The Wyoming Historical Society has 12 standing committees. Committee responsibility and membership can be found by clicking one of the following. In addition, the Society currently has three ad hoc committees. For additional information contact Aley Philp, WHS Executive Director, or
- Executive Committee
- Jessica Flock, President, Laramie, WY
- Lucas Keeler, 1st VP, Newcastle, WY
- Beki Speas, 2nd VP, Sheridan, WY
- Heidi McCullough, Treasurer, Douglas, WY
- Nancy Tabb, Secretary, Buffalo, WY
- Dean King, Thermopolis, WY
- Bud Alley, Signal Mountain, TN
- SW Rep, Vacant
- SE Rep, Vacant
The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE is the governing body of the Society. It is composed of nine elected trustees. Three trustees are elected each year. Four trustees serve as at-large members. At least one trustee is elected from each of the four geographic regions: NE = Sheridan, Johnson, Campbell, Crook, Weston SE = Converse, Niobrara, Platte, Goshen, Laramie, Albany, Carbon NW = Park, Big Horn, Hot Springs, Washakie, Fremont, Natrona SW = Teton, Lincoln, Sublette, Uinta, Sweetwater. At large trustees may reside in any part of the state. One At-Large member shall be from out of state.
The Executive Committee reorganizes annually, immediately following the annual business meeting of the Society membership. This group plans the activities of the year, meets at least four times a year, or may meet as frequently as called by the president to expedite the business of the Society. Local chapter presidents, or their designated representative, are considered voting members of the Executive Committee when invited by the president to attend a given meeting or meetings. As a committee this group shall select from amongst themselves a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
PRESIDENT: The president sets the dates of the Executive Committee meetings, prepares the agenda, presides at all meetings including committee and business meetings, and presides at the Annual Business Meeting. The president coordinates activities of the Society and its chapters. The president appoints committee chairmen and members with the assistance of the Executive Committee and, in accordance with the Bylaws, serves on various other committees involving awards and grants. The president issues follow-up letters to see that committee chairmen are functioning and know their time limits. The president presents those program awards not under the authority of the 2nd vice president and introduces the new officers at the Annual Meeting.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: The first vice president is Chairman of the Projects Committee and also assumes responsibility for planning the Annual Trek.
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: The second vice president is chairman of the Awards Committee and is in charge of the Awards Program of the Society. Award winners must be reported to the Executive Director at least four weeks before the Annual Meeting so winners can be notified and awards certificates prepared. At the Annual Meeting this officer presents the award certificates to the winners.
SECRETARY: The secretary takes minutes of the Executive Committee meetings and the Annual Meeting, and handles other correspondence pertaining to the office as directed.
TREASURER: The treasurer records deposits made by the executive secretary, pays bills, and maintains the financial accounts thereon. The treasurer issues such financial statements as are required for the Executive Committee meetings and Annual Meeting and has the books reviewed annually immediately after the end of the fiscal year. AT LARGE TRUSTEES: The four remaining trustees, along with the officers of the Executive Committee, will work with county presidents when assistance is needed and keep chapters informed of the WHS projects, request assistance in planning projects and suggestions on new projects to keep the Society "saving the Wyoming history". All trustees shall attend the Executive Board meetings if at all possible as voting members.
For more information about officers and board members please email Aley Philp, Executive Director, or, or call 307-322-3014.
- Projects Committee
The chairperson of the projects committee is the first vice president. Membership of the committee is appointed by the president in consultation with the first vice president. The projects committee's functions are: 1. To assist with State Trek, if needed. 2. To notify chapters and media of deadlines for awards and administer the Lola Homsher Grants award program. 3. To work with History Day Coordinators on the Homsher Scholarship. 4. To review and update, if necessary, regulations for the grants program and the Homsher Scholarship award. 5. To accept from the membership and chapters suggestions for projects which might be undertaken by the State Society. 6. To take such suggestions under serious consideration so that any which might be worthwhile state projects can be presented for the consideration of the membership.
Chair: Lucas Keeler, Newcastle
Members: Sara Davis, Cheyenne; Brie Blasi, Laramie; and Patty Kessler, Laramie.
For details please contact Society headquarters at 307-322-3014 or or - Awards Committee
The chairperson of the Awards Committee is the second vice president. Membership of the committee is appointed by the president for a three year term as vacancies arise. The awards committee's functions are: 1. To notify chapters and media of deadlines for awards nominations. 2. To receive nominations for awards listed in the Society's awards program. 3. To distribute the nominations to members of the committee. 4. To arrange a meeting and meet with the committee for final decisions on award recipients. 5. To arrange for a secured display room with the sponsoring chapter or organization and display the award winners during the Annual Meeting of the Society. 6. To announce and present awards to the recipients at the annual Awards luncheon at the State meeting of the Society. 7. To review and update, if necessary, the awards booklet.
Chair: Beki Speas, Sheridan, WY
Members: Bob Townsend, Atlantic City; Korina Ike, Hulett; and TBD.
For details contact Society headquarters at 307-322-3014 or or - Legislative Committee
The chairperson and members of the Legislative Committee are appointed by the president of the State Society. In addition each chapter president serves or appoints a member of their chapter to serve as a member of this committee. The legislative committee's functions are:
- To present to the Legislature and obtain a sponsor for any bills proposed by the Wyoming State Historical Society through regular action at the Annual Meeting.
- To accept prior to the Annual Meeting and proposed legislation which should receive attention of the State Society.
- To contact the members of the Legislature in the respective counties, explaining any proposed bills and urging their passage or defeat as is consistent with the State Historical Society policy.
- To keep the Executive Committee informed as to progress of legislation in which the Society is interested.
Chair: Lucas Fralick
Committee members:
For details contact Society headquarters at 307-322-3014 or or - Bylaws & Resolutions Committee
The chairperson is appointed by the president of the Society. The president of each county chapter shall be a member of this committee. The Resolutions Committee's functions are:
1. To obtain from the membership resolutions to be presented at the Annual Business Meeting of the State Society. 2. Resolutions which require a change in the constitution must be received by the chairman of this committee by July 1 so they can be forwarded to the editor of the "Wyoming History News" for publication at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Other resolutions should be received by the chairman by August 15 of each year to receive consideration at the Annual Meeting. 3. The chairman will keep the president informed of proposed resolutions. 4. The committee will present such courtesy resolutions as may be appropriate for the Annual Meeting.
Chair: Richard Knight, Chair
Committee Members: Linda Knight; Linda Fabian, TBD; and the president of each county chapter.
For details contact Society headquarters at 307-322-3014 or or - Management And Oversight Committee
The Management And Oversight Committee chairperson is appointed by the president of the Society. One (1) new member to be appointed annually by the President. The purpose of this committee is to assure that all other committees and staffs work together with a minimum of duplicative effort and maximize the use of the Society’s resources. This committee shall present a report at the Annual meeting. This committee will be responsible for all grants, both those being requested and those being granted. This committee will be responsible for dispersing grant funds to chapter and other entities, with the exception of the Homsher grant. In addition, this committee will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing the actions of WHS staff.
Chair: Mike Jording
Committee members: Tom Rea, TBD, TBD
For details contact Society headquarters 307-322-3014 or or - Nominating Committee
One member is elected each year by the membership for the Nominating Committee at the Annual Meeting of the Society. This member will serve for a three year term. The Committee may choose its own chairperson. The nominating committee's functions are: 1. The Nominating Committee shall name a minimum of one candidates for each of the three trustee positions that are to be filled each year. 2. The chairman of the Nominating Committee will forward these nominations to the Executive Committee for their approval and forwarding to the editor of the Wyoming History News for publication at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. 3. In addition, the Nominating Committee shall be entrusted with the duty of counting the ballots (which have been returned by the Society's members direct to Cheyenne headquarters and given to the Nominating Committee prior to the Annual Business Meeting) at a time and place convenient to the committee and, during the Society's Annual Business Meeting, announcing the results of the election.
Chair: Cindy Brown
Members: Linda Fabian, Wheatland; and Lynn Houze, Cody.
For details contact Society headquarters at 307-322-3014 or or - Oral History Committee
One member of the Oral History Committee is appointed each year to this committee of three by the president of the State Society. This member will serve for a three year term. The oral history committee's functions are: 1. To promote oral history projects, in all phases, in Wyoming. 2. To act as consultants for advisers regarding these projects if needed. 3. To assist with oral history workshops sponsored by the Society.
Chair: TBD
Members: TBD
For details contact Society headquarters 307-322-3014 or or - Historic Preservation Committee
The Historic Preservation Committee shall be appointed by the president of the Society. The Historic Preservation Committee's functions are: 1. To focus on activities for the promotion and preservation of any historical heritage of our state. 2. To encourage documentation and research of historic sites, buildings and archaeological features that might be threatened by destruction or construction. 3. To keep the Executive Committee of the Society informed of sites which might be endangered. 4. To select the Maurine Carley Award. The Maurine Carley Memorial Award is made by the Wyoming Historical Society to an organization or an individual in recognition of an outstanding project in the field of historic preservation. The award is presented at the Annual Awards presentation during the Annual Meeting.
Chair: Heidi McCullough
Committee Members: TBD
For details contact Society headquarters 307-322-3014 or or - Finance Committee
The chairperson of the Finance Committee is appointed by the president of the Society, one (1) new member to be appointed annually by the President. In addition to the appointed executive committee member, the Treasurer shall chair the committee. The committee's functions are: The purpose of this committee is to assess the Wyoming Historical Society investments and make recommendations to the executive council. The committee shall meet a minimum of two times annually, and more if desired or required. This committee shall present a report at the Annual meeting.
Chair: Heidi McCullough, Chair
Committee members: Lucas Keeler, TBD and TBD.
For details contact Society headquarters 307-322-3014 or or - Publications Committee
The Publications Committee shall consist of the WHS president and four at-large members. One member is selected by vote of the Executive Committee each year to serve for a three year term. The publications committee's functions are: 1. Make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding production arrangements for Wyoming History News and the Annals of Wyoming, and any other publications of the Society. Only the Executive Committee is empowered to enter into contractual agreements. 2. Establish editorial policies for Wyoming History News and Annals of Wyoming, and any other publications of the Society, provide direction to the editors, and help assure that timely and appropriate information is available to the editors. 3. Conduct a yearly review and evaluation of Wyoming History News and Annals of Wyoming, and any other publications of the Society.
Chair: Jessica Flock, Chair
Members: Dean King, Thermopolis; Nancy Tabb, Buffalo; and Kylie McCormick, Casper.
For details contact Society headquarters 307-322-3014 or or - Website Committee
The chairperson is appointed by the president of the Society. The duties of the committee will be to regularly review the content of the website, make recommendations to edit and improve its presentation, and provide for the technical direction of the website. The committee shall report website activities at the Annual Meeting.
Chair: Tom Rea, Casper
Members: Kylie McCormick, TBD, TBD
For details contact Society headquarters 307-322-3014 or or - Committee
The WyoHistory.Org committee is responsible for the development of www.WyoHistory.Org, the Society’s online encyclopedia. The purpose of is to encourage exploration of Wyoming and its past by building and maintaining an ongoing source of information about Wyoming history.
Chair: Kylie McCormick, Casper, WY
Committee Members: Tom Rea, Casper; Lucas Keeler, Newcastle; Ann Noble, Cora; and Lynn Houze, Cody.
For details contact Society headquarters 307-322-3014 or or