V-E Day 64:3/4:22

V-mail 64:3/4:17

V-V Brand 66:3:42-43 (see B. B. Brooks & Co.)

Vagner, Charles L. 12:4:76-277; 56:1:47; photo 58:1:25

Vail, Theodore N. 23:2:55; 30:2:145, 149-151

Vail Truck Mine 42:2:242

Valdez, Bernard J. 54:2:26

Valle, Andre 43:2:293

Vallee, H. W. 54:2:27

Valley City, Nebraska 23:2:26

Valley Development Company 65:4:28

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 65:1:24

Valley of the Fontenelle by Ella Holden 5:2&3:45-71

Valley of the Upper Yellowstone by Charles W. Cook, David E. Folsom and William Peterson, review 38:1:124

Valley of the Yellowstone 36:2:138

Valuable Relics Presented to State Museum by F. G. White 14:3:243-246

van Hatten, C. J. 27:2:233

Van Arsdall, S. P. 32:2:249

Van Benthuysen, Estella M. (Mrs.) 26:1:96

Van Benthuysen, Thomas 10:2:95

Van Buren, John 53:2:33

Van Buren, Martin 40:1:31-32

Van Burgh, Dana P., Jr. 27:2:233 (see also Sketches of Wyoming)

Van Burgh, Lillian L. 12:1:34

Van Burgh, Lucile (Mrs.) 27:2:233

Van Camp, Ira L. 24:2:89

Van Cise, Monana 9:2:700

Van Derventer, Lester 39:2:258

Van Devanter, Isaac 53:2:37

Van Devanter, Willis (Judge) 15:1:45; 20:2:118, 120; 24:2:84; 37:1:36, 44; 37:2:57, 161, 163-165, 167, photo 170, 171-206; 42:1:51-56; 44:1:101-102; 53:2:2-11, photo 27, 37-38, 40-41; 54:1:11, 13-14; 55:2:6 (see also Supreme Court Appointment of Willis Van Devanter)

Van Devanter, Winslow B. 37:2:173-174, 184

Van Doren, Tom 25:2:114, 116, 118, 120, 139

Van Dyck and Deever 66:4:50 (see also Van Dyck, Lewis H.)

Van Dyck, Lewis H. 66:4:51-52

Van Dyck’s slaughter house 66:4:52

Van Dyke 19:1:51

Van Dyke, J. C. (Mrs.) 1:3:20; 2:2:39; 8:12:524

Van Dyke, John C. 35:2:127

Van Heusen, Lodie 39:1:94

Van Horn, J. H. (Doctor) 26:1:21

Van Horn, J. J. (Colonel) 18:1:55; 35:2:149; 36:1:48; 38:1:62-63, 65

Van Kirk, Sylvia (see Many Tender Ties)

Van Lutwitz (see Von Leuttwitz)

Van Metre, R. 8:2:564

Van Metre, Ricker 28:2:141

Van Nuys, Laura Bower (see Family Band)

Van Orsdale, J. T. (Captain) 16:1:11, 13

Van Orsdel (Attorney General) 20:1:11; 24:2:20

Van Orsdel, J. A. (Judge) 53:2:5, 8

Van Patten, William 26:1:64

Van Rensselaer, Marianna Guilder 38:1:50-53

Van Sickles 19:2:87

Van Tassel, Charles 27:1:115-116

Van Tassell, Louise Swan 4:1:271; Swan 51:2:12, 18; photo 54:2:55

Van Tassel, R. S. (Mrs.) 21:2/3:230-231

Van Tassell, R. S. (Mrs.) 17:2:158

Van Tassell, R. S. 32:2:164; 43:2:253; 51:2:13, 18

Van Tramp, John C. 65:1:45

Van Tyre and Leland 16:1:45

Van Uleck, C. R. 42:2:159

Van Valin, J. F. (Mrs.) 21:1:101

Van Valkenburgh, Lois 20:1:14; 65:4:31

Van Valzah, Montgomery 38:2:137

Van Vleit (see Van Vliet)

Van Vlierden, A. H. 36:2:222

Van Vliet, Steward (Captain) 18:2:96; 45:1:34-35; 58:2:6-8

Van Voast, James (Major) 2:2:32; 18:1:55; 34:2:158; 38:1:18, 43, 47; 38:2:137; 40:2:180-181

Van Wagner, K. D. 54:2:23, 26

Van West, Carroll Capitalism on the Frontier, review 64-65

Van Winkle, O. W. (Captain) 47:1:23

Vance 33:1:67

Vance, A. J. 24:2:18

Vance, Clare 17:1:74

Vance, Roberta 25:1:26

Vandehei, Earl F. 4:3:365

Vandenburg 33:2:162-164

Vander Sluis, George 45:1:64-65

Vanderburgh 15:3:213

Vanderhoff, Genie 64:3/4:42

Vanderhoff, William H. 60:1:18-20

Vanderly 19:2:87

VanDevanter, Willis A. 64:2:37

Vandever, William 25:2:208-209

Vandierendonk, Leon 49:2:279

Vanguard of Expansion: Army Engineers in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1819-1879 by Department of the Army, review 53:2:276-77

Vanguard of their Valley: A History of the Ten Sleep Country by Faye V. Bell, review 62:2:106-107

Vanished Frontier by C. P. Arnold 16:1:57-62

Vanity Fair (see German Sections of Vanity Fair and Other Studies)

Vanlaningham (Corporal) 65:1:8

VanOrsdale, Josiah A. 64:2:37-38

Vansant (cattleman) 15:1:32

VanZant, Jim (Deputy Sheriff) 64:2:36

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo 58:1:13

Vap, Jeanne Robertson 42:2:285 (see also Grand Teton: Frontier Newspaper in the Twentieth Century)

Vardy, W. W. (Mr. and Mrs.) 43:1:6

Varley, Ed 40:1:107-108

Varley, Rae Dell 40:1:107 (see also Point of Rocks Stage Station)

Varner, R. E. 54:2:23, 26-27

Varney, Michael E. (see review of Diesels West!)

Varnum (Lieutenant) 48:1:116

varsity football squad (1926) photo 57:2:17

Vasey, Wanda (see review of Mormon role in the Settlement of the West)

Vasquez 15:3:287-289, 293, 295

Vasquez, Benito 1:3:5; 12:3:229; 33:2:167; 55:1:52

Vasquez, Louis 25:2:145, 149, 152-153; 26:2:160, 162; 31:2:221-222, 224; 35:2:204-205; 46:2:217, 237

Vass, Irene 31:2:226

Vaughn, Alfred 44:1:59, 61, 65

Vaughn, Harold (Mrs.) 23:2:48

Vaughn, J. W. 30:2:233-234, 239 (see also Heck Reel Wagon Burning; Indian Fighters: New Facts on Seven Encounters; With Crook at the Rosebud)

Vaughn, S. V. (Miss) 38:2:190

Vaughn Union Sunday School 65:1:30

Vaughn, William (Captain) 21:2/3:135

Vaught, W. L. 33:2:151

Vause, Mikel review of Grand Controversy: The Pioneer Climbs in the Teton Range and the Controversial First Ascent of the Grand Teton 66:3:73-74

Vaux, Richard (Reverend) 45:1:103

Vavra, Frank Joseph 9:2:698

Veeder, J. S. 24:1:16; 54:2:22

Veeder, William H. 59:1:24

Veiher 37:1:100

Veitch, William 28:2:176

Venetian Renaissance buildings 66:1&2:31

Venice (Italy) 66:1&2:31

Venture Corporation of London 22:1:85

Ver Steeg, Clarence L. 49:2:234, 249

Verdi, Nevada 65:4:30

Verendreyes (see Verendrye brothers)

Verendrye brothers 1:1:4; 2:3:41; 4:2:278-279; 17:2:106-147; 37:2:212-213, 217

Verendrye, Jean 17:2:109 (see also Discovery of the Rocky Mountain; LaVerendrye, Pathfinder of the West )

Verendrye Plate by Doane Robinson 17:2:146-147

Vermilion County (Illinois) 66:3:31

Vermont 65:4:16; 66:3:16

Vermont marble 66:1&2:34

Vermont state legislature 66:3:31

Vernal, Utah 17:1:21

Vernon, Tom 27:2:239-240

Verse, Wyoming 29:2:159

Vest, George G. (U. S. Senator) 20:2:150; 60:2:27, 29; 65:1:47

Vestal, Stanley 25:1:102-104; 41:2:194 (see also Joe Meek, The Merry Mountain Man a Biography)

Veteran, Wyoming 29:2:159

Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary 26:2:115

veterinarian 20:1:80

VI Sheep Company 22:1:87

Viall, J. A. 44:1:68

Vible Store 22:2:36

Victor Lake 25:1:70

Victorian Englishman’s View of the West by Brian P. Birch 54:1:2-9

Vidal, J. S. 20:1:58

Viehe, Fred W. (see Cities of the Prairie Revisited: The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier)

Vienna Universal Exposition 22:1:16

Viennese 66:1&2:2

Vietnam (see What Should We Tell Our Children About Vietnam?)

Vietnam 66:3:16, 21

Vietnam War 66:4:5

View from Officers’ Row: Army Perceptions of Western Indians by Sherry L. Smith, review 62:3:144

Vigilance Committee 4:3:345; 39:1:19 (see also vigilantes)

vigilantes 5:2&3:105-106; 13:2:145-151; 21:1:90, 92; 21:2/3:201; 42:2:184 (see also Montana’s Righteous Hangmen: The Vigilantes in Action; Vigilance Committeee)

Viho Mappy Creek 17:1:45

Vilas, William F. 18:2:161

Villa, Francisco 22:1:78

Villa Montezuma (California) 51:2:15

villages (see Albany County villages)

Villard, Henry 44:2:235

Villepigue, John B. (Lieutenant) 27:1:59

Vincent (Sheriff) 20:2:173

Vincent, Ida 33:1:58

Vincent, Joe, photo 65:4:7

Vincent, Tip 33:2:203

Vine, James 17:1:78, 80; 21:2/3:208; 24:1:64; 28:2:133

Vion, Reue 49:2:274

Virgin Creek 51:1:107

Virgin River 21:2/3:119

Virginia 66:1&2:48

Virginia City, Montana 32:1:113; 36:1:43, 69, 73; 36:2:221-224, 230-231; 40:2:273, 278-280; 42:21:270; 43:2:238; 49:1:33, 35, 37, 39-40, 43-45, 47-48, 50; 65:4:50

Virginia City, Montana Territory 23:2:39

Virginia City, Nevada (see Territorial Enterprise)

Virginia Dale, Colorado 21:1:89; 21:2/3:188; 26:1:93; 33:1:75-77, 80, 92

Virginia Dale post office 33:1:81

Virginia Dale Stage Station 21:2/3:188

Virginia Dale Stage Station on the Overland Route by Edith R. Williams 33:1:74-80

Virginia Dale store 33:1:81

Virginian (see Owen Wister and His Critics: Realism and Morality in the Virginian)

Virginian by Owen Wister 16:1:33; 22:2:32; 57:2:35-36; 64:1:2-10; photo 65:4:frontispiece; 38

Virginian Hotel 16:1:33 (see also Wister, Owen)

Visalia Company 34:2:216

Visalia’s saddle tree 26:1:28

Visscher, William Lightfoot 18:1:86, 88

Vittorio 66:3:8 (see also Apache)

Vivian, Robert 33:2:195

Vivion, Bob 44:2:205

Vivion, Charles 27:2:233; 31:2:235; 37:1:123; 44:2:205

Vivion, Vern 44:2:205

Vodges, A. W. (Lieutenant) 43:2:238

Vodges, Ada A. (Mrs.) 43:2:237, 242-245

Voetter, Richard G. W. 23:2:63

Vogelsang, A. 21:2/3:208

Voice in the Wilderness: H. V. Rominger and the Social Gospel in the West by William H. Moore 53:1:1-5, 66

Voight, Barton R. 45:2:273 (see also Joseph C. O’Mahoney and the 1952 Senate Election in Wyoming; review From Beaver to Oil, A Century in the Development of Wyoming’s Big Horn Basin)

Volgel, Al 23:1:80

Volstead Act 48:2:270; 66:1&2:36; 66:4:14, 48

Voltaire and the Cowboy: The Letters of Thurman Arnold edited by Gene M. Gressley, review 50:2:352-353

volunteer defense workers 24:1:7-8

volunteer fire company (see FIRSTS: permanent volunteer fire company)

volunteerism (see History of Volunteering in Wyoming)

Von Begal family 33:1:84

Von Blessingh, C. A. 4:4:450; 5:2&3:122

Von der Gabelenz, Hans Carl Leopold 22:2:106

Von Doenhoff (Count; reporter) 16:2:127

Von Gontard, Consuela 44:2:262

Von Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst 55:2:25-27 (see also German Looks at Cheyenne in 1876: The Travels of Ernst von Hesse-Wartegg)

Von Krosigk, Mable (Mrs.) 39:1:137

Von Leuttwitz 44:1:44

Von Lichtenstein, (Count Ott) (see Franc, Otto)

Von Luerzer, Feodor 66:1&2:2

Vonnie, Wyoming 29:2:158

Voorhees, George 5:4:161

Voorhees, Luke (Mrs.) 3:2:148; 8:3:602

Voorhees, Luke 20:2:173; 21:2/3:226; 27:1:108; 37:1:7, 9, 104; 54:2:48, 51-53; 57:2:22

Voorhees Post Office 33:2:181

Voorhis, Charles B. 43:1:21-22

Voth, Hazel Hunt 13:2:157

Voting Patterns in the Wyoming Constitutional Convention of 1889 by Gordon Morris Baken 42:2:225-235


Vreeland, Bessie 37:1:31

Vreeland, Effie 37:1:31