo 156, 157-158, 162; 42:2:263-265
Through the Lens of J. E. Stimson: Past and Present by Michael A. Amundson 60:1:32-45
Thulemeyer, Theo. 7:3:443
Thumb of Lake (see lunch station at Thumb of Lake photo; Mrs. Joseph E. Stimson at the Cone at Thumb of Lake photo)
Thurber, Albert K. 32:1:53
Thurber, Henry T. 66:3:36, 39
Thurman, Charles 13:1:77
Thurman, Wes 25:1:43
Thurmond, J. M. 36:1:83
Thurston, George H. 20:2:165
Thurston, Harry 26:1:21
Thurston, Harry W. 14:2:139
Thybony, Scott (see Medicine Bows: Wyoming’s Mountain Country)
Thyng, Joseph (see Thing, Joseph)
Ti-ba-bo-en-dwart-sa (see White Man’s Friend)
Tibbals, Anna (Mrs.) 25:1:73
Tibbets 20:2:172
Tibbs 25:2:200
Ti-be-bu-tow-ats (see White Man’s Friend)
Tib-en-de-wah 27:1:74 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Ticknor, Elisha (Colonel) 20:2:99
Ticknor, Ruth 20:2:99
Tidball, Lewis Cass 4:2:320; 40:1:65-66, 68
Tidball, V. J. (Judge) 54:1:28; 64:2:55, 58
tie drives 28:2:141; photo 41:1:page following 32
tie hack 56:1:39-40, photo 41, 42-44, photo 45, 46-53 (see also Knights of the Broadax: The Story of the Wyoming Tie Hack)
tie loading and sorting dock photo 44:2:204
tie loading plant photo 32:2:156
Tie City 56:1:40
Tie Flume 32:1:44
Tie Siding, Wyoming 17:1:69; 21:2/3:212; 33:1:81; 37:1:80; 39:1:117; 43:1:51; 56:1:40
Tierney, Ed (Mrs.) 31:2:235
Tierney, Ed 31:2:231, 234-235 (see also History of Sage Creek Station; LaClede Station)
Tierney, Margaret S. (Mrs.) 27:2:233
Tietze, Joe 64:2:52-53
Tiffany, P. C. 31:2:145-146; 32:2:173-174
Tiger 30:1:28 (see also Hole-in-the-Wall gang)
Tiggerman, T. H. 44:1:92
Tihiyadika (deer eater) 33:1:27
Tikas, Louis (see Buried Unsung: Louis Tikas and the Ludlow Massacre)
Tilden, Freeman 65:1:37, 42
Tilden, Samuel J. 33:2:147
Tiley, E. H., Jr. (First Lieutenant) 64:3/4:11
Tilghaman, Stedman Richard (Doctor) 48:1:81
Tillard Canal 24:2:81
Tillard, Curtis 24:2:84 (see also Tillard, Emma)
Tillard, Emma 24:2:84
Tillard, John M. 24:2:81, 85
Tillett, Bessie F. (Mrs.) 27:2:233
Tilliston, E. (see Tillotson, E)
Tillman, Eve 31:2:204
Tillotson 36:1:56
Tillotson E. 45:1:37
Tillotson Ranch (see RANCHES)
Tilton (Mrs.) 34:2:198
Tilton, Ellen Judd 56:1:37, photo 38
Tilton, Tom 14:4:274
Tilton, William E. 56:1:37, photo 38
TimbaBah mine 44:1:38
timber industry 28:2:141
Timber and Stone Act (1878) 56:1:46-47
Timber Culture Act (1873) 18:2:145; 20:2:133, 135; 35:1:29; 58:1:40
Timber Lodge 31:2:245
Timberlake Springs 16:2:37
Times 33:2:148
Times Illustrated 34:2:198
Times Square 65:2/3:4
Timmons, Phil 20:2:170
Timpaivats (see Timpanog)
Timpanog 29:2:225; 30:1:77 (see also Ute)
Timpany Ute 26:2:152 (see also Ute)
Timpkins 23:2:24
Tindal 14:4:256, 261
Tindowaci (see Tenoy)
Tinkcom, Dallas 40:1:95
Tinker, Charles 31:2:150; 32:2:172
Tinkum (Mrs.) 26:1:21
Tinnen 19:2:71
Tinnin 19:2:74
Tin-tic (see Tin-tick)
Tin-tick 26:2:174-175, 189; 27:1:74 (see also Ute)
Tinton District 38:1:99
Tipi rings (see Teepee Rings)
Tippets, Moll 53:1:4
Tippets, Neff 54:2:26
Tipton 65:2/3:23
Tipton, Arthur (Reverend) 65:1:24
Tirvettes Train 23:2:28
Tisch, Helen 25:1:96
Tisdale (Mr. and Mrs.) 19:2:109; 31:2:209
Tisdale 29:1:56
Tisdale and May 31:2:191
Tisdale, Bob 31:1:70
Tisdale Brothers 31:1:68
Tisdale Gulch 35:2:146
Tisdale, Jack 45:2:161
Tisdale, John 33:2:191
Tisdale, John A. 35:2:146; 65:1:2; 65:4:33, photos 46
Tisdale, John N. 37:2:203
Tisdale, Johnny 31:1:70; 34:1:107
Tisdale, Martin A. (Mrs.) 24:2:116-117
Tisdale, Martin Allison "Mart" 24:2:116; 28:2:164; 33:2:187
Tisdale, Mort (Sheriff) 35:2:150
Tisdale Photo Collection 65:4:28, 30-31
Tisdale, Robert 33:2:191; 65:4:46
Tisdale, Robins Davis 24:2:117
Tisdale, Thomas Martin 24:2:117
Tisdale, Tom 65:4:32, photo 33
Tis-see-woo-na-tis photo 15:3:240 (see also Cheyenne)
Titus, Dan 20:2:170
Titus, John (Chief Justice) 46:1:25
Titusville, Pennsylvania 50:2:303; 66:4:24, 32
Tivoli Cafe 22:1:73
Tivoli Rooms 64:2:59
To Albert Sims (song) by Pierre LaBonte, Jr. 30:2:212
To Mount Owen by William O. Owen 5:2&3:77
To Possess the Land: A Biography of Arthur Rochford Manby by Frank Waters, review 48:1:154-155
To Reclaim a Divided West by Donald J. Pisani 66:1&2:60-61
To Take A Scalp by Everett L. Ellis 31:2:140-143
To the Little Big Horn (poem) by Hans Kleiber 34:2:211
To The Grand Teton by William O. Owen 10:2:88-89
To Utah With the Dragoons and Glimpses of Life in Arizona and California edited by Harold D. Langley, review 48:1:150-151
To Willis M. Spear by Emily Spear DeWitt 14:2:126-127
Tobin, Richard (Mrs.) 37:2:238
Tobin, Ted 32:1:86-88
Today Show 66:4:21
Todd (General) 43:2:187
Todd (see Frost, Todd and Company)
Todd (Sergeant) 23:2:22
Todd 32:1:84, 86
Todd, Billy 22:2:38
Todd, Fred J. (see Recollections of a Piney Creek Rancher)
Todd, Jean Osborne 15:3:307
Todd, John B. S. (Captain) 51:2:38
Todd, John W. 15:3:279
Todd, Lewis Paul 49:2:238, 241, 244, 248
Todd, W. E. Clyde 50:2:222-224, 226-228
Toddy, Jack (see Toddy, Jack)
Togwotee 29:2:135-136 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Togwotee Pass 29:2:135
tokens (see trade tokens)
Tokyo, Japan (see Mr. Smith Goes to Tokyo)
Toland, H. A. (Reverend) 24:2:98; 65:1:29
Told at the Campfire by Edward Ordway, Sr. 2:3:55-57
Toll, Frank (see Towle, Frank)
Tolliver, Barney (bugler) 36:2:177, 181-182
Tollman (Mrs.) 42:2:159
tolls 15:3:229-231; 29:2:153
Tolman, Myron 52:2:51
Tolson, Hillory A. 50:1:45, 47-48
Toluca-Cody Railroad 13:1:48
Toluca, Montana 26:1:4
Tom Horn and the Langhoff Gang by Murray L. Carroll 64:2:34-44 (see Horn, Tom)
Tom Horn Kick and Growl 65:4:2
Tom Horn retrial 65:4:2, 7
Tom Horn: Killing is my specialty... by Chip Carlson, review 64:2:65-66
Tomamichel, John 18:2:128
Tomboy Bride by Harriet Fish Backus, review 41:2:285-286
Tombstone, Arizona 66:1&2:69; 66:3:86
Tombstone video review 66:1&2:68-69; 66:3:86
Tomkins, E. A. 27:2:175; 42:1:87
Tomlinson, Frances Marguerite photo 5:2&3:64
Tompkins 51:1:120
Tompkins, Charles 42:1:39-41, 43
Tonaquint 21:2/3:119
Tonganoxie, Kansas 23:2:34-38
Tongue River 32:1:83; 32:2:145, 147, 152, 160; 37:2:216-218; 39:2:198; 43:2:243; 46:1:10, 32; 48:1:113-114; 54:2:50; 55:1:38-39; 66:1&2:12; 66:4:9 (see also Fifteen Day Fight on Tongue River, 1865)
Tongue River battle (see General Connor’s Tongue River Battle)
Tongue River Box Canyon (see Flume at Dead Man’s Point, Tongue River Box Canyon)
Tongue River Canyon 32:2:146, 148, 155, 158 (see also Tie Flume)
Tongue River Fight of 1865 10:2:51-58
Tongue River flume 32:2:146; 33:2:170-172; 35:1:89; 36:1:69, 72, 75
Tongue River Reservation, Montana 15:3:241
Tongue River rocks near Custer Battlefield highway photo 4:1:236
Tongue River Valley 36:1:69
Tongue River, Wyoming 16:1:73; 31:2:133
Tonkin, A. B. (Doctor) 28:2:133, 135, 141, 143
Tonkin, T. C. 27:2:233
Tonn, M. G. 17:1:78, 82-83; 21:2/3:207
Tonnar, John 5:4:143-144; 44:1:92-93
Tono, Washington 25:2:92
Too Coo Rekah (see Sheepeater)
Tooele (see Tuilla)
Took-a-rik-kah (see Tukadeka)
Toole, Daniel 43:2:216, 221
Toole, K. Ross (see Montana Images of the Past; Probing the American West)
Tooley, P. H. 15:4:393; 21:2/3:200
Toops, Laura Chassell (Mrs.) 27:2:233
Toopsapowit 28:2:207; 29:2:210 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Toothaker, Wilber 31:2:235
Tootsahp 28:2:207 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Top of the World Broadcasts: Wyoming’s Early Radio by Howard Lee Wilson 43:1:5-52
Topeka, Kansas 64:3/4:8, 18
Topence, Alex (Mrs.) (see Reminiscences By Alex Topense)
topographic mapping 27:2:164-165
Toponce, Alexander "Alex" 43:2:192; 53:1:10; 56:2:39 (see also Reminiscences)
Toppan, Clara 66:4:36
Toppan, Fred W. (Mrs.) 27:2:233
Topping, Fred J. (Mrs.) 27:2:233
Torchlight Oil Field 24:2:95
Torrence, John 28:2:164-165
Torreon 22:1:78
Torres, Louis (see Fort Stanwix. History, Historic Furnishing and Historic Structure Reports)
Torrey Brothers 19:2:73
Torrey, Jay L. (Colonel) 18:1:29; 19:2:73; 20:2:153-154; 41:1:107
Torrey, R. A. (Captain) 19:2:73; 27:2:132; 46:2:177, 190; 59:2:30, 32, 34
Torrey, Sarah (Mrs.) 21:1:101
Torrey’s Rough Riders 18:1:29
Torrey’s Rough Riders 41:1:107
Torrington Canal 43:1:71
Torrington National Bank 54:2:41
Torrington State Bank 54:2:40-41
Torrington Telegram 50:1:9, 11
Torrington, Wyoming 32:2:165; 33:2:122, 214, 218; 43:1:69-72; 45:1:75; 50:1:30, 34-35, 39; 59:1:44; 61:1:17-19, 22; 66:4:16
Torry, Robert A. (Captain) 1:2:3
Tortsaph 29:2:210 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Toso-kwanberaht 29:1:97 (see also Bannock)
Toten, Joseph G. 18:2:97
Totten (General) 33:2:172
Totty, Jack 31:1:66; 31:2:197, 199-201; 32:1:86, 88 (see also Totty’s Saloon)
Totty’s Saloon 31:2:200
Tour Guide to Old Western Forts: The Posts and Camps of the Army, Navy and Marines on the Western Frontier, 1804-1906 by Herbert M. Hasrt, review 53:2:75-76
tourism 16:1:13, 15, 25; 54:1:2-9
Tourtelotte, J. E. (Colonel) 30:1:88-89
Toussaint 43:2:256 (see also Kensler, Tousant)
Tower Creek 65:1:38
Tower Junction (Yellowstone National Park) 66:4:51
Towes, Walter 15:3:283
Towle, Frank 38:1:90
Towne, Charles W. 27:2:233 (see also Cattle and Men)
Towner, B. W. 33:1:89
towns (1876-1889) 23:1:26-27
Townsend (Captain) 36:2:214, 216-219
Townsend 30:2:201
Townsend, A. A. 19:2:87
Townsend, Edwin Franklin (Major) 36:1:16; 38:1:25-26, 43, 46-47
Townsend, Eugene 22:2:34
Townsend, H. M. "Doc" 31:2:213, 226; 32:1:103; 32:2:219; 33:1:73, 101; 33:2:195, (Mr. and Mrs. and boys) 124; 34:2:235, (Mr. and Mrs. and Mark) 249; 38:1:85, 103; 40:1:107
Townsend Hotel (Casper, Wyoming) 64:3/4:12; 66:1&2:31, 35
Townsend, John Kirk 28:1:68
Townsend, Katherine 34:2:249
Townsend, Martin 60:2:23-24
Townsend, S. Nugent 65:4:11
Townsend Train 36:2:214-216, 219; 37:1:115
Townshend, F. Trench (see Travel, Sport and Adventure)
Townsley, M. 15:4:393; 21:2/3:200
Towse, Ed (see Cherry Creek Massacre)
Toyaewowici 33:1:35
Toyain 33:1:27, 33-34
Toyani 33:1:34 (see also Tukadeka)
Tozier 44:1:35
Tozier and Eddy quartz mill 36:1:88; 44:1:36, 44
Trabing 32:1:70; 34:1:45; 36:1:53; 38:2:164, 172
Trabing, August "Gus" 13:4:334-335; 35:2:128, 131; 55:1:46; 66:1&2:13
Trabing Brothers 15:4:387-388; 27:1:25; 29:1:54; 30:2:178; 31:2:201; 37:2:147, 150; 46:1:40
Trabing Brothers Mercantile 55:2:33
Trabing Commercial Company 34:2:233
Trabing Trading Post by Burton S. Hill 36:1:55-57
Trachsel, Herman H. (see Government and Administration of Wyoming)
Trachtenberg, Alexander 56:1:56, 60
Tracy and Hutchinson (cattlemen) 17:1:56
Tracy, Bryan J. (Private) 64:3/4:42
Tracy, D. C. 17:1:56
Tracy, Harry 50:2:349
Trade and Intercourse, Indian Affairs, Missouri River, 1820 15:2:133-142
traders 15:2:133-142; 21:2/3:171; 25:2:157-159, 168-169, 178; 26:1:66, 70; 26:2:144, 147 (see also trading posts)
Trader’s License Granted to General William H. Ashley by Marie H. Erwin 11:2:114-115
trading posts 15:3:229-231; 17:2:90; 22:2:51 (see also FIRSTS: trading post in Wyoming
Trading Posts, Forts and Bridges of the Casper Area-Unraveling the Tangle on the Upper Platte by Robert A. Murray 47:1:5-30
trading tokens 18:2:111; photo 27:2:130, 131-135
Tragedy Springs 65:2/3:23
Tragedy Strikes at Wounded Knee by Will H. Spindler, review 28:1:114-115
Tragic Death in the Early Days of Wyoming by Elizabeth Spaeth 2:4:69-69
Trail Creek 30:2:210; 66:4:47
Trail Driving Days by Dee Brown and Martin Schmitt, review 24:2:211-124
Trail Dust and Saddle Leather by Jo Mora 64:2:68
Trail Dust of a Maverick by E. A. Brinistool 12:3:219
Trail, Edgar B. 7:2:402
Trail End 54:1:56
Trail End Lodge (Cody, Wyoming) 66:1&2:72
Trail End State Historic Site (Sheridan, Wyoming) 66:3:58
Trailing the Cowboy by Clifford P. Westermeier, review 27:2:247
trails 1:4:20; 3:3:90; 4:2:289; 6:1&2:196-198; 6:3:278, 280-281; 7:2:370; 9:3:744 (see also Bozeman Trail; cattle trails; Chisholm Trail; Emigrant Trail Trek; Ferries of the 49’ers; Frontier Trail; Iron Trail; Oregon Trail Trek; Texas Trail; Romance of the Old Trails)
Trails of Yesterday by John Bratt, review 3:3:190
Trail’s Association (see Pioneer Trails Association)
train fares (1880s) 21:1:5
Train Robbers Syndicate 23:2:53; 30:1:27 (see also Cassidy, Butch)
Trampas 64:1:7-10 (see also Virginian)
Tramway and Smelter photo 42:1:88
Tramway Dowenplant photo 42:1:88
Trans-Mississippi West 64:3/4:49, 56 (see also America’s Western Frontiers, The Exploration and Settlement of the Trans-Mississippi West; Vanguard of Expansion: Army Engineers in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1819- 1879)
Transcontinental Air Mail 17:1:65
transportation 16:2:137, 140, 142; 22:1:52-52; 23:1:37-40
TRAP (see Treasury Relief Art Project)
Trapper Creek site 33:2:215; 45:1:8
Trapper Trails to the Sisk-ke-dee by Carl P. Russell 17:2:89-105
trappers 21:2/3:171 (see also Guide for Trappers, Interesting Early Publication; Half Moon Lake trapper’s hut photo; Smith, E. Willard; Taos Trappers: The Fur Trade in the Far Southwest, 1540-1846)
trappers on Snake River (1839) 15:3:290-291; (1882 or 1883) 25:1:51-55
trapping 66:3:17
travel (see wagon travel)
Travel Log for Saturday, July 16 by David J. Wasden 49:2:263-266
Travel, Sport and Adventure by F. Trench Townshend 42:2:183-189
Travis, Lewis 22:2:29
Travis, Maury M. 27:2:233
Treasure Coach 5:2&3:111
Treasure Coach from Deadwood by Allan Vaughn Elston, review 34:1:125
Treasures of Our West by Peter Hassrick 65:4:19
Treasury of Western Folklore by B. A. Botkin, review 25:1:101-102
Treasury Relief Art Project (TRAP) 52:2:33
TREATIES: Arapahoe (1865) 17:2:161; 18:1:17 Bannock 16:1:9 Box Elder (Utah) 29:1:94, 98-99; 29:2:212 Cheyenne 15:3:235-236; 17:1:16; (1865) 18:1:11, 17 Comanche and Bourgmont 17:2:137 Fort Bridger (1863) 29:1:86, 94-96, 98-99; 29:2:196, 217; 30:1:67-72, 84 Fort Laramie (1851) 41:1:34, 37, 41, 53, 58, 61; 41:2:203-208, 220 Fort Laramie (1868) 1:2:6; 1:4:3; 2:3:45; 13:4:321-330; 17:1:11; 18:1:11, 17, 19, 62, 69; 18:2:112, 115; 20:1:85; 23:1:19, 58; 25:2:163, 165-169, 172; 26:2:70-71; 27:2:179; 28:1:6, 21; 41:1:42, 92; 41:2:227, 230; 44:1:97-99; 48:1:11; 49:1:81; 51:2:44; 54:1:38-48 Fort Wise Treaty (1861) 41:2:207 Horse Creek Council 46:1:20 Indian Treaty of 1859 49:1:66 Medicine Lodge Treaty 46:1:18 (see also individual names) Ruby Valley (1863) 29:1:94, 96-98 Shoshones (1868) 27:2:133; (1862) 28:1:80-82; (1863) 28:2:198, 203, 205, 207; 29:1:94 Shoshones (Northwestern) 29:1:94, 98-99; 29:2:212 Shoshones and Utes (1855) 26:2:172-176: (1858) 27:1:72 Sioux (1868) (see TREATIES: Fort Laramie) Soda Springs (1863) 29:1:90-91, 97, 99; 29:2:206, 211; 30:1:56 Tooele (see TREATIES: Tuilla Valley) Treaty of 1859 49:1:66 Treaty of 1865 46:1:33 (see also individual names) Treaty of 1867 7:2:397 Treaty of 1868 (see TREATIES: Fort Laramie; Shoshones (1868)) Treaty of 1896 8:2:429-545 Treaty of April, 1896 by Colonel Richard H. Wilson 8:2:539-545 Tuilla Valley (1863) 29:1:90-91, 97-99; 29:2:206, 209 Utahs (1863) 29:1:87-88 Utes and Shoshones (see TREATIES: Shoshones and Utes)
Treelessness photo of Big Horn, Wyoming 66:1&2:10-11
Tregaskis, Richard 64:1:24
Trek No. 25 of Historical Trail Treks, "The Wyoming Portion of the Custer Expedition of 1874 to Explore the Black Hills" compiled by Mabel Brown 46:2:263-280
Trek No. 28 of the Historical Trail Treks, Freight and Stage Road from Rawlins to Red Lodge, Montana 49:2:262-284
Treks (see Historical Trail Treks)
Tremper, Peg, review of Wild Bunch 66:1&2:58
Trenholm, Virginia Cole 16:1:232; 22:2:62; 27:2:233; 28:1:44-46, 66-67; 29:1:121; 32:1:120-121; 44:2:299; 46:1:160; 65:4:7 (see also Amanda Mary and the Dog Soldiers; Arapahoes in Council; Bordeaux; Bordeaux Story; George Mitchell, An Interview at the HR Ranch; Shoshonis: Sentinels of the Rockies; Twin Spring; Arapahoes, Our People; review of I Have Spoken; review of Plains Indian Mythology; West of Plymouth; review of Remembered Earth, An Anthology of Contemporary Native American Literature; Wheatland’s First Church)
Trent, Ellen 36:2:230
Trenton, Patricia (see Native Faces: Indian Cultures in American Art)
Trevette (Mr. And Mrs.) 46:1:117
Trew, Charlotte 27:2:233
Tribbott, Bennett 44:2:276
Tribune Leader 64:2:58
Tribune Publishing Company 66:4:6 (see also Wyoming Tribune)
Tribute to Doctor Hebard by Laura A. White 10:4:150
Tribute to Eugene Standing Elk by Arthur J. Dickson 3:4:232
Triggs, J. H. 12:2:151; 13:4:363; 21:2/3:200; 58:1:21; 58:2:40; 62:1:60
Trimble 40:2:203
Trinidad, Colorado 59:1:19, 21, 23
Trip of Colonel James McLaughlin, Indian Inspector, to the Big Horn Hot Springs, Wyoming by John Small 8:1:489-491
Trip to the Black Hills in 1876 by Lloyd McFarling 27:1:35-42
Trip to the Yellowstone and the Oregon Country in 1834 by Charles Gauld III 12:1:62-64
Triplett, Frank (see Life, Times and Treacherous Death of Jesse James)
Trollope, Billy 22:2:80
Trollope, Henry 46:1:116
Trollope, O. L. 27:1:113
Tromley, Louis 26:2:151
Trone, J. W. 5:4:162; 7:1:362
Troopers by S. E. Whitman, review 34:2:251-252
Troper (Private) 30:2:158
Trophy Park 59:1:29, 34, photo 35, 37
Trop-se-po-wot 30:1:72 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Trosper, Clayton A. 20:2:180
Trosper, W. B. 44:1:11
Trotter, Charles F. 16:1:44
troubles (1865) 28:2:182
Trout, D. W. 21:2/3:211
Trout, Nell (Mrs.) 26:1:57, 61
Troy Laundry (Casper, Wyoming) 66:1&2:29, drawing and photo 66:1&2:28
Truax, George 22:2:34
Truckee River 25:2:136-137
trucking (see Diary of Alice Moore at the XX Ranch)
Trucky, Joe 26:1:63
True, A. C. (Doctor) 64:1:19
True, Allen 30:2:167 (see also Wyoming bucking horse emblem)
True, Dave 66:4:36
True, James B. 26:1:30
True, Laura (Mrs.) 25:1:97; 26:1:98
True Parting of the Ways photo 45:1:50
True Republic (poem) by Mrs. I. S. Barlett 37:1:58-60
True, Robert 52:2:39
True, Susan Niethammer (see Casper: A Pictorial History)
Truesdell 31:1:38-39
Trufant, William B. 2:3:52-53
Trugillo, Joseph 64:2:47
Truisdale, Fred 52:2:54
Truman, Harry S. (President) 44:2:254; 45:2:178-179, 189-191, 194-195; 52:1:25, photo 26, 28, 30, 32; 55:1:9, 11; 61:1:6; 64:3/4:23; 66:3:60-61
Trumbaugh 32:2:203
Trumble, Salomon 43:2:276
Trumpet Soundeth. William Jennings Bryan and His Democracy, 1896-1912 by Paul S. Glad, review 32:2:272
truss bridges 58:2:46-57 (see also Wyoming’s Truss Bridges)
Truteau (diary-journal) 17:2:137
Tschirgi, Bessie V. 40:2:265
Tschirgi, Evelyn 40:2:266
Tschirgi, Frank (see Why A Pioneer?)
Tschirgi, Harvey Simplot 40:2:241, 265
Tschirgi, John 40:2:241, 243, 245, 249-251, 256, 262-263
Tse-Mah 27:1:82 (see also Shoshone (Eastern))
Tseng Hoy 59:2:20
T-shar-poo-e-ent (see White Eye)
Tsugudika 33:1:33
Tubb Town 33:2:157; 34:1:13, 18, 20-22, 24-25, 27 (see also ...and then there was one. The Story of Cambria, Tubb Town and Newcastle)
Tubbs, Deloss 34:1:17-18
Tubbs, Franklin 51:2:55
Tubbs, Scott 54:1:84 (see also Prelude to the Black Hills Gold Rush of 1876; review of West of Wild Bill Hickok)
Tuck, Deborah E. (see Native Home of Hope: People and the Northern Rockies)
Tuck, Sharon (Mrs.) 57:2:4
Tucker, H. A. (Mrs.) 25:2:210
Tucker, I. 31:2:177
Tucker, Ross 43:1:25
Tucson, Arizona 64:3/4:22; 65:2/3:5 (see also Davis-Monthan Army Air Field)
Tudor cannon 52:1:22, photos 23-24
Tudor Cannon at Warren Air Force Base by William E. Woodbridge, Jr. 52:1:22-24
Tudor, Ralph 55:2:10
Tuilla Valley 29:1:88
Tukadeka 33:1:20-21, 26-28, 33-35, 39
Tukarika (see Tukadeka)
Tukuarika (see Tukadeka)
Tukurarika (see Tukadeka)
Tull (Mr. And Mrs.) 39:2:224-225
Tull, E. L. (Reverend) 50:1:28
Tull, Samuel (Private) 32:2:232
Tullidge, Edward 60:1:15
Tullock, Samuel 15:3:227-228
tunnel crew at entrance of No. 2 Tunnel photo 38:1:75
Tupper, Gordon 20:2:170
Tupper, Jennie (Miss) 16:2:162, photo 163; 37:1:30, photo 31
Tupper, Mabel 16:2:162, photo 163; 37:1:30, photo 31
Turchen, Lesta Van Der Weret (see review of Martin Murphy, Jr., California Pioneer, 1844-1884. Monograph No. 4)
Turck, Charles 25:1:15
Turk, B. E. 27:2:233; 32:2:241
Turk burial site (see GRAVES)
Turk, Harvey 27:2:233; 36:2:216
Turk, James 4:3:365
Turkey Penn [Pass] 66:4:52
Turnbull (Doctor) photo 34:2:181
Turnbull, Roy 27:2:233
Turnbull, Thomas 18:2:98
Turnell, Jack 64:1:24
Turnell, Lili 64:1:24
Turner (see Graves of Cunningham and Turner; Pioneer Line)
Turner, A. G. 39:2:181
Turner and Allen’s Pioneer Line 31:2:175; 32:2:194
Turner, Don 45:1:20
Turner, Frederick Jackson 45:2:243, 248; 60:1:22-23
Turner, Frederick Jackson 66:4:4
Turner, George (Private) 46:2:270, 275
Turner, Harold 45:1:20
Turner, Hezekiah 59:2:19
Turner, John 16:2:89; 20:2:176; 45:1:20, 24
Turner, John S. 45:1:20
Turner, Kenneth 66:4:20
Turner, Philip 42:1:61
Turner, Reed S. (Mrs.) 27:2:233
Turney, Eugene 42:2:161
Turney, N. J. (Honorable) 17:2:161
Turning on Water With a Shovel: The Career of Elwood Mead by James R. Kluger, review 65:2/3:34-36
Turpen, Bill L. (see review of Our New West. Records of Travel Between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean)
Turpens (Captain) 21:2/3:137
Turpin, Dick 44:1:91
Turpin, John 24:1:28-29
Turtle Creek, Kansas 28:1:76
Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania 22:2:92
Tuska, Jon (see American West in Film: Critical Approaches to the Western)
Tussawehe 29:1:97
Tustin, Wesley T. 21:2/3:155
Tut-sey-gub-bets 29:2:225
Tutt (Captain) 32:2:179
Tutt, C. M. (Captain) 31:2:153
Tutt, John 6:3:266; 35:1:12
Tutt, John S. 18:2:96-97, 99, 101
Tuttle (Coroner) 51:2:18
Tuttle, Edmund B. (Reverend) 39:1:29; 41:1:88
Tuttle, J. E. 37:1:53, 69; 49:1:58
Tuttle, S. B. 16:2:160
Tuttles (Bishop) 14:4:295
Tutt’s Meadow 23:1:61
Twain American Literature series 65:4:42
Twain, Mark (see also Clemens, Samuel; Our Mark Twain, the Making of His Public Personality) 17:1:15; 21:1:92; 26:1:34; 61:2:14
Tweed, William 2:1:7; 40:1:115, 119; 46:2:189-190
Tweed, William "Boss" 26:1:64; 31:1:87
Twelve Mormon Homes. Visited in Succession on a Journey Through Utato Arizona by Elizabeth Wood Kane, review 47:1:120-121
Twentieth Century Pioneering by Mary Julia Moore Allyn, review 28:2:220-221
Twentieth Indiana Volunteers (see MILITARY)
Twenty-first Regiment (see MILITARY)
Twenty-Mile Park, Wyoming 16:2:109-110
Twiggs, David E. (Brevette Major General) 36:1:7; 38:1:7
Twin Creek, Wyoming 26:2:212
Twin Mountains 26:1:94
Twin Spring by Virginia Cole Trenholm 42:2:256-259
Twin Springs 28:1:43-46, 67; 30:2:158
Twiss (Major) 5:1:15; 7:1:347; 7:3:424-425
Twiss, Thomas 47:1:16, 20, 112
Twiss, Thomas S. (Major) 18:2:106, 133; 28:2:175; 38:2:215-216, 219; 41:1:47; 41:2:206; 47:2:220 (see also Letters of Thomas S. Twiss, Indian Agent at Deer Creek, U.S. Indian Agency on the Upper Platte)
Two Bar Ranch (see RANCHES)
Two Dot Ranch by David J. Wasden 49:2:276-280
Two Face 15:4:376; 18:2:107; 27:1:11; 29:2:141 (see also Crow)
Two hundred eleveth (211th) Company, Army Air Force Base Unit (see MILITARY)
Two Moons 28:1:30; 38:2:223 (see also Two Moons)
Two Ocean Creek 15:2:168
Two Ocean Pass 1:3:4 (see also Biographical Sketch of James Bridger)
Two Rivers 55:1:12, 18 (see also Wyoming Station)
Two Strikes 26:2:124; 43:2:249 (see also Sioux)
Two Thousand Miles Overland by Hamlin Garland 22:2:40
Twogwotee Pass 17:2:91; 4:2:279
Tydings, Millard (Senator) 55:1:12, 18
Tyler, Ben 34:2:211
Tyler, Daniel (see Red Men and Hast Wearers: Viewpoints in Indian History)
Tyler, Henry Lee "Night Horse" (Arapaho Indian chief) photo 66:3:51
Tyler, John 33:2:159
Tyler, S. Lyman 27:2:233
Tynan, T. T. 33:2:158
typhoid fever 24:1:84-85
Tyrell Ranger Station 30:1:6, 9
Tyrone, New Mexico 55:1:5
Tyrrel, Walter S. (Mr. and Mrs.) 27:2:233
Tze-go-juni 59:1:54 (see also Apache)